Ideas from 'Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed)' by Graham Priest [2001], by Theme Structure

[found in 'Introduction to Non-Classical Logic' by Priest,Graham [CUP 2001,0-521-79434-x]].

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4. Formal Logic / E. Nonclassical Logics / 6. Free Logic
Free logic is one of the few first-order non-classical logics
                        Full Idea: Free logic is an unusual example of a non-classical logic which is first-order.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], Pref)
4. Formal Logic / F. Set Theory ST / 2. Mechanics of Set Theory / a. Symbols of ST
X1 x X2 x X3... x Xn indicates the 'cartesian product' of those sets
                        Full Idea: X1 x X2 x X3... x Xn indicates the 'cartesian product' of those sets, the set of all the n-tuples with its first member in X1, its second in X2, and so on.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.0)
<a,b&62; is a set whose members occur in the order shown
                        Full Idea: <a,b> is a set whose members occur in the order shown; <x1,x2,x3, ..xn> is an 'n-tuple' ordered set.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.10)
a ∈ X says a is an object in set X; a ∉ X says a is not in X
                        Full Idea: a ∈ X means that a is a member of the set X, that is, a is one of the objects in X. a ∉ X indicates that a is not in X.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.2)
{x; A(x)} is a set of objects satisfying the condition A(x)
                        Full Idea: {x; A(x)} indicates a set of objects which satisfy the condition A(x).
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.2)
{a1, a2,} indicates that a set comprising just those objects
                        Full Idea: {a1, a2,} indicates that the set comprises of just those objects.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.2)
Φ indicates the empty set, which has no members
                        Full Idea: Φ indicates the empty set, which has no members
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.4)
{a} is the 'singleton' set of a (not the object a itself)
                        Full Idea: {a} is the 'singleton' set of a, not to be confused with the object a itself.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.4)
X⊂Y means set X is a 'proper subset' of set Y
                        Full Idea: X⊂Y means set X is a 'proper subset' of set Y (if and only if all of its members are members of Y, but some things in Y are not in X)
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.6)
X⊆Y means set X is a 'subset' of set Y
                        Full Idea: X⊆Y means set X is a 'subset' of set Y (if and only if all of its members are members of Y).
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.6)
X = Y means the set X equals the set Y
                        Full Idea: X = Y means the set X equals the set Y, which means they have the same members (i.e. X⊆Y and Y⊆X).
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.6)
X ∩ Y indicates the 'intersection' of sets X and Y, the objects which are in both sets
                        Full Idea: X ∩ Y indicates the 'intersection' of sets X and Y, which is a set containing just those things that are in both X and Y.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.8)
X∪Y indicates the 'union' of all the things in sets X and Y
                        Full Idea: X ∪ Y indicates the 'union' of sets X and Y, which is a set containing just those things that are in X or Y (or both).
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.8)
Y - X is the 'relative complement' of X with respect to Y; the things in Y that are not in X
                        Full Idea: Y - X indicates the 'relative complement' of X with respect to Y, that is, all the things in Y that are not in X.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.8)
4. Formal Logic / F. Set Theory ST / 2. Mechanics of Set Theory / b. Terminology of ST
A 'singleton' is a set with only one member
                        Full Idea: A 'singleton' is a set with only one member.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.4)
The 'empty set' or 'null set' has no members
                        Full Idea: The 'empty set' or 'null set' is a set with no members.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.4)
A set is a 'subset' of another set if all of its members are in that set
                        Full Idea: A set is a 'subset' of another set if all of its members are in that set.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.6)
A 'proper subset' is smaller than the containing set
                        Full Idea: A set is a 'proper subset' of another set if some things in the large set are not in the smaller set
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.6)
The 'relative complement' is things in the second set not in the first
                        Full Idea: The 'relative complement' of one set with respect to another is the things in the second set that aren't in the first.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.8)
The 'intersection' of two sets is a set of the things that are in both sets
                        Full Idea: The 'intersection' of two sets is a set containing the things that are in both sets.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.8)
The 'union' of two sets is a set containing all the things in either of the sets
                        Full Idea: The 'union' of two sets is a set containing all the things in either of the sets
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.8)
The 'induction clause' says complex formulas retain the properties of their basic formulas
                        Full Idea: The 'induction clause' says that whenever one constructs more complex formulas out of formulas that have the property P, the resulting formulas will also have that property.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.2)
An 'ordered pair' (or ordered n-tuple) is a set with its members in a particular order
                        Full Idea: An 'ordered pair' (or ordered n-tuple) is a set with its members in a particular order.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.10)
A 'cartesian product' of sets is the set of all the n-tuples with one member in each of the sets
                        Full Idea: A 'cartesian product' of sets is the set of all the n-tuples with one member in each of the sets.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.10)
A 'set' is a collection of objects
                        Full Idea: A 'set' is a collection of objects.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.2)
A 'member' of a set is one of the objects in the set
                        Full Idea: A 'member' of a set is one of the objects in the set.
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.2)
4. Formal Logic / F. Set Theory ST / 2. Mechanics of Set Theory / c. Basic theorems of ST
The empty set Φ is a subset of every set (including itself)
                        Full Idea: The empty set Φ is a subset of every set (including itself).
                        From: Graham Priest (Intro to Non-Classical Logic (1st ed) [2001], 0.1.6)