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Ideas of Neil E. Williams, by Text

[American, fl. 2010, At the University of Buffalo.]

2019 The Powers Metaphysics
01.1 p.2 A metaphysic is a set of wider explanations derived from a basic ontology
01.2 p.4 Promoting an ontology by its implied good metaphysic is an 'argument-by-display'
01.2 p.8 Reductive analysis makes a concept clearer, by giving an alternative simpler set
01.4 p.13 Fundamental physics describes everything in terms of powers
01.5 p.16 If objects are property bundles, the properties need combining powers
02.1 p.23 Humeans say properties are passive, possibility is vast, laws are descriptions, causation is weak
03.1 p.47 There are basic powers, which underlie dispositions, potentialities, capacities etc
03.1 p.49 Powers are 'multi-track' if they can produce a variety of manifestations
03.3 p.56 Rather than pure powers or pure categoricals, I favour basics which are both at once
03.3 p.57 Powers are more complicated than properties which are always on display
03.3 p.64 Powers contain lawlike features, pointing to possible future states
04.1 p.69 We shouldn't posit the existence of anything we have a word for
04.3 p.93 Every possible state of affairs is written into its originating powers
06.1 p.121 Causation is the exercise of powers
06.1 p.121 Change exists, it is causal, and it needs an explanation
06.3 p.136 Processes don't begin or end; they just change direction unexpectedly
07.2 p.154 Causation needs to explain stasis, as well as change
07.2 p.156 The status quo is part of what exists, and so needs metaphysical explanation
07.6 p.170 If causes and effects overlap, that makes changes impossible
08.1 p.175 Four-Dimensional is Perdurantism (temporal parts), plus Eternalism
08.4 p.191 Naming powers is unwise, because that it usually done by a single manifestation
09.3 p.211 Processes are either strings of short unchanging states, or continuous and unreducible events
10.2 p.230 Dispositions are just useful descriptions, which are explained by underlying powers