Ideas from 'Frege on Knowing the Third Realm' by Tyler Burge [1992], by Theme Structure

[found in 'Truth, Thought, Reason (on Frege)' by Burge,Tyler [OUP 2001,0-19-927854-7]].

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5. Theory of Logic / A. Overview of Logic / 3. Value of Logic
Given that thinking aims at truth, logic gives universal rules for how to do it
                        Full Idea: The laws of logic - which are constituted by atemporal thoughts and atemporal subject matter - provide universal prescriptions of how one ought to think, given that one's thinking has the function of attaining truth.
                        From: Tyler Burge (Frege on Knowing the Third Realm [1992], p.316)
                        A reaction: Burge is giving, and endorsing, Frege's view. Burge is fighting a rearguard action, when logical systems keep proliferating. See Idea 10282. I sympathise with the dream of Burge and Frege.