Ideas from 'Knowing One's Own Mind' by Donald Davidson [1987], by Theme Structure

[found in 'Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective' by Davidson,Donald [OUP 2001,0-19-823753-7]].

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18. Thought / C. Content / 6. Broad Content
External identification doesn't mean external location, as with sunburn
                        Full Idea: Davidson observes that the inference from a thought being identified by a relation to something outside the head does not entail that the thought is not wholly in the head, just as sunburn is identified by external factors, but is still in the skin.
                        From: report of Donald Davidson (Knowing One's Own Mind [1987]) by Mark Rowlands - Externalism Ch.8
                        A reaction: Rowlands (an externalist) agrees, and this strikes me as correct, and it needs to be one of the fixed points in any assessment of externalism.