Index of the TEXTS ( Chronologically )

1 Magna Carta [ 1215]
1 The Putney Debates [1647]
  Anon (Gilg)  
1 The Epic of Gilgamesh [2300 BCE]
  Anon (Upan)  
18 The Upanishads [950 BCE]
3 The Gathas (seventeen hymns) [900 BCE]
5 The Iliad [850 BCE]
  Anon (Tor)  
3 01: Book of Genesis [750 BCE]
1 30: Book of Amos [740 BCE]
1 works [700 BCE]
  Anon (Lev)  
1 03: Book of Leviticus [700 BCE]
3 23: Book of Isaiah [680 BCE]
1 reports [600 BCE]
1 reports [610 BCE]
5 fragments/reports [585 BCE]
8 fragments/reports [570 BCE]
3 24: Book of Jeremiah [570 BCE]
2 fragments/reports [600 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [546 BCE]
  Anon (Kings)  
1 11: Book of Kings 1 [550 BCE]
  Anon (Josh)  
1 06: Book of Joshua [540 BCE]
  Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)  
3 reports [540 BCE]
  Laozi (Lao Tzu)  
15 Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) [530 BCE]
  Anon (Job)  
1 18: Book of Job [535 BCE]
2 fragments/reports [490 BCE]
6 fragments/reports [530 BCE]
  Kongzi (Confucius)  
8 The Analects (Lunyu) [511 BCE]
  Anon (Bhag)  
12 The Bhagavad Gita [500 BCE]
  Anon (Cent)  
8 Centring [500 BCE]
36 fragments/reports [500 BCE]
1 poems (frags) [490 BCE]
1 The Eumenides [458 BCE]
1 poems [478 BCE]
27 fragments/reports [474 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [460 BCE]
7 comedies (frags) [470 BCE]
23 fragments/reports [460 BCE]
1 Women of Trachis [430 BCE]
22 fragments/reports [453 BCE]
  Zeno (Elea)  
7 fragments/reports [450 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [435 BCE]
4 fragments/reports [443 BCE]
1 The Bacchae [407 BCE]
1 The Histories [435 BCE]
3 fragments/reports [443 BCE]
17 fragments/reports [441 BCE]
2 fragments/reports [450 BCE]
2 fragments/reports [440 BCE]
  Diogenes (Apoll)  
10 fragments/reports [440 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [435 BCE]
4 The Mozi [440 BCE]
4 fragments/reports [439 BCE]
7 On the Cosmos (lost) [435 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [425 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [430 BCE]
1 Hippocrates of Cos on the mind [430 BCE]
2 fragments/reports [425 BCE]
44 reports of career [420 BCE]
9 reports of last days [399 BCE]
54 fragments/reports [431 BCE]
4 fragments/reports [423 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [426 BCE]
1 plays (frags) [410 BCE]
2 fragments/reports [410 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [400 BCE]
  Antisthenes (Ath)  
5 fragments/reports [405 BCE]
  Anon (Diss)  
9 Dissoi Logoi - on Double Arguments [401 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [375 BCE]
  Aristippus the elder  
6 fragments/reports [395 BCE]
1 Apology of Socrates [392 BCE]
1 Symposium [391 BCE]
2 The Apology [398 BCE]
2 Laches [395 BCE]
13 Protagoras [391 BCE]
3 Euthyphro [389 BCE]
8 Euthydemus [385 BCE]
2 Lysis [383 BCE]
3 Hippias Major [382 BCE]
27 Gorgias [378 BCE]
12 Meno [376 BCE]
19 Cratylus [375 BCE]
30 works [375 BCE]
25 Phaedo [374 BCE]
19 The Symposium [373 BCE]
1 Clitophon* [372 BCE]
92 The Republic [371 BCE]
24 Phaedrus [368 BCE]
37 Parmenides [366 BCE]
33 Theaetetus [364 BCE]
54 Timaeus [362 BCE]
16 The Sophist [358 BCE]
9 The Statesman [356 BCE]
25 Philebus [354 BCE]
1 Letter Seven [352 BCE]
45 The Laws [349 BCE]
2 thirty titles (lost) [367 BCE]
  Diogenes (Sin)  
9 reports [360 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [327 BCE]
1 comedies (frags) [350 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [340 BCE]
3 fragments/reports [390 BCE]
  Metrodorus (Chi)  
1 Natural Science (lost) [340 BCE]
  Aristippus the younger  
8 fragments/reports [335 BCE]
  Mengzi (Mencius)  
10 The Mengzi (Mencius) [332 BCE]
1 On the Senses [321 BCE]
1 On Metaphysics (frags) [320 BCE]
  Anon (Plat)  
1 Alcibiades [340 BCE]
17 The Art of Rhetoric [350 BCE]
2 The Poetics [347 BCE]
1 The Parts of Animals [345 BCE]
3 The History of Animals [344 BCE]
94 Physics [337 BCE]
12 On the Heavens [336 BCE]
25 Coming-to-be and Passing-away (Gen/Corr) [335 BCE]
229 Nicomachean Ethics [334 BCE]
1 Protrepticus (frags) [334 BCE]
44 Eudemian Ethics [333 BCE]
115 Politics [332 BCE]
41 Categories [331 BCE]
7 Sophistical Refutations [331 BCE]
34 Topics [331 BCE]
19 On Interpretation [330 BCE]
25 works [330 BCE]
54 De Anima [329 BCE]
15 Prior Analytics [328 BCE]
72 Posterior Analytics [327 BCE]
335 Metaphysics [324 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [330 BCE]
  Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu)  
15 The Book of Chuang Tzu [329 BCE]
  Crates (Theb)  
2 fragments/reports [325 BCE]
17 reports [325 BCE]
1 On the Soul (frags) [320 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [310 BCE]
25 Letter to Herodotus [293 BCE]
3 Letter to Pythocles [292 BCE]
16 Letter to Menoeceus [291 BCE]
11 Principle Doctrines ('Kuriai Doxai') (frags) [290 BCE]
46 fragments/reports [289 BCE]
  Diodorus Cronus  
4 fragments/reports [300 BCE]
  Zeno (Citium)  
27 fragments/reports [294 BCE]
  Metrodorus (Lamp)  
1 fragments/reports [291 BCE]
12 Elements of Geometry [290 BCE]
1 On Sensations (frags) [285 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [275 BCE]
4 fragments/reports [270 BCE]
  Democritus (attrib)  
24 reports [250 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [270 BCE]
  Anon (Dham)  
8 The DhammaPada [250 BCE]
3 fragments/reports [250 BCE]
  Xunzi (Xun Kuang)  
2 The Xunzi [250 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [240 BCE]
60 fragments/reports [240 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [240 BCE]
  Anon (Ecc)  
5 21: Book of Ecclesiastes [200 BCE]
  Stoic school  
91 fragments/reports [200 BCE]
  Diogenes (Bab)  
3 fragments/reports [180 BCE]
10 fragments/reports [174 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [170 BCE]
  Anon (Dan)  
1 27: Book of Daniel [165 BCE]
4 fragments/reports [145 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [120 BCE]
1 Chapters on Scepticism [100 BCE]
2 fragments/reports [95 BCE]
1 fragments/reports [70 BCE]
1 Herculaneum Papyrus [50 BCE]
1 On Signs (damaged) [50 BCE]
1 Pyrrhonian Arguments (frags) [60 BCE]
42 On the Nature of the Universe [60 BCE]
  M. Tullius Cicero  
1 On Divination ('De divinatione') [46 BCE]
7 Academica [45 BCE]
3 On Duties ('De Officiis') [44 BCE]
3 On Fate ('De fato') [44 BCE]
20 On the Nature of the Gods ('De natura deorum') [44 BCE]
10 Tusculan Disputations [44 BCE]
  Hillel the Elder  
1 reports [10]
12 reports [32]
3 Buddhacarita [50]
3 Saundaranandakavya [50]
  St Peter  
1 21: First Epistle of Peter [50]
  St Paul  
1 12: Colossians [55]
1 10: Ephesians [55]
1 09: Galatians [55]
2 06: Epistle to the Romans [55]
1 06: Romans [55]
6 fragments/reports [60]
  St Mark  
1 02: Gospel of St Mark [66]
  Seneca the Younger  
32 Letters from a Stoic [60]
4 On Anger (Book 3) [60]
3 On Providence [60]
9 On the Happy Life [60]
1 14: Superstition [85]
1 26: Oracles in Decline [85]
3 64: Gryllus - on Rationality in Animals [85]
1 67: Platonic Questions [85]
1 68: Generation of the soul in 'Timaeus' [85]
1 72: Against Stoics on common Conceptions [85]
6 74: Reply to Colotes [85]
1 75: Is 'Live Unknown' a Wise Precept? [85]
1 Life of Theseus [85]
40 The Discourses [56]
1 fragments/reports [57]
4 The Handbook [Encheiridion] [58]
  St John  
2 23: First Epistle of John [90]
1 25: Third Epistle of John [90]
2 04: Gospel of St John [95]
  [Roman law]  
1 Roman Law [100]
  Anon (Titus)  
1 17: Epistle to Titus [115]
1 Mahaprajnaparamitashastra [120]
1 teachings [120]
1 Hymn to Perfect Wisdom [150]
1 fragments/reports [160]
1 On Medical Experience [169]
2 On Hippocrates and Plato [170]
1 On the Natural Faculties [170]
1 An Outline of Empiricism [170]
7 The soul's dependence on the body [170]
  Marcus Aurelius  
6 The Meditations (To Himself) [170]
2 On the True Doctrine (Against Christians) [178]
  Sextus Empiricus  
4 Against the Ethicists (one book) [180]
5 Against the Logicians (two books) [180]
2 Against the Mathematicians [180]
20 Against the Physicists (two books) [180]
5 Against the Professors (six books) [180]
37 Outlines of Pyrrhonism [180]
1 works [190]
1 On Aristotle's Metaphysics Book 2 [200]
1 The Great Event [200]
2 works [200]
16 The Enneads [245]
  Diogenes Laertius  
7 Lives of Eminent Philosophers [250]
21 Launching Points to the Realm of the Mind [280]
1 Isagoge ('Introduction') [295]
1 Life of Pythagoras [290]
1 Papancasudani [400]
22 Confessions [398]
8 works [415]
2 City of God [427]
2 Commentary on Euclid's 'Elements' [452]
1 Librium de interpretatione editio secunda [516]
1 Second Commentary on 'Isagoge' [517]
1 Concerning the Trinity [518]
21 The Consolations of Philosophy [520]
23 The Koran [622]
  Avicenna (Abu Ibn Sina)  
4 Commentary on the Metaphysics [1022]
9 Proslogion [1090]
1 De Veritate (On Truth) [1095]
  Peter Abelard  
8 works [1135]
  Averroes (Ibn Rushd)  
1 Commentary on 'Physics' [1190]
  Moses Maimonides  
2 The Guide of the Perplexed [1190]
  Robert Grosseteste  
1 Commentary on 'Posterior Analytics' [1226]
  Roger Bacon  
1 Opus Maius (major works) [1254]
  Henry of Ghent  
4 Quodlibeta [1284]
  Albertus Magnus  
1 On Minerals [1260]
1 On 'Generation and Corruption' [1261]
2 Commentary on Sentences [1252]
  Thomas Aquinas  
1 Sentences [1264]
61 Summa Theologicae [1265]
1 On Aristotle's 'Metaphysics' [1266]
14 De Ente et Essentia (Being and Essence) [1267]
2 Disputed questions about truth [1267]
4 Quodlibeta [1267]
3 Summa Contra Gentiles [1268]
1 Sententia on 'De Caelo' [1268]
1 On the spiritual perfection of life [1268]
1 Sententia on 'Posterior Analytics' [1269]
1 Quaestiones de Potentia Dei [1269]
1 Quaestiones de anima [1269]
17 Quaestiones Disputatae de Malo [1271]
1 Super Epistolam Pauli Apostoli [1272]
  Giles of Orleans  
1 On 'Generation and Corruption' [1270]
2 Ars Magna [1305]
  Anon (Par)  
5 The Condemnation of 1277 [1277]
  Peter John Olivi  
1 Treatise on Quantity [1286]
3 Summa quaestionum super Sententias [1290]
  John Duns Scotus  
1 Lectura [1298]
1 In Praed. [1300]
1 Oxford Commentary on Sentences [1301]
11 works [1301]
8 Ordinatio [1302]
2 In Metaphysics [1304]
  Walter Burley  
2 Commentary on 'Physics' [1325]
1 De formis [1330]
  Peter Auriol  
3 Sentences [1316]
  Francis of Marchia  
1 Commentary on Sentences [1330]
  Richard Fitzralph  
1 Sentences [1328]
  William Crathorn  
1 Sentences [1335]
  William of Ockham  
1 Commentary on the Sentences [1320]
2 Ordinatio [1320]
1 Predest.,God's foreknowledge and contingents [1320]
2 Prologue to Ordinatio [1320]
3 Summula philosophiae naturalis [1320]
9 Summa totius logicae [1323]
2 Tractatus de corpore Christi [1323]
2 Reportatio [1330]
6 Seven Quodlibets [1332]
5 works [1335]
3 Expositio super viii libros [1340]
  Jean Buridan  
1 talk [1338]
1 Questions on Aristotle's Posterior Analytics [1344]
4 Questions on Aristotle's Physics [1346]
  Nicholas of Autrecourt  
1 Tractatus [1335]
  Nicole Oresme  
1 On 'Physics' [1346]
1 On 'Generation and Corruption' [1349]
  Oxford Univ 1350  
1 Oxford University Statutes [1350]
  Albert of Saxony  
1 On 'Generation and Corruption' [1356]
3 On 'Physics' [1357]
  John Wycliff  
2 De ente praedicamentali [1375]
  Blasius of Parma  
1 Les quaestiones de anima (lectures on the soul) [1385]
  Leon Battista Alberti  
1 De Re Aedificatoria [1485]
  Desiderius Erasmus  
1 works [1506]
  Martin Luther  
2 talk [1525]
  Niccolo Machiavelli  
7 The Prince [1513]
2 The Discourses [1520]
  Thomas More  
5 Utopia [1516]
  Francis de Vitoria  
4 On the Law of War [1525]
  Isaac Beeckman  
1 Journals [1617]
  Andreas Osiander  
1 Preface to 'De Revolutionibus' [1543]
  Jean Calvin  
1 works [1549]
  Franciscus Toletus  
1 Commentary on 'De Anima' [1572]
  Jacob Zabarella  
2 De rebus naturalibus [1590]
  Justus Lipsius  
1 works [1584]
  Michel de Montaigne  
1 I.7 Our deeds are judged by intention [1580]
1 On Cruelty [1580]
1 III.12 On physiognomy [1580]
4 III.10 On Restraining your Will [1580]
6 Apology for Raymond Sebond [1580]
1 I.39 On Solitude [1580]
  Giordano Bruno  
1 works [1590]
  Francisco Suárez  
2 works [1588]
16 Disputationes metaphysicae [1597]
  Richard Hooker  
4 Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity [1593]
  Collegium Conimbricense  
2 Aristotelian commentaries [1595]
  William Shakespeare  
1 Henry V [1599]
2 Julius Caesar [1599]
1 Much Ado About Nothing [1600]
  Nicholas Hill  
1 Philosophia Epicurea [1610]
  Eustachius a Sancto Paulo  
2 Summa [1609]
  Francis Bacon  
10 The Advancement of Learning [1605]
1 Cogitata et Visa [1607]
2 Philosophical Studies 1611-19 [1617]
3 Preface to Great Instauration (Renewal) [1620]
3 The New Organon [1620]
1 17: Of Superstition [1625]
  Galileo Galilei  
4 Il Saggiatore ('The Assayer') [1623]
1 Two Chief World Systems [1632]
  Julio Cesare Vanini  
1 Amphitheatrum [1615]
  Hugo Grotius  
9 On the Law of War and Peace [1625]
  Chistoph Scheibler  
1 Metaphysics [1650]
  Pierre Gassendi  
1 Objections to 'Meditations' (Fifth) [1641]
1 Disquisitions [1644]
4 Syntagma [1658]
  René Descartes  
1 Rules for the Direction of the Mind [1628]
19 Rules for the Direction of the Mind [1628]
3 The World [1631]
22 A Discourse on Method [1637]
3 Letters to Mersenne [1640]
1 Letters to Voetius [1640]
3 Reply to First Objections [1641]
1 Reply to Second Objections [1641]
1 Reply to Fourth Objections [1641]
5 Reply to Fifth Objections [1641]
3 Reply to Sixth Objections [1641]
115 Meditations [1641]
1 Letter to Mersenne [1642]
2 Letters to Regius [1642]
7 works [1643]
3 Comments on a Certain Broadsheet [1644]
1 Letters to Antoine Arnauld [1645]
23 Principles of Philosophy [1646]
4 Preface to 'Principles of Philosophy' [1647]
1 unfinished dialogue [1649]
2 Two letters on mind [1649]
7 The Passions of the Soul [1649]
  Kenelm Digby  
2 Two treatises [1644]
  Elizabeth, Princess of Bohemia  
1 Letters to Descartes [1643]
  Thomas Hobbes  
9 The Elements of Law [1640]
6 Human Nature [1640]
1 De Cive [1642]
1 De Mundo (On the World) [1642]
2 Letter to Bramhall [1650]
39 Leviathan [1651]
2 Letters to the Lord Marquis of Newcastle [1652]
1 Of Liberty and Necessity [1654]
40 De Corpore (Elements, First Section) [1655]
  Antoine Arnauld  
1 Letters to Leibniz [1686]
  Henry More  
1 Immortality of the Soul [1659]
  Ralph Cudworth  
8 On Eternal and Immutable Morality [1688]
1 Treatise of Freewill [1688]
  Walter Charleton  
1 Physiologia [1654]
  Blaise Pascal  
1 works [1660]
14 Pensées [1662]
  Arnauld / Nicole  
6 Logic (Port-Royal Art of Thinking) [1662]
  Margaret Cavendish  
1 Philosophical Letters [1664]
  La Rochefoucauld  
8 Maxims [1663]
  Robert Boyle  
1 The Sceptical Chemist [1661]
10 The Origin of Forms and Qualities [1666]
2 Certain Physical Essays [1672]
  Richard Cumberland  
6 De Legibus Naturae [1672]
  Baruch de Spinoza  
1 Letters to De Vries [1664]
2 Letters to Blijenburgh [1665]
3 Letters to Oldenburg [1665]
33 Tractatus Theologico-Politicus [1670]
1 Letters to Hugo Boxel [1674]
1 Letter to G.H. Schaller [1674]
177 The Ethics [1675]
2 Improvement of Understanding [1675]
  Nicolas Malebranche  
2 The Search After Truth [1675]
1 The Union of Body and Soul [1675]
  Isaac Newton  
1 Universal Arithmetick [1669]
41 Principia Mathematica [1687]
6 Letters to Bentley [1692]
1 Letters to Leibniz 1 [1693]
1 Queries to the 'Opticks' [1721]
  John Locke  
50 Second Treatise of Government [1690]
1 Letters to William Molyneux [1692]
227 Essay Conc Human Understanding (2nd Ed) [1694]
2 Letters to Edward Stillingfleet [1695]
  Richard Bentley  
1 Matter and Motion Cannot Think [1692]
  Jacques Lenfant  
1 Letters to Leibniz [1693]
  Mary Astell  
1 A Serious Proposal to the Ladies I [1694]
  Gottfried Leibniz  
1 Confessio naturae contra atheistas [1669]
1 Elements of Law and Justice [1669]
2 Letters to Thomasius [1669]
1 Aristotle and Descartes on Matter [1671]
1 Notes on John Wilkins [1672]
2 Letters to Foucher [1675]
2 De arcanus motus [1676]
1 Meditatio de principio individui [1676]
1 Pacidius Philalethi dialogue [1676]
1 Paper of December 1676 [1676]
1 What is an Idea? [1676]
2 Dialogue on Things and Words [1677]
1 On Motion [1677]
3 Towards a Universal Characteristic [1677]
4 Conspectus libelli (book outline) [1678]
1 De Natura Corporis [1678]
2 Definitiones cogitationesque metaphysicae [1678]
1 De aequopollentia causae et effectus [1679]
1 Calculus Ratiocinator [1679]
3 Of Organum or Ars Magna of Thinking [1679]
2 Introduction to a Secret Encyclopaedia [1679]
1 Preface to Universal Characteristic [1679]
1 Precepts for Advancing Science and Arts [1680]
2 On Perceptions [1680]
1 The Human Body is a sort of Machine [1683]
4 Reflections on Knowledge, Truth and Ideas [1684]
3 De modo distinguendi phaenomena [1685]
2 De Mundo Praesenti [1686]
13 Discourse on Metaphysics [1686]
3 A Specimen of Discoveries [1686]
1 Identity in Substances and True Propositions [1686]
2 On Sufficient Reason [1686]
1 Primary Truths [1686]
42 Letters to Antoine Arnauld [1686]
1 True Method in Philosophy and Theology [1686]
2 A General Principle to Explain Laws of Nature [1687]
1 On the Reality of Accidents [1688]
4 On Freedom [1689]
1 Letter on Freedom [1689]
2 On Copernicanism and Relativity of Motion [1689]
1 Specimen inventorum [1689]
3 Exigency to Exist in Essences [1690]
1 Human Freedom and Divine choice [1690]
1 Of liberty, Fate and God's grace [1690]
2 The Nature and Communication of Substance [1690]
2 Notes on Comments by Fardella [1690]
1 Letters to Fardella [1690]
58 works [1690]
2 Letters to Paul Pellison-Fontinier [1691]
2 On Wisdom [1693]
1 Reply to Foucher [1693]
1 Letters to Jacques Lenfant [1693]
1 De primae philosophiae emendatione [1694]
4 Dialogue on human freedom and origin of evil [1695]
5 New system of communication of substances [1695]
1 On the Principles of Indiscernibles [1696]
4 New System and Explanation of New System [1696]
7 On the Ultimate Origination of Things [1697]
3 A Résumé of Metaphysics [1697]
1 Letters to Bouvet [1697]
8 On Nature Itself (De Ipsa Natura) [1698]
2 Letter to the Editor about Bayle [1698]
4 Letters to Johann Bernoulli [1699]
5 On Body and Force, Against the Cartesians [1702]
1 Reply to 'Rorarius' 2nd ed [1702]
1 Letters to Pierre Bayle [1702]
5 Letters to Queen Charlotte [1702]
1 Letters to Varignon [1702]
2 Letters to Thomas Burnett [1703]
106 New Essays on Human Understanding [1704]
3 On Note L to Bayle's 'Rorarius' [1705]
7 Principle of Life and Plastic Natures [1705]
26 Letters to Burcher De Volder [1706]
2 Letters to Coste [1707]
16 The Theodicy [1710]
1 Letters to Wagner [1710]
1 Geometrical Method and Metaphysics [1712]
2 Metaphysical conseqs of principle of reason [1712]
1 Letters to Lelong [1712]
5 Principles of Nature and Grace based on Reason [1714]
1 Metaphysical Foundations of Mathematics [1715]
13 Letters to Des Bosses [1715]
4 Letters to Remond de Montmort [1715]
1 Letters to Wolff [1715]
1 Against Barbaric physics [1716]
19 Monadology [1716]
15 Letters to Samuel Clarke [1716]
1 Letters to Samuel Masson [1716]
  3rd Earl of Shaftesbury  
7 Inquiry Concerning Virtue or Merit [1699]
1 Characteristics [1711]
  George Berkeley  
33 The Principles of Human Knowledge [1710]
35 Three Dialogues of Hylas and Philonous [1713]
1 The Analyst [1734]
  Jonathan Swift  
1 Letters to a Young Clergyman [1720]
  Francois-Marie Voltaire  
1 Philosophical Letters from England [1733]
  Joseph Butler  
1 Fifteen Sermons [1726]
1 works [1732]
5 Analogy of Religion [1736]
  Francis Hutcheson  
14 Treatise 2: Virtue or Moral Good [1725]
6 Treatise 4: The Moral Sense [1728]
  Baron de Montesquieu  
56 The Spirit of the Laws (rev. 1757) [1748]
  Christian Wolff  
2 works [1730]
  David Hume  
4 Letters [1739]
60 Treatise of Human Nature [1739]
11 Treatise of Human Nature, + Appendix [1740]
1 Nine political essays [1741]
7 Of the original contract [1741]
85 Enquiry Conc Human Understanding [1748]
1 Of Miracles [1748]
2 Of the First Principles of Government [1750]
1 Of Civil Liberty [1750]
1 Of the Origin of Government [1750]
3 That Politics may be reduced to a Science [1750]
13 Enquiry concerning Principles of Morals [1751]
25 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion [1751]
2 Of the standard of taste [1757]
1 On suicide [1775]
  Julien Offray de La Mettrie  
9 Machine Man [1747]
  Alexander Baumgarten  
3 Aesthetica [1739]
  Thomas Bayes  
1 Essay on a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances [1763]
  Denis Diderot  
1 works [1769]
  Benjamin Franklin  
2 Advice to a Young Tradesman [1748]
  Adam Smith  
1 The Theory of Moral Sentiments [1759]
2 The Wealth of Nations [1776]
  Johann Winckelmann  
1 History of Ancient Art [1764]
  Leonhard Euler  
1 Letters to a German Princess [1765]
  Jean-Jacques Rousseau  
43 Discourse on the Origin of Inequality [1754]
2 Emile: treatise on education [1762]
86 The Social Contract (tr Cress) [1762]
1 The Confessions [1770]
  Edmund Burke  
1 Address to the Voters of Bristol [1774]
  J.G. Hamann  
2 works [1770]
  Samuel Johnson  
1 works [1770]
  Richard Price  
1 works [1760]
  Thomas Jefferson  
1 U.S. Declaration of Independence [1775]
  Thomas Paine  
1 Rights of Man [1792]
  Joseph Priestley  
2 Theological and other works [1790]
  Thomas Reid  
1 An Enquiry [1764]
6 Essays on Intellectual Powers 5: Abstraction [1785]
4 Essays on Intellectual Powers 4: Conception [1785]
10 Essays on Intellectual Powers 2: Senses [1785]
11 Essays on Intellectual Powers 6: Judgement [1785]
16 Essays on Intellectual Powers 3: Memory [1785]
4 Essays on Intellectual Powers 1: Preliminary [1785]
10 Essays on Active Powers 1: Active power [1788]
6 Essays on Active Powers 4: Liberty of Agents [1788]
4 Essays on Active Powers 3: Princs of action [1788]
  Immanuel Kant  
1 Lectures on Ethics [1780]
219 Critique of Pure Reason [1781]
27 Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysic [1781]
1 Answer to 'What is Enlightenment?' [1784]
5 Idea for a Universal History [1784]
70 Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals [1785]
1 Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science [1786]
34 Critique of Practical Reason [1788]
15 Critique of Judgement I: Aesthetic [1790]
4 Critique of Judgement II: Teleological [1790]
14 True in Theory, but not in Practice [1792]
10 Perpetual Peace [1795]
3 Wiener Logik [1795]
13 Metaphysics of Morals I: Doctrine of Right [1797]
29 Metaphysics of Morals II:Doctrine of Virtue [1797]
2 On a supposed right to lie [1797]
1 Posthumous notes [1799]
  Johann Gottfried Herder  
1 On Recent German Literature. Fragments [1767]
3 works [1784]
  Karl Leonhard Reinhold  
1 Foundations of Philosophical Knowledge [1791]
  Mirabeau and committee  
8 Declaration of the Rights of Man [1789]
  Jeremy Bentham  
9 Intro to Principles of Morals and Legislation [1789]
2 Anarchical Fallacies: on the Declaration of Rights [1796]
1 Constitutional Code I [1827]
  William Paley  
5 Natural Theology [1802]
  Joseph Joubert  
15 Notebooks [1800]
  Gottlob Schulze  
1 Aenesidemus [1792]
  Mary Wollstonecraft  
1 Vindication of the Rights of Women [1792]
  Wolfgang von Goethe  
7 Maxims and Reflections [1825]
  Benjamin Constant  
2 On Political Reactions [1797]
10 Logological Fragments I [1798]
5 Logological Fragments II [1798]
8 Miscellaneous Observations [1798]
1 Teplitz Fragments [1798]
1 Fath and Love, or the King and Queen [1798]
2 General Draft [1799]
5 Last Fragments [1800]
  Friedrich Schlegel  
6 works [1798]
  Friedrich Jacobi  
2 Letters to Fichte [1799]
  Pierre Simon de Laplace  
2 Philosophical Essay on Probability [1820]
  Friedrich Schiller  
2 works [1794]
  Johann Fichte  
2 Review of 'Aenesidemus' [1792]
13 The Science of Knowing (Wissenschaftslehre) [1st ed] [1794]
1 The Science of Rights [1797]
8 works [1798]
24 The Vocation of Man [1800]
  Friedrich Schleiermacher  
2 works [1825]
1 Dialektik [1833]
  Benjamin Constant  
2 Principles of Politics [1806]
  Georg W.F.Hegel  
1 Oldest System Prog. of German Idealism [1796]
28 Phenomenology of Spirit [1807]
20 works [1812]
27 Science of Logic [1816]
46 Logic (Encyclopedia I) [1817]
2 Philosophy of Mind (Encylopedia III) [1817]
2 Philosophy of Nature (Encylopedia II) [1817]
3 Lectures on the Philosophy of Right [1819]
53 Elements of the Philosophy of Right [1821]
9 Lectures on Aesthetics [1826]
2 Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion [1827]
1 Lectures on the History of Philosophy [1830]
2 Lectures on the Philosophy of (World) History [1837]
8 Introduction to the Philosophy of History [1840]
3 The Philosophy of History [1840]
  Friedrich Schelling  
1 Letters to Hegel [1795]
4 Outline of a System of the Philosophy of Nature [1799]
1 On the Essence of Human Freedom [1809]
3 Of Human Freedom [1809]
1 The Ages of the World [1810]
1 Philosophy of Revelation [1843]
  Carl Friedrich Gauss  
1 Letter to Shumacher [1831]
  Johann Herbart  
1 works [1830]
  Robert Owen  
1 works [1830]
  Augustin-Louis Cauchy  
2 Cours d'Analyse [1821]
  John Austin  
1 Lectures on Jurisprudence [1858]
  Arthur Schopenhauer  
6 Abstract of 'The Fourfold Root' [1813]
8 Fourfold Root of Princ of Sufficient Reason [1813]
43 The World as Will and Idea [1819]
3 On the Basis of Morality [1841]
1 On the Freedom of the Will [1841]
24 Parerga and Paralipomena [1851]
3 Manuscript remains [1855]
  William Whewell  
1 The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences [1840]
  Bernard Bolzano  
9 Theory of Science (Wissenschaftslehre, 4 vols) [1837]
2 Paradoxes of the Infinite [1846]
  Auguste Comte  
13 Intro to Positive Philosophy [1830]
1 Course of Positive Philosophy [1846]
  Pierre-Joseph Proudhon  
1 What is Property? [1840]
  J.R. Mayer  
1 Remarks on the forces of inorganic Nature [1842]
  Ralph Waldo Emerson  
1 Self-Reliance [1841]
  Ludwig Feuerbach  
7 Towards a Critique of Hegel's Philosophy [1839]
1 Fragments on My Philosophical Development [1839]
1 On 'The Beginning of Philosophy' [1841]
8 Introduction of 'Essence of Christianity' [1841]
24 Principles of Philosophy of the Future [1843]
  Max Stirner  
1 The Ego and Its Own [1844]
  Michael Faraday  
1 Experimental Researches in Electricity [1859]
  John Stuart Mill  
51 System of Logic [1843]
25 On Liberty [1857]
4 Representative Government [1861]
17 Utilitarianism [1861]
2 Examination of Sir Wm Hamilton's Philosophy [1865]
1 Autobiography [1870]
8 Nature and Utility of Religion [1874]
  K Marx / F Engels  
24 The German Ideology [1846]
8 The Communist Manifesto [1848]
  Søren Kierkegaard  
1 Letter to Peter Wilhelm Lund [1835]
9 Either/Or: a fragment of life [1843]
2 Fear and Trembling [1843]
2 Repetition [1843]
5 The Concept of Dread (/Anxiety) [1844]
2 Philosophical Fragments [1844]
1 works [1845]
15 Concluding Unscientific Postscript [1846]
1 Works of Love [1847]
1 Sickness unto Death [1849]
7 The Journals of Kierkegaard [1850]
1 Attack Upon Christendom [1855]
  Eduard Hanslick  
1 The Beautiful in Music [1854]
  George Boole  
4 The Laws of Thought [1854]
  Alexis de Tocqueville  
15 Democracy in America (abr Renshaw) [1840]
  Karl Weierstrass  
2 works [1855]
  Charles Darwin  
1 The Origin of the Species [1859]
  Augustus De Morgan  
1 works [1846]
2 On the Syllogism IV [1859]
  Friedrich Engels  
1 Speeches in Elberfeld [1849]
  James Joule  
2 works [1870]
  Hermann von Helmholtz  
2 On the Conservation of Force [1847]
  Lewis Carroll (C.Dodgson)  
1 Through the Looking Glass [1886]
  T.H. Huxley  
2 Method and Results [1893]
  Mikhail Bakunin  
1 works [1867]
  Karl Marx  
3 Contrib to Critique of Hegel's Phil of Right [1844]
2 On the Jewish Question [1844]
5 Theses on Feuerbach [1846]
1 The Poverty of Philosophy [1847]
11 works [1860]
2 Capital Vol. 1 [1867]
1 Capital Vol. 3 [1873]
5 Critique of the Gotha Program [1875]
1 Grundrisse [1876]
  Dmitri Mendeleev  
4 The Principles of Chemistry [1870]
  C.J. Thomae  
1 works [1869]
  Lord Kelvin (Wm Thomson)  
2 works [1881]
  Leopold Kronecker  
2 works [1885]
  Leo Tolstoy  
7 What is Art? [1898]
  Chauncey Wright  
1 talk [1870]
  William K. Clifford  
1 works [1870]
  T.H. Green  
15 works [1875]
9 Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation [1882]
3 Prolegomena to Ethics [1882]
  Franz Brentano  
2 Psychology from an empirical standpoint [1874]
  Ernst Mach  
1 Popular Scientific Lectures [1894]
  William S. Jevons  
1 The Principles of Science [1879]
  Charles Sanders Peirce  
15 The Fixation of Belief [1877]
4 How to Make our Ideas Clear [1878]
1 What is a Leading Principle? [1880]
3 The Architecture of Theories [1891]
4 The Doctrine of Necessity Examined [1892]
11 works [1892]
1 On the Algebra of Logic [1895]
5 Concerning the Author [1897]
1 Logic as Semiotic: Theory of Signs [1897]
1 The Approach to Metaphysics [1898]
8 The Nature of Mathematics [1898]
40 Reasoning and the Logic of Things [1898]
8 Scientific Attitude and Fallibilism [1899]
2 Abduction and Induction [1901]
4 Criterion of Validity in Reasoning [1903]
2 Critical Common-Sensism [1905]
3 Essentials of Pragmatism [1905]
1 Issues of Pragmaticism [1905]
3 Pragmatism in Retrospect [1906]
  Richard Dedekind  
4 Continuity and Irrational Numbers [1872]
1 Letter to Weber [1888]
23 Nature and Meaning of Numbers [1888]
  Henry Sidgwick  
4 The Methods of Ethics (7th edn) [1874]
  Peter (Pyotr) Kropotkin  
1 Law and Authority [1886]
  Wilhelm Dilthey  
2 works [1883]
  George Cantor  
42 works [1880]
2 Grundlagen (Foundations of Theory of Manifolds) [1883]
1 Review of Frege's 'Grundlagen' [1885]
2 The Theory of Transfinite Numbers [1897]
1 Later Letters to Dedekind [1899]
1 Beitrage [1915]
  Gottlob Frege  
2 Rechnungsmethoden (dissertation) [1874]
20 Begriffsschrift [1879]
1 Boole calculus and the Concept script [1881]
174 Grundlagen der Arithmetik (Foundations) [1884]
26 works [1890]
13 Function and Concept [1891]
9 On Concept and Object [1892]
33 On Sense and Reference [1892]
9 Grundgesetze der Arithmetik 1 (Basic Laws) [1893]
15 Review of Husserl's 'Phil of Arithmetic' [1894]
1 Elucidation of some points in E.Schröder [1895]
1 Logic [1897] [1897]
1 On Euclidean Geometry [1900]
3 Letters to Russell [1902]
12 Grundgesetze der Arithmetik 2 (Basic Laws) [1903]
4 Letters to Jourdain [1910]
20 Logic in Mathematics [1914]
13 The Thought: a Logical Enquiry [1918]
1 Sources of Knowledge of Mathematics [1922]
  Friedrich Nietzsche  
1 The Birth of Tragedy [1871]
1 On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense [1872]
1 Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks [1873]
30 Unpublished Notebooks 1872-74 [1873]
55 Human, All Too Human [1878]
1 The Wanderer and his Shadow [1880]
48 Dawn (Daybreak) [1881]
12 Unpublished Notebooks 1881-82 [1882]
33 The Gay (Joyful) Science [1882]
28 Unpublished Notebooks 1882-84 [1883]
31 Unpublished Notebooks 1884-85 [1884]
23 Thus Spake Zarathustra [1884]
25 Works (refs to 8 vol Colli and Montinari) [1885]
36 Beyond Good and Evil [1886]
31 Unpublished Notebooks 1885-86 [1886]
27 On the Genealogy of Morals [1887]
77 Writings from Late Notebooks [1887]
78 The Will to Power (notebooks) [1888]
12 The Anti-Christ [1889]
8 Ecce Homo [1889]
49 Twilight of the Idols [1889]
  F.H. Bradley  
1 Ethical Studies [1876]
9 Appearance and Reality [1893]
  Alexius Meinong  
6 The Theory of Objects [1904]
  Henri Poincaré  
1 On the Nature of Mathematical Reasoning [1894]
1 talk [1901]
1 Science and Hypothesis [1902]
1 The Value of Science [1906]
1 Science and Method [1908]
1 The Logic of Infinity [1909]
  Oscar Wilde  
3 Preface to 'Dorian Gray' [1891]
  Arthur Conan Doyle  
1 The Sign of Four [1890]
  Sigmund Freud  
4 works [1900]
  Giuseppe Peano  
5 Principles of Arithmetic, by a new method [1889]
2 works [1890]
  Hastings Rashdall  
5 Theory of Good and Evil [1907]
  John Dewey  
6 The Middle Works (15 vols, ed Boydston) [1910]
1 works [1926]
1 The Quest for Certainty [1929]
11 The Later Works (17 vols, ed Boydston) [1930]
  Edmund Husserl  
7 Philosophy of Arithmetic [1894]
1 works [1898]
4 Logical Investigations [1900]
26 Ideas: intro to pure phenomenology [1913]
3 Formal and Transcendental Logic [1929]
3 Cartesian Meditations [1931]
  Henri Bergson  
1 Time and Free Will [1889]
2 Matter and Memory [1896]
1 works [1910]
  David Hilbert  
4 Foundations of Geometry [1899]
1 Letter to Frege 29.12.1899 [1899]
1 On the Concept of Number [1900]
4 works [1900]
2 On the Foundations of Logic and Arithmetic [1904]
6 Axiomatic Thought [1918]
10 On the Infinite [1925]
1 The Foundations of Mathematics [1927]
  William James  
18 The Sentiment of Rationality [1882]
1 What is an Emotion? [1884]
1 The Will to Believe [1896]
2 Does Consciousness Exist? [1904]
2 The Meaning of the Word "Truth" [1907]
20 Pragmatism - eight lectures [1907]
3 The Pragmatist Account of Truth [1908]
  Harold Joachim  
1 The Nature of Truth [1906]
  Pierre Duhem  
2 The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory [1906]
  Stephen S. Colvin  
6 The Common-Sense View of Reality [1902]
  George Santayana  
1 The Life of Reason [1906]
1 Platonism and the Spiritual Life [1927]
1 The Realm of Matter [1930]
  Hugh MacColl  
1 Symbolic Reasoning [1905]
  Ferdinand Tönnies  
1 Community and Association [1887]
  Max Weber  
2 'Objectivity' in Social Sciences and Social Policy [1904]
6 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism [1904]
2 works [1905]
1 Economy and Society [1919]
  Benedetto Croce  
1 Aesthetic as Science of Expression [1902]
1 The Essence of Aesthetic [1912]
  J.M.E. McTaggart  
1 The Nature of Existence vol.1 [1921]
10 The Nature of Existence vol.2 [1927]
  Hermann Minkowski  
1 Space and Time [1908]
  A.E. Taylor  
1 Vindication of Religion (extract) [1926]
  Alfred North Whitehead  
5 Process and Reality [1929]
  Roger Fry  
11 An Essay in Aesthetics [1909]
  H.A. Prichard  
5 Does moral phil rest on a mistake? [1912]
4 What is the Basis of Moral Obligation? [1925]
  Bertrand Russell  
2 Foundations of Geometry [1897]
1 Explanations in reply to Mr Bradley [1899]
1 The Philosophy of Leibniz [1900]
4 Mathematics and the Metaphysicians [1901]
4 Letters to Frege [1902]
92 The Principles of Mathematics [1903]
13 Meinong on Complexes and Assumptions [1904]
3 Review: Meinong 'Untersuchungen zur..' [1905]
46 On Denoting [1905]
2 Difficulties of Transfinite Numbers and Types [1905]
3 On 'Insolubilia' and their solution [1906]
1 Papers of 1906 [1906]
4 Substitutional Classes and Relations [1906]
1 Review: Meinong 'Uber die Stellung...' [1907]
12 Regressive Method for Premises in Mathematics [1907]
9 Mathematical logic and theory of types [1908]
5 The Theory of Logical Types [1910]
2 On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood [1910]
2 Knowledge by Acquaintance and Description-1 [1911]
2 Philosophical Implications of Mathematical logic [1911]
2 On Relations of Universals and Particulars [1911]
7 On the Notion of Cause [1912]
87 Problems of Philosophy [1912]
1 Papers of 1913 [1913]
4 The Theory of Knowledge [1913]
1 On the Nature of Acquaintance [1914]
21 Our Knowledge of the External World [1914]
18 The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics [1914]
9 The Ultimate Constituents of Matter [1915]
13 Political Ideals [1917]
1 Papers of 1918 [1918]
32 The Philosophy of Logical Atomism [1918]
54 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy [1919]
9 On Propositions: What they are, and Meaning [1919]
6 The Analysis of Mind [1921]
3 Vagueness [1923]
14 Logical Atomism [1924]
1 Intro to 2nd ed of Principia Mathematica [1925]
5 The Analysis of Matter [1927]
9 An Outline of Philosophy [1927]
5 The Conquest of Happiness [1930]
15 An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth [1940]
5 Human Knowledge: its scope and limits [1948]
18 Authority and the Individual [1949]
4 Philosophy and Politics [1950]
1 Is Mathematics purely Linguistic? [1952]
1 Human Society in Ethics and Politics [1954]
3 Mr Strawson on Referring [1957]
23 My Philosophical Development [1959]
  B Russell/AN Whitehead  
26 Principia Mathematica [1913]
  Miguel de Unamuno  
1 The Tragic Sense of Life [1912]
  J.B. Watson  
1 Behaviorism [1924]
  G.E. Moore  
4 The Nature of Judgement [1899]
14 Principia Ethica [1903]
1 works [1905]
1 Some Main Problems of Philosophy [1911]
1 External and Internal Relations [1919]
1 Some Judgements of Perception [1922]
1 Proof of an External World [1939]
  Clive Bell  
18 Art [1913]
  Albert Einstein  
10 works [1915]
  Marcel Proust  
1 Remembrance of Things Past [1922]
  Stanislaw Lesniewski  
1 works [1916]
  Jan Lukasiewicz  
1 Elements of Mathematical Logic [1928]
  Oswald Spengler  
1 The Decline of the West [1918]
  Thoralf Skolem  
1 works [1920]
4 Remarks on axiomatised set theory [1922]
  Ernst Zermelo  
1 Proof that every set can be well-ordered [1904]
14 Investigations in the Foundations of Set Theory I [1908]
1 New Proof of Possibility of Well-Ordering [1908]
2 works [1920]
3 On boundary numbers and domains of sets [1930]
  Luitzen E.J. Brouwer  
5 Intuitionism and Formalism [1912]
2 Mathematics, Science and Language [1928]
2 works [1930]
1 Consciousness, Philosophy and Mathematics [1948]
  Curt Ducasse  
8 Nature and Observability of Causal Relations [1926]
  G.F. Stout  
1 The Nature of Universals and Propositions [1923]
  Karl Jaspers  
11 Philosophy [1932]
  C.I. Lewis  
7 A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori [1923]
1 Symbolic Logic (with Langford) [1932]
2 works [1935]
5 An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation [1946]
  Lloyd Morgan  
1 Emergent Evolution [1923]
  José Ortega y Gassett  
2 Toward a Philosophy of History [1941]
  Moses Schönfinkel  
1 Building Blocks of Mathematical Logic [1924]
  Oswald Veblen  
1 Presidential Address of Am. Math. Soc [1924]
  Samuel Alexander  
1 Space, Time and Deity (2 vols) [1927]
2 works [1927]
  W. David Ross  
40 The Right and the Good [1930]
  Werner Heisenberg  
1 Ancient Thought in Modern Physics [1937]
17 Physics and Philosophy [1958]
  Benjamin Lee Whorf  
3 An American Indian model of the Universe [1936]
1 Punctual and segmentive Hopi verbs [1936]
  C.D. Broad  
5 Scientific Thought [1923]
1 Mind and Its Place in Nature [1925]
1 Examination of McTaggart's Philosophy [1933]
  Hermann Weyl  
1 works [1917]
1 Phil of Mathematics and Natural Science [1949]
  Paul Bernays  
3 On Platonism in Mathematics [1934]
1 Principles of Theoretical Logic [1928]
  Frank P. Ramsey  
8 The Foundations of Mathematics [1925]
3 Universals [1925]
2 Truth and Probability [1926]
2 Facts and Propositions [1927]
5 Law and Causality [1928]
2 works [1928]
1 Knowledge [1929]
  Moritz Schlick  
1 Positivism and Realism [1934]
  F.R. Tennant  
1 Philosophical Theology [1930]
  Martin Heidegger  
2 Basic Problems of Phenomenology [1927]
37 Being and Time [1927]
1 On the Essence of Truth [1935]
1 The Origin of the Work of Art [1935]
1 Contributions of Philosophy (On Appropriation) [1938]
1 Contributions to Philosophy [1938]
1 Martin Heidegger in conversation [1969]
  R.G. Collingwood  
3 The Principles of Art [1938]
  Kurt Gödel  
1 Completeness of Axioms of Logic [1930]
6 works [1930]
18 On Formally Undecidable Propositions [1931]
9 Russell's Mathematical Logic [1944]
6 What is Cantor's Continuum Problem? [1964]
  Otto Neurath  
1 works [1930]
2 Protocol Sentences [1932]
  Rudolph Carnap  
2 The Logical Structure of the World (Aufbau) [1928]
2 The Logical Syntax of Language [1934]
1 Letters to Schlick [1935]
1 Testability and Meaning [1937]
1 Meaning and Necessity [1947]
11 Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology [1950]
1 Logical Foundations of Probability [1950]
1 Elimination of Metaphysics by Analysis of Language [1959]
  Hans Reichenbach  
1 On Probability and Induction [1938]
1 The Theory of Relativity and A Priori Knowledge [1965]
  Brand Blanshard  
2 The Nature of Thought [1939]
  Antonio Gramsci  
7 Selections from Prison Notebooks [1971]
  Max Horkheimer  
1 works [1950]
  Alfred Tarski  
36 The Concept of Truth for Formalized Languages [1933]
7 The Establishment of Scientific Semantics [1936]
4 The Concept of Logical Consequence [1936]
6 works [1936]
24 The Semantic Conception of Truth [1944]
2 talk [1965]
  Maynard Keynes  
1 The General Theory of Employment [1936]
  Ludwig Wittgenstein  
1 Notes on Logic [1913]
9 Notebooks 1914-1916 [1915]
3 Letters to Russell [1919]
100 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus [1921]
3 Philosophical Remarks [1930]
35 Lectures 1930-32 (student notes) [1931]
2 Philosophical Grammar [1932]
1 talk [1935]
1 works [1935]
2 The Blue and Brown Notebooks [1936]
2 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics [1938]
1 Culture and Value [1945]
3 Zettel [1950]
3 On Certainty [1951]
53 Philosophical Investigations [1952]
1 The Evolution of Physics [1938]
  Gerhard Gentzen  
1 Investigations into Logical Deduction [1935]
5 works [1938]
  R.B. Braithwaite  
1 Scientific Explanation [1953]
1 Empiricist View of Religion [1955]
  Simone Weil  
6 Lect 1: Materialist Viewpoint [1933]
3 Lect 2: Discovery of Mind [1933]
3 Lect 3: Politics and Society [1933]
4 Lect 4: Ethics and Aesthetics [1933]
5 Prospects: Proletarian Revolution? [1933]
10 Reflections on Liberty and Social Oppression [1934]
5 The Power of Words [1934]
1 Fragments [1936]
1 Friendship [1940]
2 The Iliad or the Poem of Force [1940]
4 Letters [1940]
1 Literature and Morals [1941]
4 On the Concept of Character [1941]
6 Reflections on Value [1941]
2 Philosophy [1941]
1 Prerequisite to Dignity of Labour [1941]
2 The Scientific Image [1941]
2 God in Plato [1942]
39 Gravity and Grace [1942]
1 The Work of a Free Person [1942]
11 Draft Statement of Human Obligations [1943]
18 Human Personality [1943]
4 Is There a Marxist Doctrine? [1943]
21 The Need for Roots [1943]
  Ernest Nagel  
1 The Structure of Science [1961]
  T Adorno / M Horkheimer  
2 Dialectic of Enlightenment [1944]
  F.A. Hayek  
3 The Road to Serfdom [1944]
1 The Mirage of Social Justice [1976]
  Charles Leslie Stevenson  
1 Ethics and Language [1944]
1 Steps Towards a Constructive Nominalism [1947]
  H.L.A. Hart  
3 The Concept of Law [1961]
10 Law,Liberty and Morality [1963]
  Nicholas Bourbaki  
1 The Architecture of Mathematics [1950]
  Alonzo Church  
1 A Note on the entscheidungsproblem [1936]
  A.C. Ewing  
2 Idealism: a critical survey [1934]
1 The Definition of Good [1948]
  Maurice Merleau-Ponty  
2 Phenomenology of Perception [1945]
1 In Praise of Philosophy [1953]
  John von Neumann  
5 On the Introduction of Transfinite Numbers [1923]
2 An Axiomatization of Set Theory [1925]
3 works [1935]
  Jean-Paul Sartre  
21 Transcendence of the Ego [1937]
6 Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions [1939]
11 Being and Nothingness [1943]
16 Existentialism and Humanism [1945]
1 Anti-Semite and Jew [1946]
1 works [1950]
1 The Communists and Peace [1953]
  E.M. Cioran  
47 A Short History of Decay [1949]
17 The Trouble with Being Born [1973]
  Roderick Firth  
1 Sense Data and the Percept Theory [1949]
  Saunders MacLane  
1 Mathematics: Form and Function [1986]
  Gilbert Ryle  
13 Are there propositions? [1930]
1 Categories [1938]
11 The Concept of Mind [1949]
1 works [1950]
  A.J. Ayer  
41 Language,Truth and Logic [1936]
2 The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge [1940]
7 Introduction to 'Language Truth and Logic' [1946]
2 Phenomenalism [1947]
7 On the analysis of moral judgements [1949]
6 The Problem of Knowledge [1956]
7 The Concept of a Person [1963]
13 The Central Questions of Philosophy [1973]
  Simone de Beauvoir  
1 Ethics of Ambiguity [1948]
1 The Second Sex [1952]
  Antony Flew  
3 Theology and Falsification [1950]
  Nelson Goodman  
1 The Problem of Counterfactual Conditionals [1947]
6 The Structure of Appearance [1951]
5 Fact, Fiction and Forecast (4th ed) [1954]
4 Languages of Art (2nd edn) [1968]
1 The Languages of Art [1976]
13 Ways of Worldmaking [1978]
  Morris Kline  
1 Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times [1972]
  C.S. Lewis  
1 works [1950]
  Norman Malcolm  
1 Wittgenstein's 'Philosophical Investigations' [1954]
1 Anselm's Argument [1959]
  H.H. Price  
3 Review of Aron 'Our Knowledge of Universals' [1946]
10 Thinking and Experience [1953]
  Alan Turing  
1 works [1935]
2 Computing Machinery and Intelligence [1950]
  G.H. von Wright  
7 Logic and Epistemology of Causal Relations [1973]
  Donald C. Williams  
3 On the Elements of Being: I [1953]
  Albert Camus  
14 The Myth of Sisyphus [1942]
  H. Paul Grice  
3 Meaning [1957]
4 Some Models for Implicature [1967]
4 Logic and Conversation [1975]
2 Presupposition and Conversational Implicature [1977]
1 Reply to Richards [1986]
  Willard Quine  
10 Truth by Convention [1935]
1 New Foundations for Mathematical Logic [1937]
2 Mathematical Logic (revised) [1940]
2 Whitehead and the Rise of Modern Logic [1941]
3 Lecture on Nominalism [1946]
29 On What There Is [1948]
12 Identity, Ostension, and Hypostasis [1950]
4 On Carnap's Views on Ontology [1951]
2 On Mental Entities [1952]
5 Three Grades of Modal Involvement [1953]
10 Mr Strawson on Logical Theory [1953]
9 Reference and Modality [1953]
29 Two Dogmas of Empiricism [1953]
9 Carnap and Logical Truth [1954]
3 The Scope and Language of Science [1954]
1 Quantifiers and Propositional Attitudes [1955]
2 On Simple Theories of a Complex World [1960]
7 Speaking of Objects [1960]
29 Word and Object [1960]
7 The Ways of Paradox [1961]
29 works [1961]
1 Letters [1962]
1 Reply to Professor Marcus [1962]
1 Necessary Truth [1963]
1 Set Theory and its Logic [1963]
4 Propositional Objects [1965]
10 Existence and Quantification [1966]
3 Russell's Ontological Development [1966]
1 Introduction to Russell's Theory of Types [1967]
8 Epistemology Naturalized [1968]
7 Ontological Relativity [1968]
19 Natural Kinds [1969]
25 Philosophy of Logic [1970]
1 Methodological Reflections on Current Linguistic Theory [1972]
3 Vagaries of Definition [1972]
4 On Multiplying Entities [1974]
5 Five Milestones of Empiricism [1975]
4 On the Individuation of Attributes [1975]
1 Reply to Hellman [1975]
6 Intensions Revisited [1977]
1 on Goodman's 'Ways of Worldmaking' [1978]
4 On the Nature of Moral Values [1978]
2 Has Philosophy Lost Contact with People? [1979]
1 On the Very Idea of a Third Dogma [1981]
2 What Price Bivalence? [1981]
1 Review of Parsons (1983) [1984]
1 Events and Reification [1985]
1 The Roots of Reference [1990]
2 Structure and Nature [1992]
1 From Stimulus to Science [1995]
  Max Black  
4 The Identity of Indiscernibles [1952]
  Irving M. Copi  
6 Essence and Accident [1954]
  A.R. Hall  
1 The Scientific Revolution 1500-1800 [1954]
  Stuart Hampshire  
1 Thought and Responsibility [1960]
  W Wimsatt/W Beardsley  
6 The Intentional Fallacy [1946]
  J.L. Austin  
2 Truth [1950]
1 A Plea for Excuses [1956]
1 Sense and Sensibilia [1962]
  Monroe Beardsley  
1 Aesthetics: problems in the philosophy of criticism [1958]
  Paul J. Cohen  
1 Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis [1966]
  Haskell B. Curry  
3 Remarks on the definition and nature of mathematics [1954]
  Hans-Georg Gadamer  
2 Truth and Method [1960]
  P Grice / P Strawson  
1 In Defense of a Dogma [1956]
  Arend Heyting  
1 Intuitionism: an Introduction [1956]
  Arthur N. Prior  
4 The Runabout Inference Ticket [1960]
1 Logical Analysis of Gestalt Concepts [1955]
  J.O. Urmson  
1 Philosophical Analysis [1956]
  Roderick Chisholm  
6 Human Freedom and the Self [1964]
1 The Myth of the Given [1964]
2 Freedom and Action [1966]
1 Theory of Knowledge (2nd ed 1977) [1966]
2 Identity through Possible Worlds [1967]
32 Person and Object [1976]
1 A Realistic Theory of Categories [1996]
  Emmanuel Levinas  
2 works [1956]
  Wilfrid Sellars  
1 Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind [1956]
3 Does Emp.Knowledge have Foundation? [1956]
2 Philosophy and Scientific Image of Man [1962]
  Georg Kreisel  
3 Hilbert's Programme [1958]
  G.E.M. Anscombe  
1 Intention [1957]
3 Modern Moral Philosophy [1958]
1 The Intentionality of Sensation [1965]
6 Causality and Determinism [1971]
  Yale Kamisar  
2 Against Euthanasia [1958]
  E Nagel / JR Newman  
1 Gödel's Proof [1958]
1 Unity of Science as a Working Hypothesis [1958]
  Edward Conze  
1 Intros to 'Buddhist Scriptures' [1959]
  Erving Goffman  
1 Presentation of Self in Everyday Life [1959]
  Iris Murdoch  
5 The Sublime and the Good [1959]
15 The Sovereignty of Good [1970]
1 Against Dryness: a polemical sketch [1983]
1 Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals [1992]
  Peter F. Strawson  
8 On Referring [1950]
4 Truth [1950]
6 Individuals:Essay in Descript Metaphysics [1959]
2 Entity and Identity [1978]
  N.L. Wilson  
1 Substances without Substrata [1959]
  Theodor W. Adorno  
1 works [1955]
1 Negative Dialectics [1966]
  Hannah Arendt  
2 The Origins of Totalitarianism [1968]
  Isaiah Berlin  
1 Two Concepts of Liberty [1958]
6 The Roots of Romanticism [1965]
1 The Sense of Reality [1996]
  Philippa Foot  
3 Free Will as Involving Determinism [1957]
4 Moral Arguments [1958]
4 Moral Beliefs [1959]
2 Goodness and Choice [1961]
6 Abortion and the Doctrine of Double Effect [1967]
5 Morality and Art [1972]
5 Morality as system of hypothetical imperatives [1972]
1 Reasons for Actions and Desires [1972]
1 Reply to Professor Frankena [1975]
8 Virtues and Vices [1978]
3 Moral Relativism [1979]
1 Moral Realism and Moral Dilemma [1983]
3 Killing and Letting Die [1985]
6 Morality, Action, and Outcome [1985]
7 Utilitarianism and the Virtues [1985]
2 Nietzsche's Immoralism [1991]
4 Rationality and Virtue [1994]
2 Moral Dilemmas Revisited [1995]
3 Does Moral Subjectivism Rest on a Mistake? [1995]
14 Natural Goodness [2001]
9 Interview with Philippa Foot [2003]
1 Rationality and Goodness [2004]
  Peter Geach  
1 Good and Evil [1956]
16 Mental Acts: their content and their objects [1957]
5 Reference and Generality (3rd ed) [1980]
5 Abstraction Reconsidered [1983]
  Richard M. Hare  
2 The Language of Morals [1952]
3 Freedom and Reason [1963]
5 Moral Thinking: Its Levels,Method and Point [1981]
10 Universal Prescriptivism [1991]
  E.J. Lemmon  
52 Beginning Logic [1965]
  J.J.C. Smart  
2 Outline of a System of Utilitarianism [1973]
12 Explanation - Opening Address [1990]
  Gregory Vlastos  
1 Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher [1991]
  Frances A. Yates  
2 Giordano Bruno and Hermetic Tradition [1964]
  Henry E. Kyburg Jr  
1 Probability and Logic of Rational Belief [1961]
  Ruth Barcan Marcus  
9 Essential Attribution [1971]
13 Nominalism and Substitutional Quantifiers [1978]
  Nuel D. Belnap  
1 Tonk, Plonk and Plink [1962]
1 Conditional Assertion and Restricted Quantification [1970]
  Pierre Hadot  
3 Philosophy as a way of life [1987]
  John Hick  
3 Theology and Verification [1960]
  W Kneale / M Kneale  
1 The Development of Logic [1962]
  Thomas S. Kuhn  
6 Structure of Scientific Revolutions (2nd ed) [1962]
3 Reflections on my Critics [1970]
  Richard Montague  
1 English as a Formal Language [1970]
  Fred Sommers  
1 Types and Ontology [1963]
9 Intellectual Autobiography [2005]
  Arthur C. Danto  
1 The Artworld [1964]
1 The Artworld [1964]
  Gilles Deleuze  
1 Nietzsche and Philosophy [1962]
5 Difference and Repetition [1968]
12 A Conversation: what is it? What is it for? [1977]
1 The Actual and the Virtual [1977]
3 Many Politics [1977]
  Richard P. Feynman  
4 The Character of Physical Law [1965]
  Carl Hempel  
4 Aspects of Scientific Explanation [1965]
1 Philosophy of Natural Science [1967]
  Claude Lévi-Strauss  
1 works [1950]
  C.B. Martin  
28 The Mind in Nature [2008]
  Karl Popper  
1 Two Problems of Epistemology [1932]
9 The Logic of Scientific Discovery [1934]
1 Open Society and Its Enemies:Hegel and Marx [1945]
4 Conjectures and Refutations [1963]
1 A World of Propensities [1993]
  Wesley Salmon  
1 Statistical Explanation [1970]
3 Causality: Production and Propagation [1980]
1 Probabilistic Causality [1980]
1 Causal Connections [1984]
2 Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World [1984]
20 Four Decades of Scientific Explanation [1989]
1 Causality and Explanation [1998]
  David M. Armstrong  
5 A Materialist Theory of Mind (Rev) [1968]
2 Belief Truth and Knowledge [1973]
1 Nominalism and Realism [1978]
7 A Theory of Universals [1978]
3 Against 'Ostrich Nominalism' [1980]
35 What is a Law of Nature? [1983]
1 The Nature of Possibility [1986]
2 A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility [1989]
8 Pref to new 'Materialist Theory' [1992]
17 Properties [1992]
14 Universals [1995]
1 Universals and Particulars [1995]
5 A World of States of Affairs [1997]
1 Two Problems for Essentialism [2001]
31 Truth and Truthmakers [2004]
  G.A. Cohen  
5 Are Freedom and Equality Compatible? [1986]
  Michel Foucault  
1 Nietzsche, Genealogy, History [1971]
2 Discipline and Punish [1977]
6 works [1978]
1 Power/Knowledge [1980]
1 Space, Knowledge and Power (interview) [1982]
1 What is Critique? [1982]
3 On the Genealogy of Ethics [1983]
8 Ethics of the Concern for Self as Freedom [1984]
  Hilary Putnam  
1 Brains and Behaviour [1963]
6 Mathematics without Foundations [1967]
1 The Mental Life of Some Machines [1967]
1 The Thesis that Mathematics is Logic [1967]
8 The Nature of Mental States [1968]
3 The Philosophy of Logic [1971]
14 Philosophy of Logic [1971]
6 Explanation and Reference [1973]
7 Meaning and Reference [1973]
9 The Meaning of 'Meaning' [1975]
1 What is Mathematical Truth? [1975]
4 Models and Reality [1977]
22 Meaning and the Moral Sciences [1978]
1 Phil of Mathematics: why nothing works [1979]
2 What is innate and why [1980]
2 works [1980]
5 Why there isn't a ready-made world [1981]
22 Reason, Truth and History [1981]
1 Why Reason Can't be Naturalized [1981]
22 Representation and Reality [1988]
  Samuel Scheffler  
1 The Rejection of Consequentialism [1982]
  Edmund L. Gettier  
1 Is Justified True Belief Knowledge? [1963]
  Noam Chomsky  
2 Syntactic Structure [1957]
1 Aspects of the Theory of Syntax [1965]
1 Chomsky on himself [1994]
  Max J. Cresswell  
7 Modal Logic [2001]
  GE Hughes/M Cresswell  
4 An Introduction to Modal Logic [1968]
  Jeffrey H. Sicha  
3 Counting and the Natural Numbers [1968]
  Brian Ellis  
1 Response to David Armstrong [1999]
35 Scientific Essentialism [2001]
41 The Philosophy of Nature: new essentialism [2002]
5 Katzav on limitations of dispositions [2005]
25 The Metaphysics of Scientific Realism [2009]
  Harry G. Frankfurt  
7 Freedom of the Will and concept of a person [1971]
16 The Reasons of Love [2005]
  Jürgen Habermas  
9 The Theory of Communicative Action [1981]
2 Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action [1990]
1 Between Facts and Norms [1996]
1 On the Pragmatics of Communications [1998]
  Jaakko Hintikka  
2 Semantics for Propositional Attitudes [1969]
  Lawrence Kohlberg  
1 works [1969]
  Vincent C. Punzo  
2 Morality and Human Sexuality [1969]
  Judith (Jarvis) Thomson  
8 A Defense of Abortion [1971]
1 Parthood and Identity across Time [1983]
1 People and Their Bodies [1997]
  Edmund O. Wilson  
1 Sociobiology [1975]
12 On Human Nature [1978]
1 Consilience [1998]
  Peter Alexander  
6 Ideas, Qualities and Corpuscles [1985]
  Jonathan Bennett  
1 Kant's Analytic [1966]
7 Event Causation: counterfactual analysis [1987]
2 Events and Their Names [1988]
  Jacques Derrida  
2 Implications [1967]
1 Of Grammatology [1967]
1 Semiology and Grammatology [1968]
2 Positions [1971]
3 later work [1980]
1 Différance [1982]
28 works [1990]
  Michael Dummett  
5 Truth [1959]
2 Presupposition [1960]
1 Wang's Paradox [1970]
2 works [1970]
23 Frege Philosophy of Language (2nd ed) [1973]
11 The Justification of Deduction [1973]
5 The philosophical basis of intuitionist logic [1973]
2 Frege's Distinction of Sense and Reference [1975]
2 Elements of Intuitionism [1977]
1 Realism [1982]
9 Could There Be Unicorns? [1983]
27 Frege philosophy of mathematics [1991]
1 The Logical Basis of Metaphysics [1991]
1 Realism and Anti-Realism [1992]
21 Thought and Reality [1997]
7 The Philosophy of Mathematics [1998]
1 Elements of Intuitionism (2nd ed) [2000]
11 Truth and the Past [2001]
  Paul Feyerabend  
2 Against Method [1975]
  Rom Harré  
27 Laws of Nature [1993]
  J.L. Mackie  
2 Evil and Omnipotence [1955]
9 Causes and Conditions [1965]
1 Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong [1977]
  Sidney Morgenbesser  
1 talk [1970]
  D.J. O'Connor  
8 The Correspondence Theory of Truth [1975]
  Ullin T. Place  
2 Intentionality and the Physical: reply to Mumford [1999]
  W Quine / J Ullian  
1 The Web of Belief [1970]
  Anthony Quinton  
6 The Nature of Things [1973]
  Paul Ricoeur  
1 works [1970]
  Robert C. Solomon  
26 The Passions [1976]
  Richard Taylor  
8 Virtue Ethics: an Introduction [2002]
  Kurt Vonnegut  
1 Slaughterhouse Five [1969]
  Wallace, J  
1 On the Frame of Reference [1970]
  Donald Davidson  
9 Action, Reasons and Causes [1963]
7 Causal Relations [1967]
3 The Logical Form of Action Sentences [1967]
5 Truth and Meaning [1967]
5 The Individuation of Events [1969]
1 True to the Facts [1969]
13 Mental Events [1970]
2 Semantics for Natural Languages [1970]
1 In Defence of Convention T [1973]
1 Freedom to Act [1973]
1 The Material Mind [1973]
4 The Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme [1974]
8 Thought and Talk [1975]
2 The Method of Truth in Metaphysics [1977]
5 Reality without Reference [1977]
2 Intending [1978]
3 What Metaphors Mean [1978]
3 Intro to 'Essays on Actions and Events' [1980]
9 Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge [1983]
1 Knowing One's Own Mind [1987]
1 Problems in the Explanation of Action [1987]
3 Epistemology Externalized [1990]
1 The Structure and Content of Truth [1990]
7 Three Varieties of Knowledge [1991]
15 Davidson on himself [1994]
9 Truth Rehabilitated [1997]
1 Replies to Critics [1998]
5 The Folly of Trying to Define Truth [1999]
32 Truth and Predication [2005]
  Richard Rorty  
15 Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature [1980]
1 Brandom on Social Practices and Representations [1998]
  Sydney Shoemaker  
2 Personal Identity and Memory [1959]
33 Causality and Properties [1980]
3 Introspection [1994]
10 Causal and Metaphysical Necessity [1998]
1 Self, Body and Coincidence [1999]
  Charles Taylor  
8 Atomism [1979]
9 Sources of the Self [1989]
  James Cargile  
1 Paradoxes: Form and Predication [1979]
  Fred Dretske  
1 Epistemic Operators [1970]
10 Naturalizing the Mind [1997]
7 The Case against Closure (and reply) [2005]
  Herbert B. Enderton  
8 Elements of Set Theory [1977]
30 A Mathematical Introduction to Logic (2nd) [2001]
  Saul A. Kripke  
4 A Completeness Theorem in Modal Logic [1959]
90 Naming and Necessity lectures [1970]
8 Identity and Necessity [1971]
14 Naming and Necessity notes and addenda [1972]
5 Outline of a Theory of Truth [1975]
1 A Problem about Substitutional Quantification? [1976]
1 A Puzzle about Belief [1979]
8 Naming and Necessity preface [1980]
6 Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language [1982]
  Alvin Plantinga  
2 Free Will Defence [1965]
8 De Re and De Dicto [1969]
11 World and Essence [1970]
7 Transworld Identity or worldbound Individuals? [1973]
3 The Nature of Necessity [1974]
7 Actualism and Possible Worlds [1976]
1 De Essentia [1979]
4 Why Propositions cannot be concrete [1993]
1 Warrant and Proper Function [1993]
  John Rawls  
1 Justice as fairness: Political not Metaphysical [1958]
14 A Theory of Justice [1972]
1 The Idea of Overlapping Consensus [1987]
2 Political Liberalism [1993]
1 The Law of Peoples [1999]
  John Searle  
5 Proper Names [1958]
3 Minds, Brains and Science [1984]
61 The Rediscovery of the Mind [1992]
13 The Mystery of Consciousness [1997]
34 Rationality in Action [2001]
  Bernard Williams  
1 Personal Identity and Individuation [1956]
4 The Idea of Equality [1962]
2 Ethical consistency [1965]
5 Morality and the emotions [1965]
1 Consistency and realism (with 1972 note) [1966]
2 Are Persons Bodies? [1970]
1 works [1971]
5 A Critique of Utilitarianism [1973]
1 The Truth in Relativism [1974]
1 Moral Luck [1976]
3 Persons, Character and Morality [1976]
1 Internal and External Reasons [1980]
1 Practical Necessity [1982]
25 Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy [1985]
2 How free does the will need to be? [1985]
10 Shame and Necessity [1993]
  Paul Benacerraf  
4 Logicism, Some Considerations (PhD) [1960]
24 What Numbers Could Not Be [1965]
3 Mathematical Truth [1973]
  David E. Cooper  
13 Philosophy and the Nature of Language [1973]
  Gilbert Harman  
1 Induction [1970]
29 Thought [1973]
1 The Inference to the Best Explanation [1974]
2 Human Flourishing, Ethics and Liberty [1983]
10 Change in View: Principles of Reasoning [1986]
16 (Nonsolipsistic) Conceptual Role Semantics [1987]
1 The Intrinsic Quality of Experience [1990]
6 Rationality [1995]
4 Moral Philosophy meets social psychology [1999]
  Frank Jackson  
2 Statements about Universals [1977]
2 On Assertion and Indicative Conditionals [1979]
1 Conditionals and Possibilia [1981]
3 Epiphenomenal Qualia [1982]
3 What Mary Didn't Know [1986]
1 Conditionals [1987]
27 From Metaphysics to Ethics [1998]
9 Conditionals [2006]
4 Possible Worlds and Necessary A Posteriori [2010]
  Douglas Lackey  
2 Intros to Russell's 'Essays in Analysis' [1973]
  Mary Anne Warren  
1 On the Moral and Legal State of Abortion [1973]
  Richard Wollheim  
16 Art and Its Objects [1968]
  Jaegwon Kim  
1 Causes and Events: Mackie on causation [1971]
5 Causes and Counterfactuals [1973]
6 Events as property exemplifications [1976]
1 Psychophysical supervenience [1982]
1 Concepts of supervenience [1984]
1 Epiphenomenal and supervenient causation [1984]
1 What is 'naturalized epistemology'? [1988]
1 Mechanism, purpose and explan. exclusion [1989]
2 Postscripts on supervenience [1993]
67 Philosophy of Mind [1996]
22 Mind in a Physical World [1998]
  Thomas Nagel  
3 The Absurd [1971]
2 Brain Bisection and Unity of Consciousness [1971]
5 What is it like to be a bat? [1974]
2 Moral Luck [1976]
8 Equality [1977]
1 The Fragmentation of Value [1977]
2 Panpsychism [1979]
5 Subjective and Objective [1979]
24 The View from Nowhere [1986]
1 What Does It All Mean? [1987]
1 MacIntyre versus the Enlightenment [1988]
7 Equality and Partiality [1991]
1 The Philosophical Culture [1995]
1 The Psychophysical Nexus [2000]
  M.R. Ayers  
15 Individuals without Sortals [1974]
  Jean Baudrillard  
1 works [1976]
15 The Intelligence of Evil [2004]
  Roy Bhaskar  
1 A Realist Theory of Science [1975]
  Richard Cartwright  
10 Propositions [1962]
1 Classes and Attributes [1967]
4 Some Remarks on Essentialism [1968]
2 Scattered Objects [1974]
2 Intro to 'Philosophical Essays' [1987]
  John Cottingham  
3 The Rationalists [1988]
1 Reason, Emotions and Good Life [2000]
  Keith Donnellan  
8 Reference and Definite Descriptions [1966]
102 Causal Powers [1975]
  Bryan Magee  
1 Confessions of a Philosopher [1997]
  John Perry  
1 The Same F [1970]
6 The Problem of the Essential Indexical [1979]
14 Knowledge, Possibility and Consciousness [2001]
1 Reference and Reflexivity [2001]
  Peter Singer  
2 Marx [1980]
  Leslie H. Tharp  
16 Which Logic is the Right Logic? [1975]
  Peter Unger  
3 Ignorance: a Case for Scepticism [1975]
2 There are no ordinary things [1979]
  Godfrey Vesey  
1 Collins Dictionary of Philosophy [1990]
  Michael Walzer  
25 Just and Unjust Wars [1977]
3 Spheres of Justice [1983]
  Ronald Dworkin  
3 Taking Rights Seriously [1977]
1 A Matter of Principle [1985]
  Gareth Evans  
9 The Causal Theory of Names [1973]
1 Molyneux's Question [1978]
6 Can there be Vague Objects? [1978]
2 Reference and Contingency [1979]
5 The Varieties of Reference [1980]
  Carol Gilligan  
1 In a Different Voice [1982]
  Ian Hacking  
8 The Emergence of Probability [1975]
11 What is Logic? [1979]
  Keith Lehrer  
2 Theory of Knowledge (2nd edn) [2000]
3 Consciousness,Represn, and Knowledge [2006]
  J.H. Fetzer  
4 A World of Dispositions [1977]
  Pamela Foa  
3 What's Wrong with Rape? [1977]
  Joan Kung  
5 Aristotle on Essence and Explanation [1977]
  Nicholas Rescher  
1 Axioms for the Part Relation [1955]
1 Scepticism [1980]
1 Process Metaphysics [1996]
  Steven Weinberg  
1 Lecture on Applicability of Mathematics [1986]
  L. Jonathan Cohen  
1 The Problem of Natural Laws [1980]
  Alvin I. Goldman  
4 What is Justified Belief? [1976]
1 The Internalist Conception of Justification [1980]
6 Phil Applications of Cognitive Science [1993]
5 Internalism Exposed [1999]
  Jerrold J. Katz  
9 Realistic Rationalism [2000]
  D.H. Mellor  
5 Properties and Predicates [1991]
3 The Facts of Causation [1995]
  Robert Nozick  
14 Anarchy,State, and Utopia [1974]
2 Philosophical Explanations [1981]
6 The Nature of Rationality [1993]
  Robert Merrihew Adams  
12 Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity [1979]
1 Actualism and Thisness [1981]
  James Van Cleve  
2 Why coherence is not enough [2005]
  David Fair  
2 Causation and the Flow of Energy [1979]
  David Kaplan  
6 Transworld Heir Lines [1967]
1 Dthat [1970]
4 How to Russell a Frege-Church [1975]
2 Demonstratives [1989]
  Alasdair MacIntyre  
11 A Short History of Ethics [1967]
27 After Virtue: a Study in Moral Theory [1981]
2 Whose Justice? Which Rationality? [1988]
  Terence Parsons  
1 Nonexistent Objects [1980]
  Alain Badiou  
24 Briefings on Existence [1998]
6 Mathematics and Philosophy: grand and little [2004]
  George Boolos  
1 The iterative conception of Set [1971]
7 On Second-Order Logic [1975]
11 To be is to be the value of a variable.. [1984]
1 Iteration Again [1989]
10 Must We Believe in Set Theory? [1997]
1 Is Hume's Principle analytic? [1997]
  David Bostock  
72 Intermediate Logic [1997]
49 Philosophy of Mathematics [2009]
  Baruch Brody  
13 Identity and Essence [1980]
  Myles F. Burnyeat  
1 Aristotle on Learning to be Good [1980]
  Bas C. van Fraassen  
5 The Scientific Image [1980]
6 The Empirical Stance [2002]
  Michael Frede  
1 Individuals in Aristotle [1978]
1 Title, Unity, Authenticity of the 'Categories' [1983]
1 Intro to 'Rationality in Greek Thought' [1996]
7 A Free Will [1997]
  Carl Ginet  
2 Infinitism not solution to regress problem [2005]
  Susan Haack  
2 Philosophy of Logics [1978]
  Richard Jeffrey  
2 The Logic of Decision [1965]
  Peter Klein  
4 Infinitism solution to regress problem [2005]
  Kenneth Kunen  
11 Set Theory [1980]
1 The Foundations of Mathematics (2nd ed) [2012]
  A.R. Lacey  
3 A Dictionary of Philosophy [1976]
  David Miller  
2 Community and Citizenship [1989]
  W.H. Newton-Smith  
17 The Rationality of Science [1981]
  Charles Parsons  
1 Frege's Theory of Numbers [1965]
3 A Plea for Substitutional Quantification [1971]
1 Mathematical Intuition [1980]
3 Review of Tait 'Provenance of Pure Reason' [2009]
  William Poundstone  
7 Prisoner's Dilemma [1992]
  Stephen P. Schwartz  
4 Intro to Naming,Necessity and Natural Kinds [1977]
  Ernest Sosa  
6 The Raft and the Pyramid [1980]
4 Varieties of Causation [1980]
10 Beyond internal Foundations to external Virtues [2003]
  Robert C. Stalnaker  
2 A Theory of Conditionals [1968]
1 works [1970]
1 Possible Worlds [1976]
2 Assertion [1978]
6 Anti-essentialism [1979]
5 Counterparts and Identity [1987]
11 Reference and Necessity [1997]
8 Conceptual truth and metaphysical necessity [2003]
2 Merely Possible Propositions [2010]
27 Mere Possibilities [2012]
  Michael Stanford  
3 Explanation: the state of play [1991]
  David Wiggins  
1 Identity and Spatio-Temporal Continuity [1971]
29 Sameness and Substance [1980]
14 Substance [1995]
39 Sameness and Substance Renewed [2001]
  Peter A. Angeles  
1 A Dictionary of Philosophy [1981]
  Allan Gibbard  
14 Contingent Identity [1975]
  Jonathan Glover  
6 Introductions to Utilitarianism and its Critics [1990]
  Wilfrid Hodges  
8 First-Order Logic [2001]
8 Model Theory [2005]
  David Lewis  
2 An Argument for the Identity Theory [1966]
7 Counterpart theory and Quant. Modal Logic [1968]
1 Anselm and Actuality [1970]
6 How to Define Theoretical Terms [1970]
3 Psychophysical and theoretical identifications [1972]
15 Causation [1973]
3 Counterfactuals [1973]
3 Possible Worlds [1973]
1 works [1973]
1 Probabilities of Conditionals [1976]
5 Attitudes De Dicto and De Se [1979]
1 Counterfactual Dependence and Time's Arrow [1979]
3 Mad Pain and Martian Pain [1980]
1 Subjectivist's Guide to Objective Chance [1980]
3 Extrinsic Properties [1983]
1 Introduction to Philosophical Papers I [1983]
1 Survival and Identity, with postscript [1983]
33 New work for a theory of universals [1983]
5 Putnam's Paradox [1984]
12 Causal Explanation [1986]
7 Events [1986]
2 Introduction to Philosophical Papers II [1986]
2 Comment on Armstrong and Forrest [1986]
94 On the Plurality of Worlds [1986]
1 Modal Realism at Work: Properties [1986]
17 Against Structural Universals [1986]
1 Rearrangement of Particles [1988]
1 Vague Identity: Evans misunderstood [1988]
4 Noneism or Allism? [1990]
35 Parts of Classes [1991]
5 Armstrong on combinatorial possibility [1992]
4 Many, but almost one [1993]
11 Mathematics is Megethology [1993]
12 Lewis: reduction of mind (on himself) [1994]
1 Should a materialist believe in qualia? [1995]
5 Elusive Knowledge [1996]
4 Finkish dispositions [1997]
4 Defining 'Intrinsic' (with Rae Langton) [1998]
1 A world of truthmakers? [1998]
3 Forget the 'correspondence theory of truth' [2001]
1 Things qua Truthmakers [2003]
  Dag Prawitz  
2 On the General Idea of Proof Theory [1974]
3 Gentzen's Analysis of First-Order Proofs [1974]
  Ned Block  
13 Troubles with Functionalism [1978]
1 works [1984]
1 Inverted Earth [1990]
1 Semantics, Conceptual Role [1998]
  Paul M. Churchland  
2 Eliminative Materialism and Prop. Attitudes [1981]
3 Folk Psychology [1996]
  Daniel C. Dennett  
2 Brainstorms:Essays on Mind and Psychology [1978]
1 True Believers [1981]
10 Elbow Room: varieties of free will [1984]
2 works [1985]
1 Quining Qualia [1988]
24 Consciousness Explained [1991]
5 Daniel Dennett on himself [1994]
1 Darwin's Dangerous Idea [1995]
12 Kinds of Minds [1996]
8 Brainchildren [1998]
5 Sweet Dreams [2005]
1 Three theses about dispositions [1982]
  John McDowell  
5 Mind and World [1994]
  Michael Novak  
1 The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism [1982]
  Nancy Cartwright  
17 How the Laws of Physics Lie [1983]
1 The Dappled World [1999]
  Churchland / Churchland  
3 Recent Work on Consciousness [1997]
  Frank Close  
18 Theories of Everything [2017]
  J. Alberto Coffa  
5 The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap [1991]
  Michael Devitt  
3 'Ostrich Nominalism' or 'Mirage Realism'? [1980]
3 There is no a Priori [2005]
2 There is No A Priori (and reply) [2005]
4 Resurrecting Biological Essentialism [2008]
3 Natural Kinds and Biological Realism [2009]
  Peter van Inwagen  
1 An Essay on Free Will [1983]
43 Material Beings [1990]
1 Response to Slote [1990]
1 Existence,Ontological Commitment and Fictions [2003]
  P. Johnson-Laird  
1 Mental Models [1983]
  Edward N. Zalta  
2 Abstract Objects:intro to Axiomatic Metaphysics [1983]
2 Deriving Kripkean Claims with Abstract Objects [2006]
  Robert Axelrod  
2 The Evolution of Co-Operation [1984]
  Brian Davies  
13 Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion [1982]
  George Dickie  
1 The Myth of the Aesthetic Attitude [1964]
1 The New Institutional Theory of Art [1983]
1 Introduction to Aesthetics [1997]
6 Truth-makers [1984]
  John L. Pollock  
12 Epistemic Norms [1986]
  Peter Smith  
44 Intro to Gödel's Theorems [2007]
  Kent Bach  
3 The Emperor's New 'Knows' [2005]
21 What Does It Take to Refer? [2006]
  Jonathan Barnes  
3 Commentary on 'Posterior Analytics [1993]
  Simon Blackburn  
1 Spreading the Word [1984]
2 Morals and Modals [1987]
4 Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy [1994]
1 Ruling Passions [1998]
1 Précis of 'Ruling Passions' [2002]
1 Religion and Respect [2005]
  Laurence Bonjour  
7 Externalist Theories of Empirical Knowledge [1980]
8 The Structure of Empirical Knowledge [1985]
15 In Defence of Pure Reason [1998]
11 A Version of Internalist Foundationalism [2003]
  Jonathan Dancy  
52 Intro to Contemporary Epistemology [1985]
4 Intuitionism [1991]
1 Ethics without Principles [2004]
  G Deleuze / F Guattari  
1 A Thousand Plateaus [1980]
14 What is Philosophy? [1991]
  R Feldman / E Conee  
4 Evidentialism [1985]
  Jerry A. Fodor  
2 The Language of Thought [1975]
1 How there could be a private language [1975]
1 The Modularity of Mind [1983]
5 works [1986]
27 Psychosemantics [1987]
3 Making Mind Matter More [1989]
30 The Elm and the Expert [1993]
7 Jerry A. Fodor on himself [1994]
12 Concepts:where went wrong [1998]
41 In a Critical Condition [2000]
41 LOT 2 [2008]
  Robert Geroch  
1 Mathematical Physics [1985]
  Benjamin Libet  
2 Unconscious Cerebral Initiative [1985]
  Alfred R. Mele  
1 Springs of Action [1992]
  Ray Monk  
1 Bertrand Russell: Spirit of Solitude [1996]
2 Interview with Baggini and Stangroom [2001]
  A.W. Moore  
2 The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics [2012]
  David Papineau  
1 Reality and Representation [1987]
8 Philosophical Naturalism [1993]
39 Thinking about Consciousness [2002]
1 Phenomenal and Perceptual Concepts [2006]
5 Philosophical Insignificance of A Priori Knowledge [2010]
  Derek Parfit  
4 Personal Identity [1971]
1 Reasons and Persons [1984]
8 The Unimportance of Identity [1995]
  James Rachels  
1 God and Human Attributes [1971]
2 No Moral Difference [1975]
  Palle Yourgrau  
5 Sets, Aggregates and Numbers [1985]
  Tyler Burge  
1 Frege on Extensions from Concepts [1984]
1 Intellectual Norms and Foundations of Mind [1986]
1 Frege on Knowing the Third Realm [1992]
1 Content Preservation [1993]
1 Frege on Knowing the Foundations [1998]
1 Frege on Apriority [2000]
3 Frege on Apriority (with ps) [2000]
5 Philosophy of Mind: 1950-2000 [2005]
  Lawrence B. Lombard  
1 Events [1986]
  Ian McFetridge  
2 Truth, Correspondence, Explanation and Knowledge [1977]
10 Logical Necessity: Some Issues [1986]
  Alan McMichael  
5 The Epistemology of Essentialist Claims [1986]
  Jenny Teichmann  
4 The Mind and the Soul [1974]
  Michael Bratman  
4 Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason [1987]
  Paul Horwich  
2 Lewis's Programme [1987]
12 Truth (2nd edn) [1990]
2 Bayesianism [1992]
7 Stipulation, Meaning and Apriority [2000]
  Paul Johnson  
16 The History of the Jews [1987]
  Philip Kitcher  
32 The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge [1984]
4 A Priori Knowledge Revisited [2000]
  Martha Nussbaum  
1 The Golden Bowl, and Lit as Moral Philosophy [1983]
1 The Therapy of Desire [1994]
1 Rawls and Feminism [2003]
19 Creating Capabilities [2011]
  T.M. Robinson  
1 Classical Cosmology (frags) [1997]
  Scott Soames  
6 Significance of the Kripkean Nec A Posteriori [2006]
2 Why Propositions Aren't Truth-Supporting Circumstance [2008]
9 Philosophy of Language [2010]
  James Baillie  
1 Problems in Personal Identity [1993]
  John Etchemendy  
2 Tarski on Truth and Logical Consequence [1988]
2 The Concept of Logical Consequence [1999]
  Terence Horgan  
6 From Supervenience to Superdupervenience [1993]
  Will Kymlicka  
1 Liberal Individualism and Liberal Neutrality [1989]
29 Contemporary Political Philosophy (1st edn) [1990]
9 Community [1993]
22 Contemporary Political Philosophy (2nd edn) [2002]
  Roger Penrose  
1 Could a computer ever understand? [1998]
  Richard Sorabji  
2 Rationality [1996]
  Andrew Dobson  
9 Environmental Politics: very short intro [2016]
  Mary Louise Gill  
3 Aristotle on Substance [1989]
  Geoffrey Hellman  
3 Mathematics without Numbers [1989]
2 Structuralism [2007]
  Harold Noonan  
9 Identity [2009]
  Richard Tuck  
1 Hobbes [1989]
  Michael Williams  
29 Problems of Knowledge [2001]
5 Without Immediate Justification [2005]
  Charlotte Witt  
6 Substance and Essence in Aristotle [1989]
  Iris Marion Young  
1 On Female Body Experience [2005]
  Julia Annas  
8 The Morality of Happiness [1993]
4 Ancient Philosophy: very short introduction [2000]
  Robert Audi  
1 Action, Intention and Reason [1992]
26 Epistemology: contemporary introduction [1998]
  Ray Billington  
1 talk [2010]
  Richard Boyd  
2 Homeostasis, Species and Higher Taxa [1999]
  Keith Campbell  
14 The Metaphysic of Abstract Particulars [1981]
  Peter Carruthers  
3 Introducing Persons [1986]
  Edward Craig  
1 Knowledge and the State of Nature [1990]
  Harold Hodes  
10 Logicism and Ontological Commits. of Arithmetic [1984]
  Nicholas Jolley  
1 Leibniz [2005]
  Robert Kirk  
15 Mind and Body [2003]
  Michael Lockwood  
1 Identity and Reference [1971]
3 When Does a Life Begin? [1985]
20 Mind, Brain and the Quantum [1989]
  Colin McGinn  
2 On the Necessity of Origin [1976]
1 The Structure of Content [1982]
19 Subjective View: sec qualities and indexicals [1983]
2 The Problem of Consciousness [1991]
8 The Mysterious Flame [1999]
40 Logical Properties [2000]
2 The Making of a Philosopher [2002]
  DH Mellor / T Crane  
4 There is no question of physicalism [1990]
  George Molnar  
38 Powers [1998]
  Alexander Nehamas  
2 Episteme and Logos in later Plato [1984]
3 Introduction to 'Virtues of Authenticity' [1999]
  Christopher Peacocke  
13 A Study of Concepts [1992]
1 Explaining the A Priori [2000]
1 Rationale and Maxims in Study of Concepts [2005]
6 Truly Understood [2008]
  David Roochnik  
16 The Tragedy of Reason [1990]
  David-Hillel Ruben  
8 Explaining Explanation [1990]
  Mark Sainsbury  
5 Concepts without Boundaries [1990]
6 The Essence of Reference [2006]
  Elliott Sober  
1 Mathematics and Indispensibility [1993]
  E Sosa / M Tooley  
6 Introduction to 'Causation' [1993]
  Michael Tooley  
2 Causality: Reductionism versus Realism [1990]
9 Causation and Supervenience [2003]
  Crispin Wright  
36 Frege's Concept of Numbers as Objects [1983]
2 Inventing Logical Necessity [1986]
  Peter Lipton  
56 Inference to the Best Explanation (2nd) [2004]
  Nathan Salmon  
6 Reference and Essence (1st edn) [1981]
27 The Logic of What Might Have Been [1989]
2 Reference and Essence: seven appendices [2005]
5 Intro to 'Communitarianism and Individualism' [1992]
  José A. Benardete  
26 Metaphysics: the logical approach [1989]
  Michael Burke  
8 Dion and Theon: an essentialist solution [1994]
  Albert Casullo  
1 A priori/A posteriori [1992]
6 A Priori Knowledge [2002]
  Hartry Field  
9 Tarski's Theory of Truth [1972]
1 Theory Change and the Indeterminacy of Reference [1973]
21 Science without Numbers [1980]
1 Realism, Mathematics and Modality [1989]
7 Apriority as an Evaluative Notion [2000]
4 Causation in a Physical World [2003]
1 Recent Debates on the A Priori [2005]
  Owen Flanagan  
23 The Problem of the Soul [2002]
7 The Really Hard Problem [2007]
  Daniel Garber  
2 Leibniz:Body,Substance,Monad [2009]
  Gordon Graham  
14 Eight Theories of Ethics [2004]
  Michael Jubien  
8 Ontology and Mathematical Truth [1977]
14 Analyzing Modality [2007]
30 Possibility [2009]
  Richard L. Kirkham  
7 Theories of Truth: a Critical Introduction [1992]
  Georges Rey  
60 Contemporary Philosophy of Mind [1997]
9 The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction [2013]
  Nicholas P. White  
2 What Numbers Are [1974]
  Karen Armstrong  
6 A History of God [1993]
  John Dupré  
17 The Disorder of Things [1993]
  J Fodor / E Lepore  
1 Holism: a Shopper's Guide [1993]
  John Greco  
3 The Value Problem [2011]
  Robert van Gulick  
8 Mirror Mirror - Is That All? [2006]
  Anil Gupta  
4 Truth [2001]
12 Definitions [2008]
  Jennifer Hornsby  
1 Actions [1980]
  John Kekes  
38 Against Liberalism [1997]
27 The Human Condition [2010]
  William Lycan  
6 The Trouble with Possible Worlds [1979]
24 Consciousness [1987]
5 Introduction - Ontology [1999]
8 Philosophy of Language [2000]
  Ruth Garrett Millikan  
1 Thoughts without Laws [1986]
1 Varieties of Meaning [2002]
  Alan Musgrave  
8 Logicism Revisited [1977]
  Michael J. Sandel  
2 Liberalism and the Limits of Justice [1982]
5 Procedural republic and unencumbered self [1984]
3 Beyond Individualism [1988]
4 The Limits of Communitarianism [1998]
19 Justice: What's the right thing to do? [2009]
  Roger Scruton  
3 Representation in Music [1976]
2 Recent Aesthetics in England and America [1980]
2 The Nature of Musical Expression [1981]
4 Short History of Modern Philosophy [1981]
8 A Dictionary of Political Thought [1982]
5 Laughter [1982]
5 Public Text and Common Reader [1982]
5 Upon Nothing: Swansea lecture [1993]
29 Modern Philosophy:introduction and survey [1994]
33 Animal Rights and Wrongs [1996]
11 Beauty: a very short introduction [2011]
  Robert B. Brandom  
1 Making It Explicit [1994]
1 Articulating Reasons: Intro to Inferentialism [2000]
  John Haldane  
1 The Individual, the State, and the Common Good [1996]
  William D. Hart  
1 Hat-Tricks and Heaps [1992]
45 The Evolution of Logic [2010]
  John Mayberry  
31 What Required for Foundation for Maths? [1994]
  Howard Robinson  
26 Perception [1994]
  David M. Rosenthal  
1 Instrospection [1998]
  Scott Shalkowski  
1 Ontological Ground of Alethic Modality [1994]
6 Essence and Being [2008]
  Barry Smith  
1 Truth-maker Realism [1999]
1 Truth-maker Realism: response to Gregory [2000]
  Michael Smith  
20 The Moral Problem [1994]
  David O. Brink  
6 Emotivism [1995]
  Helen Cartwright  
1 On Plural Reference and Set Theory [1993]
  Quassim Cassam  
6 Introduction to 'Self-Knowledge' [1994]
  Tim Crane  
3 Causation [1995]
42 Elements of Mind [2001]
  Chris Daly  
3 Tropes [1995]
  Graeme Forbes  
25 The Metaphysics of Modality [1985]
7 In Defense of Absolute Essentialism [1986]
  B Hale / C Wright  
8 Intro to 'The Reason's Proper Study' [2001]
5 Logicism in the 21st Century [2007]
10 The Metaontology of Abstraction [2009]
  Brad W. Hooker  
2 Prescriptivism [1995]
4 Rule Utilitarianism and Euthanasia [1997]
  Dale Jacquette  
6 Intro to 'Philosophy of Logic' [2002]
1 Intro to I: Classical Logic [2002]
2 Intro to III: Quantifiers [2002]
22 Ontology [2002]
  Christopher Janaway  
1 Schopenhauer [1994]
  William Lyons  
6 Approaches to Intentionality [1995]
  David H. Sanford  
2 Causation [1995]
  Michael Tye  
1 Adverbial Theory [1995]
  Robin Waterfield  
1 Introduction to 'Hippias Minor' [1987]
  Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski  
34 Virtues of the Mind [1996]
  David J.Chalmers  
52 The Conscious Mind [1996]
2 Does Conceivability Entail Possibility? [2002]
2 Epistemic Two-Dimensional Semantics [2004]
1 Foundations of Two-Dimensional Semantics [2006]
  David Conway  
5 Capitalism and Community [1996]
  Keith Devlin  
13 Goodbye Descartes [1997]
  Julia Driver  
6 The Virtues and Human Nature [1996]
  Kit Fine  
11 Vagueness, Truth and Logic [1975]
1 Model Theory for Modal Logic I [1978]
2 Quine on Quantifying In [1990]
6 Aristotle on Matter [1992]
21 Essence and Modality [1994]
1 A Puzzle Concerning Matter and Form [1994]
12 Ontological Dependence [1995]
7 Senses of Essence [1995]
5 Cantorian Abstraction: Recon. and Defence [1998]
8 Things and Their Parts [1999]
5 Neutral Relations [2000]
17 The Question of Realism [2001]
11 The Limits of Abstraction [2002]
3 The Varieties of Necessity [2002]
2 The Problem of Possibilia [2003]
9 Intro to 'Modality and Tense' [2005]
3 Our Knowledge of Mathematical Objects [2005]
16 Necessity and Non-Existence [2005]
4 Precis of 'Limits of Abstraction' [2005]
14 Replies on 'Limits of Abstraction' [2005]
5 In Defence of Three-Dimensionalism [2006]
18 Semantic Relationism [2007]
9 The Question of Ontology [2009]
6 Semantic Necessity [2010]
2 Some Puzzles of Ground [2010]
21 Guide to Ground [2012]
10 Vagueness: a global approach [2020]
  Michael Hallett  
4 Introduction to Zermelo's 1930 paper [1996]
  John Heil  
37 Philosophy of Mind [1998]
54 From an Ontological Point of View [2003]
7 Relations [2009]
43 The Universe as We Find It [2012]
  Carl Hoefer  
1 The Metaphysics of Space-Time Substantivalism [1996]
  Rosalind Hursthouse  
1 Virtue Theory and Abortion [1992]
30 On Virtue Ethics [1999]
  Christine M. Korsgaard  
5 Aristotle and Kant on the Source of Value [1986]
1 Creating the Kingdom of Ends [1992]
5 Intro to 'Creating the Kingdom of Ends' [1996]
  Lawrence M. Krauss  
9 A Universe from Nothing [2012]
  Robin Le Poidevin  
3 Interview with Baggini and Stangroom [2001]
30 Travels in Four Dimensions [2003]
  Thomas Mautner  
30 Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy [1996]
  Alex Oliver  
29 The Metaphysics of Properties [1996]
  Timothy Smiley  
1 Conceptions of Consequence [1998]
  Stephen P. Stich  
2 The Fragmentation of Reason [1990]
  Galen Strawson  
1 The Secret Connexion [1989]
  William W. Tait  
8 Frege versus Cantor and Dedekind [1996]
1 Intro to 'Provenance of Pure Reason' [2005]
  Stephen Yablo  
1 Identity, Essence and Indiscernibility [1987]
1 Paradox without Self-Reference [1993]
3 Does Ontology Rest on a Mistake? [1998]
7 Apriority and Existence [2000]
2 Go Figure: a Path through Fictionalism [2001]
4 Abstract Objects: a Case Study [2002]
1 Carving Content at the Joints [2002]
14 Aboutness [2014]
  John Bacon  
4 Tropes [2008]
  John P. Burgess  
6 Review of Chihara 'Struct. Accnt of Maths' [2005]
28 Philosophical Logic [2009]
  JP Burgess / G Rosen  
15 A Subject with No Object [1997]
  Simon Critchley  
4 Continental Philosophy - V. Short Intro [2001]
10 Interview with Baggini and Stangroom [2001]
10 Impossible Objects: interviews [2012]
  Dorothy Edgington  
1 Epistemic and Metaphysical Possibility [1985]
5 Do Conditionals Have Truth Conditions? [1986]
4 Conditionals [2001]
4 Two Kinds of Possibility [2004]
14 Conditionals (Stanf) [2006]
  J Hoffman/G Rosenkrantz  
4 Platonistic Theories of Universals [2003]
  R Keefe / P Smith  
17 Intro: Theories of Vagueness [1997]
  Penelope Maddy  
8 Sets and Numbers [1981]
11 Believing the Axioms I [1988]
4 Realism in Mathematics [1990]
26 Naturalism in Mathematics [1997]
1 Second Philosophy [2007]
7 Defending the Axioms [2011]
  DH Mellor / A Oliver  
4 Introduction to 'Properties' [1997]
  Eric T. Olson  
2 The Human Animal [1997]
  Michael D. Resnik  
8 Maths as a Science of Patterns [1997]
  Lynne Rudder Baker  
6 Why Constitution is not Identity [1997]
  Stewart Shapiro  
1 Structure and Ontology [1989]
50 Foundations without Foundationalism [1991]
64 Philosophy of Mathematics [1997]
15 Thinking About Mathematics [2000]
12 Higher-Order Logic [2001]
  Daniel Statman  
10 Introduction to Virtue Ethics [1997]
  John Bigelow  
1 The Reality of Numbers [1988]
1 Presentism and Properties [1996]
  Rita Carter  
19 Mapping the Mind [1998]
  Charles Chihara  
1 Ontology and the Vicious Circle Principle [1973]
4 Constructibility and Mathematical Existence [1990]
17 A Structural Account of Mathematics [2004]
  A Clark / D Chalmers  
5 The Extended Mind [1998]
  Stewart Cohen  
3 Contextualism Defended [2005]
5 Contextualism Defended (and reply) [2005]
  Roger Crisp  
2 Interview with Baggini and Stangroom [2001]
  Melvin Fitting  
7 Intensional Logic [2007]
  M Fitting/R Mendelsohn  
44 First-Order Modal Logic [1998]
  André Gallois  
4 Occasions of Identity [1998]
3 Identity over Time [2011]
  Stephen Houlgate  
1 An Introduction to Hegel [1991]
  Seymour Lipschutz  
1 Set Theory and related topics (2nd ed) [1998]
  Michael J. Loux  
6 Metaphysics: contemporary introduction [1998]
  Naguib Mahfouz  
1 works [1998]
  Alexander Miller  
9 Philosophy of Language [1998]
  Steven Pinker  
10 The Blank Slate [2002]
  Thomas M. Scanlon  
1 What We Owe to Each Other [1998]
  Scott Sturgeon  
6 Matters of Mind [2000]
  Bill Brewer  
1 Perceptual experience has conceptual content [2005]
  James Robert Brown  
33 Philosophy of Mathematics [1999]
  John M. Cooper  
1 Aristotle on Friendship [1977]
12 Substance and Individuation in Leibniz [1999]
  Antonio Damasio  
1 Looking for Spinoza [2003]
  Keith DeRose  
6 The Case for Contextualism [2009]
  A.C. Grayling  
1 Wittgenstein [1988]
2 Russell [1996]
6 What is Good? [2003]
2 Among the Dead Cities [2006]
9 The Good State [2020]
  Bernard Linsky  
11 Russell's Metaphysical Logic [1999]
2 Quantification and Descriptions [2014]
  E.J. Lowe  
1 Lewis on Perdurance versus Endurance [1987]
7 Locke on Human Understanding [1995]
1 Things [1995]
67 The Possibility of Metaphysics [1998]
45 Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind [2000]
45 A Survey of Metaphysics [2002]
4 Individuation [2003]
6 Two Notions of Being: Entity and Essence [2008]
3 An essentialist approach to Truth-making [2009]
19 What is the Source of Knowledge of Modal Truths? [2013]
  J Pollock / J Cruz  
22 Contemporary theories of Knowledge (2nd) [1999]
  Richard Polt  
2 Heidegger: an introduction [1999]
  Lars Svendsen  
11 A Philosophy of Boredom [2005]
  Joan Weiner  
1 Frege [1999]
  Bernecker / Dretske  
10 Knowledge:Readings in Cont.Epist [2000]
  Paul Boghossian  
1 The Status of Content [1990]
13 Analyticity Reconsidered [1996]
  Fabrice Correia  
2 On the Reduction of Necessity to Essence [2012]
  Phil Dowe  
3 Physical Causation [2000]
  G Edelman / G Tononi  
21 Consciousness: matter becomes imagination [2000]
  Sebastian Gardner  
4 Aesthetics [1995]
6 Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason [1999]
  Peter Goldie  
34 The Emotions [2000]
  Richard G. Heck  
11 Cardinality, Counting and Equinumerosity [2000]
13 Thinking About Mechanisms [2000]
  David S. Oderberg  
22 Real Essentialism [2007]
  Graham Priest  
8 The Structure of Paradoxes of Self-Reference [1994]
1 What is so bad about Contradictions? [1998]
1 works [1998]
27 Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001]
  E Reck / M Price  
18 Structures and Structuralism in Phil of Maths [2000]
  Gabriel M.A. Segal  
18 A Slim Book about Narrow Content [2000]
  Chris Swoyer  
19 Properties [2000]
4 Abstract Entities [2008]
  Paul Thagard  
6 Explanatory Coherence [1989]
7 Coherence: The Price is Right [2012]
  Victor Velarde-Mayol  
3 On Husserl [2000]
  Michael V. Wedin  
3 Aristotle's Theory of Substance [2000]
  Timothy Williamson  
2 Review of Bob Hale's 'Abstract Objects' [1988]
41 Vagueness [1994]
12 Truthmakers and Converse Barcan Formula [1999]
2 Knowledge and its Limits [2000]
6 Interview with Baggini and Stangroom [2001]
1 Necessary Existents [2002]
13 The Philosophy of Philosophy [2007]
6 Modal Logic within Counterfactual Logic [2010]
1 Laudatio: Prof Ruth Barcan Marcus [2011]
1 Modal Logic as Metaphysics [2013]
11 Knowledge First (and reply) [2014]
  José L. Zalabardo  
18 Introduction to the Theory of Logic [2000]
  Jason Crease  
1 works [2001]
  Adam Dance  
1 works [2001]
  Marian David  
12 Truth-making and Correspondence [2009]
  Richard Foley  
1 The Theory of Epistemic Rationality [1987]
4 Justified Belief as Responsible Belief [2005]
  Bob Hale  
23 Abstract Objects [1987]
8 Absolute Necessities [1996]
1 Reals by Abstraction [1998]
5 The Source of Necessity [2002]
23 Necessary Beings [2013]
  Katherine Hawley  
39 How Things Persist [2001]
  Stephen Hetherington  
1 The Gettier Problem [2011]
  Hilary Kornblith  
1 Internalism and Externalism: a History [2001]
  Joseph Levine  
3 Purple Haze [2001]
  Edwin D. Mares  
13 A Priori [2011]
14 Negation [2014]
  Keith T. Maslin  
10 Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind [2001]
  J.P. Moreland  
24 Universals [2001]
  Stephen Mumford  
41 Dispositions [1998]
24 Laws in Nature [2004]
4 Metaphysics: a very short introduction [2012]
1 Contemporary Efficient Causation: Aristotelian themes [2014]
  Stephen Read  
7 Formal and Material Consequence [1994]
42 Thinking About Logic [1995]
  Theodore Sider  
29 Four Dimensionalism [2001]
1 Reductive Theories of Modality [2003]
45 Logic for Philosophy [2010]
49 Writing the Book of the World [2011]
  Slavoj Zizek  
5 Conversations, with Glyn Daly [2004]
  Deborah Achtenberg  
1 Cognition of Value in Aristotle's Ethics [2002]
  George Bealer  
5 Propositions [1998]
  Gregory Currie  
1 An Ontology of Art [1988]
  Pascal Engel  
16 Truth [2002]
  A.George / D.J.Velleman  
41 Philosophies of Mathematics [2002]
  John Gray  
7 Straw Dogs [2002]
5 Seven Types of Atheism [2018]
  Verity Harte  
7 Plato on Parts and Wholes [2002]
  Lynn Holt  
1 Apprehension: reason in absence of Rules [2002]
  Martin Kusch  
28 Knowledge by Agreement [2002]
  Michael Martin  
3 Interview with Baggini and Stangroom [2001]
  Paul O'Grady  
24 Relativism [2002]
  Alex Orenstein  
14 W.V. Quine [2002]
  Terry Pinkard  
5 German Philosophy 1760-1860 [2002]
  Alexander R. Pruss  
1 The Actual and the Possible [2002]
  Stathis Psillos  
1 Scientific Realism [1999]
32 Causation and Explanation [2002]
1 What do powers do when they are not manifested? [2006]
  John Richardson  
5 Nietzsche's System [2002]
  Michael della Rocca  
1 Essentialists and Essentialism [1996]
  Gideon Rosen  
8 Abstract Objects [2001]
11 The Limits of Contingency [2006]
10 Metaphysical Dependence [2010]
  Rüdiger Safranski  
1 Nietzsche: a philosophical biography [2000]
  Alan Sidelle  
22 Necessity, Essence and Individuation [1989]
  Roy Sorensen  
20 Vagueness and Contradiction [2001]
  J Baggini / PS Fosl  
18 The Philosopher's Toolkit [2003]
  Andrew Bowie  
4 Introduction to German Philosophy [2003]
4 German Philosophy: a very short introduction [2010]
  Tom Clark  
1 talk [2003]
  Brian Clegg  
20 Infinity: Quest to Think the Unthinkable [2003]
  Adam Cross  
1 works [2001]
  Andy Douglas  
1 talk [2003]
  Robert Fogelin  
22 Walking the Tightrope of Reason [2003]
  Susan A. Gelman  
32 The Essential Child [2003]
  Rod Girle  
15 Modal Logics and Philosophy [2000]
  Sally Haslanger  
8 Persistence, Change and Explanation [1989]
  R Kaplan / E Kaplan  
6 The Art of the Infinite [2003]
  Wolfgang Künne  
1 Conceptions of Truth [2003]
  Michael Lavers  
1 talk [2003]
  M Loux / D Zimmerman  
1 Intro to Oxford Hndbk of Metaphysics [2003]
4 The Impossibility of Superdupervenience [2003]
  R Martin / J Barresi  
4 Introduction to 'Personal Identity' [2003]
  Tim Maudlin  
31 The Metaphysics within Physics [2007]
  Barry Maund  
8 Perception [2003]
  Tim Mawson  
1 Animal Rights talk [2003]
  Joseph Melia  
17 Modality [2003]
  Trenton Merricks  
28 Objects and Persons [2003]
2 Goodbye Growing Block [2006]
26 Truth and Ontology [2007]
17 Propositions [2015]
  Richard Posner  
1 Law, Pragmatism and Democracy [2003]
  Mark Rowlands  
16 Externalism [2003]
  Peter Simons  
69 Parts [1987]
1 Particulars in Particular Clothing [1994]
3 Events [2003]
2 Modes of Extension: comment on Fine [2008]
1 Whitehead: process and cosmology [2009]
  Zoltán Gendler Szabó  
4 Nominalism [2003]
  Achille Varzi  
11 Mereology [2003]
  James Woodward  
1 Making Things Happen [2003]
  Dean W. Zimmerman  
3 Distinct Indiscernibles and the Bundle Theory [1997]
  Jody Azzouni  
12 Deflating Existential Consequence [2004]
  Alexander Bird  
61 Philosophy of Science [1998]
34 Nature's Metaphysics [2007]
3 Causation and the Manifestation of Powers [2010]
6 Epistemology [2004]
  Earl Conee  
4 First Things First [2004]
2 Contextualism Contested [2005]
3 Contextualism Contested (and reply) [2005]
  E Conee / R Feldman  
2 Evidentialism [1985]
2 Introduction to 'Evidentialism' [2004]
  R Cook / P Ebert  
1 Notice of Fine's 'Limits of Abstraction' [2004]
  Crawford L. Elder  
5 Real Natures and Familiar Objects [2004]
  Feferman / Feferman  
12 Alfred Tarski: life and logic [2004]
  John Hawthorne  
8 Causal Structuralism [2001]
1 Identity [2003]
4 The Case for Closure [2005]
4 Three-Dimensionalism v Four-Dimensionalism [2008]
  Thomas Hofweber  
10 Number Determiners, Numbers, Arithmetic [2005]
4 Inexpressible Properties and Propositions [2006]
3 Ambitious, yet modest, Metaphysics [2009]
30 Ontology and the Ambitions of Metaphysics [2016]
3 Introductions to 'Aesthetics and the Phil of Art' [2004]
  Fraser MacBride  
2 Structuralism Reconsidered [2007]
20 Truthmakers [2013]
3 Relations [2016]
  David Marshall  
1 talk [2004]
  Gregory L. Murphy  
24 The Big Book of Concepts [2004]
  Thomas W. Polger  
6 Natural Minds [2004]
  Vassilis Politis  
4 Aristotle and the Metaphysics [2004]
  Michael Potter  
14 Set Theory and Its Philosophy [2004]
17 The Rise of Analytic Philosophy 1879-1930 [2020]
  JC Beall / G Restall  
8 Logical Consequence [2005]
23 Logical Pluralism [2006]
  Alex Betteridge  
1 talk [2005]
  Herman Cappelen  
2 Philosophy without Intuitions [2012]
  Juan Comesaña  
3 Reliabilism [2011]
  Trent Dougherty  
3 Fallibilism [2011]
3 Experience First (and reply) [2014]
3 What is Knowledge-First Epistemology? [2014]
  Catherine Z. Elgin  
3 Non-foundationalist epistemology [2005]
  James Gordon Finlayson  
3 Habermas [2005]
  Gary Gutting  
2 Foucault: a very short introduction [2005]
1 Aquinas, Thomas [2005]
  Jonathan Kvanvig  
1 The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding [2003]
4 Truth is not the Primary Epistemic Goal [2005]
2 Epistemic Justification [2011]
3 Virtue Epistemology [2011]
  Cynthia Macdonald  
32 Varieties of Things [2005]
  Todd May  
3 Gilles Deleuze [2006]
  Erik J. Olsson  
6 Against Coherence [2005]
  Paul M. Pietroski  
1 Events and Semantic Architecture [2004]
  Duncan Pritchard  
13 Epistemological Disjunctivism [2012]
  James Pryor  
6 There is immediate Justification [2005]
  François Recanati  
36 Mental Files [2012]
8 Mental Files in Flux [2016]
  Jonathan Schaffer  
27 The Metaphysics of Causation [2007]
8 Causation and Laws of Nature [2008]
2 Deflationary Metaontology of Thomasson [2009]
12 On What Grounds What [2009]
5 Grounding, Transitivity and Contrastivity [2012]
  Stephen Schiffer  
2 Contextualist Solutions to Scepticism [1996]
  Jonathan Schofield  
1 talk [2005]
  Rowland Stout  
34 Action [2005]
  Peter Watson  
21 Ideas [2005]
11 Convergence [2016]
  Luke Westaway  
3 talk [2005]
  Jan Westerhoff  
14 Ontological Categories [2005]
  Robert S. Wolf  
19 A Tour through Mathematical Logic [2005]
  Stephen Wolfram  
2 A New Kind of Science [2002]
  Craig Bourne  
14 A Future for Presentism [2006]
  Richard Breheny  
1 Letter to Clerk Maxwell [1855]
  Berit Brogaard  
1 Perceptual Content and Monadic Truth [2009]
  Tim Button  
9 The Limits of Reason [2013]
  Roy Ellen  
4 Anthropological Studies of Classification [1996]
1 Categories, Classification, Cogn. Anthropology [2006]
  Berys Gaut  
6 The Ethical Criticism of Art [1998]
  Harry Gildersleve  
1 talk [2005]
  Robert Hanna  
28 Rationality and Logic [2006]
  Robin F. Hendry  
11 Chemistry [2008]
  Daniel Jacobson  
8 Ethical Criticism and the Vice of Moderation [2006]
  Eileen John  
4 Artistic Value and Opportunistic Moralism [2006]
  Jack Joslin  
1 talk [2006]
  Peter Koellner  
6 On the Question of Absolute Undecidability [2006]
  U Kriegel / K Williford  
5 Intro to 'Self-Representational Consciousness' [2006]
  Shaughan Lavine  
33 Understanding the Infinite [1994]
  Henry Laycock  
10 Words without Objects [2006]
  Øystein Linnebo  
5 Plural Quantification Exposed [2003]
10 Plural Quantification [2008]
9 Structuralism and the Notion of Dependence [2008]
8 Philosophy of Mathematics [2017]
  Penelope Mackie  
18 How Things Might Have Been [2006]
  Vann McGee  
8 Logical Consequence [2014]
  Quentin Meillassoux  
25 After Finitude; the necessity of contingency [2006]
  Tom Milsted  
1 talk [2006]
  Alistair Mitchell  
1 talk [2006]
10 What are Sets and What are they For? [2006]
  L.A. Paul  
9 In Defense of Essentialism [2006]
6 Introduction to 'Absolute Generality' [2006]
  Roger M. White  
1 Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus' [2006]
  Jonathan Wolff  
32 An Introduction to Political Philosophy (Rev) [2006]
  Anjan Chakravarrty  
6 Inessential Aristotle: Powers without Essences [2012]
  Jennifer Fisher  
10 On the Philosophy of Logic [2008]
  Miranda Fricker  
8 Epistemic Injustice [2007]
  Michèle Friend  
41 Introducing the Philosophy of Mathematics [2007]
  David Galloway  
1 lectures [2007]
  Leon Horsten  
4 Philosophy of Mathematics [2007]
46 The Tarskian Turn [2011]
  Keith Hossack  
21 Plurals and Complexes [2000]
8 Knowledge and the Philosophy of Number [2020]
  J Ladyman / D Ross  
60 Every Thing Must Go [2007]
  Danielle Macbeth  
4 Pragmatism and Objective Truth [2007]
  Franklin Perkins  
1 Leibniz: Guide for the Perplexed [2007]
  David Robb  
2 Substance [2009]
  Eric R. Scerri  
28 The Periodic Table [2007]
  Mark Steiner  
3 Mathematical Explanation [1978]
  Matthew Stewart  
1 The Courtier and the Heretic [2007]
  Ross P. Cameron  
14 Truthmakers, Realism and Ontology [2008]
5 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties [2009]
3 On the Source of Necessity [2010]
9 Truthmaking for Presentists [2011]
  Cian Dorr  
3 There Are No Abstract Objects [2008]
  Stuart Glennan  
7 Mechanisms [2008]
  Hans-Johann Glock  
4 What is Analytic Philosophy? [2008]
  David Hildebrand  
1 Dewey [2008]
  Kathrin Koslicki  
5 Isolation and Non-arbitrary Division [1997]
22 The Structure of Objects [2008]
9 Essence, Necessity and Explanation [2012]
8 Varieties of Ontological Dependence [2012]
4 Form, Matter and Substance [2018]
  Manjit Kumar  
1 Quantum: Einstein and Bohr [2008]
  David Liggins  
3 Nihilism without Self-Contradiction [2008]
9 Truth-makers and dependence [2012]
  Paolo Mancosu  
1 Explanation in Mathematics [2008]
  Ned Markosian  
13 A Defense of Presentism [2004]
  Michael Morris  
7 Guidebook to Wittgenstein's Tractatus [2008]
  Samir Okasha  
1 Darwinian Metaphysics: Species and Essentialism [2002]
10 Philosophy of Science: Very Short Intro (2nd ed) [2016]
  Demetris Portides  
7 Models [2008]
  Marcus Rossberg  
10 First-order Logic, 2nd-order, Completeness [2004]
  Karen Bennett  
8 Supervenience [2011]
  Graham Farmelo  
3 The Strangest Man [2009]
  Mark Fisher  
3 Capitalist Realism [2009]
  Peter Forrest  
1 Ways Worlds Could Be [1986]
  Geoffrey Gorham  
9 Philosophy of Science [2009]
  Edouard Machery  
51 Doing Without Concepts [2009]
  Ofra Magidor  
51 Category Mistakes [2013]
  E Margolis/S Laurence  
23 Concepts [2009]
  Jeff McMahan  
23 Killing in War [2009]
  Cheryl Misak  
1 Introduction to 'New Pragmatists' [2007]
12 Pragmatism and Deflationism [2007]
  Huw Price  
3 The Flow of Time [2011]
  Adolph Rami  
6 Essential vs Accidental Properties [2008]
15 Introduction: Truth and Truth-Making [2009]
  Marga Reimer  
1 The Problem of Empty Names [2001]
  Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra  
1 Resemblance Nominalism and Russell's Regress [2001]
1 Resemblance Nominalism: a solution to universals [2002]
  Amartya Sen  
23 The Idea of Justice [2009]
  Amie L. Thomasson  
21 Ordinary Objects [2007]
  Ryan Wasserman  
5 Material Constitution [2009]
  Joseph Almog  
12 Nature Without Essence [2010]
  Richard Corry  
5 Dispositional Essentialism Grounds Laws of Nature? [2010]
  Antony Eagle  
4 Locke on Essences and Kinds [2005]
  Michael Esfeld  
1 Humean metaphysics vs metaphysics of Powers [2010]
  Volker Halbach  
10 Axiomatic Theories of Truth (2005 ver) [2005]
47 Axiomatic Theories of Truth [2011]
  Bob Hale/ Aviv Hoffmann  
1 Introduction to 'Modality' [2010]
  Jonathan D. Jacobs  
13 A Powers Theory of Modality [2010]
  Mark Jago  
1 Paraconsistent Logic [2010]
  Carrie Jenkins  
17 Grounding Concepts [2008]
  Bert Leuridan  
11 Can Mechanisms Replace Laws of Nature? [2010]
  Beth Lord  
2 Spinoza's Ethics [2010]
  Laura Schroeter  
19 Two-Dimensional Semantics [2010]
  Sara L. Uckelman  
1 Dynamic Logics [2010]
  Koen Vervloesem  
1 Barcan Formulae [2010]
  Neil E. Williams  
23 The Powers Metaphysics [2019]
  C. Anthony Anderson  
9 Identity and Existence in Logic [2014]
  G. Aldo Antonelli  
10 Non-Monotonic Logic [2014]
  Tim Black  
2 Modal and Anti-Luck Epistemology [2011]
  George Engelbretsen  
14 Trees, Terms and Truth [2005]
8 Philosophical Logic: Intro to Advanced Topics [2011]
  Stephen R. Grimm  
3 Understanding [2011]
  Thomas Grundmann  
7 Defeasibility Theory [2011]
9 Mathematical Methods in Philosophy [2014]
  Brian R. Martin  
14 Particle Physics [2011]
  Timothy McGrew  
10 Evidence [2011]
  Daniel M. Mittag  
4 Evidentialism [2011]
  S.Mumford/R.Lill Anjum  
1 Dispositional Modality [2011]
46 Getting Causes from Powers [2011]
  Ram Neta  
2 The Basing Relation [2011]
  Bryan van Norden  
3 Intro to Classical Chinese Philosophy [2011]
  Robert Pasnau  
53 Metaphysical Themes 1274-1671 [2011]
  Michael Strevens  
3 No Understanding without Explanation [2011]
  Jonathan Tallant  
8 Metaphysics: an introduction [2011]
  Hamid Vahid  
9 Externalism/Internalism [2011]
11 Philosophy of Chemistry [2011]
  Dennis Whitcomb  
1 Wisdom [2011]
  Paul Audi  
12 Clarification and Defense of Grounding [2012]
  Stephen Boulter  
8 Why Medieval Philosophy Matters [2019]
  Mark Colyvan  
21 Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics [2012]
5 Grounding: an opinionated introduction [2012]
  Jan-Erik Jones  
1 Real Essence [2012]
  Gary Kemp  
4 Croce and Collingwood [2012]
  Peter B. Lewis  
2 Schopenhauer [2012]
  Sarah Sawyer  
5 Empty Names [2012]
  Benjamin Schnieder  
1 Truth-making without Truth-makers [2006]
  Johanna Seibt  
3 Process Philosophy [2012]
  Tuomas E. Tahko  
4 The Epistemology of Essence (draft) [2013]
  Michal Walicki  
19 Introduction to Mathematical Logic [2012]
15 Action [2012]
  Jim Baggott  
4 The Quantum Story: 40 moments [2011]
3 Farewell to Reality: fairytale physics [2013]
  Tim Bayne  
6 Thought: a very short introduction [2013]
19 The Inessential Indexical [2013]
  John Hacker-Wright  
1 Philippa Foot's Moral Thought [2013]
10 Axiomatic Theories of Truth (2013 ver) [2013]
  Vittorio Hösle  
2 A Short History of German Philosophy [2013]
  New Scientist writers  
26 New Scientist articles [2013]
41 Why the Universe Exists [2017]
  Johanna Oksala  
1 How to Read Foucault [2007]
4 Political Philosophy: all that matters [2013]
  David van Reybrouck  
10 Against Elections [2013]
  Dorion Sagan  
1 Cosmic Apprentice [2013]
  Ori Simchen  
4 The Barcan Formula and Metaphysics [2013]
  James O. Young  
9 The Coherence Theory of Truth [2013]
  Kevin Aho  
8 Existentialism: an introduction [2014]
  Richard T.W. Arthur  
2 Leibniz [2014]
  Douglas Edwards  
4 Properties [2014]
  Yuval Noah Harari  
29 Sapiens: brief history of humankind [2014]
  Armand Marie LeRoi  
1 The Lagoon: how Aristotle invented science [2014]
5 The Fourth Revolution [2014]
8 Scientific Objectivity [2014]
  Carlo Rovelli  
14 Reality is Not What it Seems [2014]
  Ian Rumfitt  
4 "Yes" and "No" [2000]
2 Concepts and Counting [2002]
2 The Logic of Boundaryless Concepts [2007]
11 Logical Necessity [2010]
37 The Boundary Stones of Thought [2015]
  Adam Swift  
24 Political Philosophy (3rd ed) [2014]
  Barbara Vetter  
8 Essence and Potentiality [2010]
1 Dispositional Essentialism and the Laws of Nature [2012]
34 Potentiality [2015]
  Francesco Orsi  
14 Value Theory [2015]
77 Db (lexicon) [1001 BCE]
118 Db (chronology) [2030]
16 Db (ideas) [2031]
  Anand Vaidya  
8 Understanding and Essence [2010]
1 The Epistemology of Modality [2015]
  Jens Zimmermann  
6 Hermeneutics: a very short introduction [2015]
  Sarah Bakewell  
2 At the Existentialist Café [2016]
  Stephen Davies  
24 The Philosophy of Art (2nd ed) [2016]
  Gavin Hesketh  
20 The Particle Zoo [2016]
  Andrew Shorten  
17 Contemporary Political Theory [2016]
31 This is Political Philosophy [2017]
  Andrew Gibson  
1 talk [2018]
36 Intro to the Philosophy of Time [2019]
  Franco 'Bifo' Berardi  
8 The Second Coming [2019]
  John Charvet  
27 Liberalism: the basics [2019]
  Adam Gopnik  
19 A Thousand Small Sanities [2019]
  Peter E. Pormann  
1 Medical Conceptions of Health pre-Renaissance [2019]
  Matthew Cobb  
2 The Idea of the Brain [2020]
  Ian Dunt  
5 How to be a Liberal [2020]
  Will Sommers  
20 talk [2019]
  Tom Cochrane  
11 The Aesthetic Value of the World [2021]
  R.D. Ingthorsson  
32 A Powerful Particulars View of Causation [2021]
  Anil Seth  
7 Being You [2021]
15 Dispositions and Powers [2023]
  Peter Schulte  
12 Mental Content [2023]
  William Davies  
5 Review of 'The Price is Wrong' by B.Christophers [2024]
  Will Hutton  
5 This Time No Mistakes [2024]