Ideas from 'Realism and Anti-Realism' by Michael Dummett [1992], by Theme Structure

[found in 'The Seas of Language' by Dummett,Michael [OUP 1993,0-19-823621-2]].

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7. Existence / D. Theories of Reality / 2. Realism
Metaphysical realists are committed to all unambiguous statements being true or not true
                        Full Idea: The anti-realist view undercuts the ground for accepting bivalence. ...Acceptance of bivalence should not be taken as a sufficient condition for realism. ..They accept the weaker principle that unambiguous statements are determinately true or not true.
                        From: Michael Dummett (Realism and Anti-Realism [1992], p.467)
                        A reaction: [cited by Kit Fine, when discussing anti-realism] I take it be quite an important component of realism that there might be facts which will never be expressed, or are even beyond our capacity to grasp or express them