Index of the PHILOSOPHERS, ordered chronologically

The first Column shows the number of ideas for each Philosopher. Scroll down or click on an era:

Ancient   |   Early   |   Early classical   |   Mid classical   |   Late classical   |   Early medieval   |   Late medieval   |   Renaissance   |   Enlightenment   |   19th century   |   Early 20th century   |   Late 20th century   |   New millenium
Ancient (before 520BCE)
1     Anon (Gilg) by Theme     by Text
18     Anon (Upan) by Theme     by Text
3     Zoroaster by Theme     by Text
5     Homer by Theme     by Text
3     Anon (Tor) by Theme     by Text
1     Amos by Theme     by Text
1     Hesiod by Theme     by Text
3     Isaiah by Theme     by Text
1     Anon (Lev) by Theme     by Text
1     Solon by Theme     by Text
1     Pittacus by Theme     by Text
5     Thales by Theme     by Text
8     Anaximander by Theme     by Text
3     Jeremiah by Theme     by Text
2     Pherecydes by Theme     by Text
1     Anaximenes by Theme     by Text
1     Anon (Kings) by Theme     by Text
1     Anon (Josh) by Theme     by Text
3     Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) by Theme     by Text
15     Laozi (Lao Tzu) by Theme     by Text
1     Anon (Job) by Theme     by Text
2     Alcmaeon by Theme     by Text
11     Pythagoras by Theme     by Text
6     Xenophanes by Theme     by Text
Early (520-451BCE)
8     Kongzi (Confucius) by Theme     by Text
12     Anon (Bhag) by Theme     by Text
8     Anon (Cent) by Theme     by Text
36     Heraclitus by Theme     by Text
1     Chilo by Theme     by Text
1     Aeschylus by Theme     by Text
1     Pindar by Theme     by Text
27     Parmenides by Theme     by Text
1     Damon by Theme     by Text
7     Epicharmus by Theme     by Text
23     Anaxagoras by Theme     by Text
1     Sophocles by Theme     by Text
22     Empedocles by Theme     by Text
Early classical (450-321BCE)
7     Zeno (Elea) by Theme     by Text
4     Melissus by Theme     by Text
1     Ion by Theme     by Text
1     Herodotus by Theme     by Text
1     Euripides by Theme     by Text
3     Gorgias by Theme     by Text
17     Protagoras by Theme     by Text
4     Mozi by Theme     by Text
1     Leucippus by Theme     by Text
10     Diogenes (Apoll) by Theme     by Text
2     Archelaus by Theme     by Text
2     Critias by Theme     by Text
4     Antiphon by Theme     by Text
8     Philolaus by Theme     by Text
1     Hippias by Theme     by Text
1     Hippocrates by Theme     by Text
2     Cratylus by Theme     by Text
53     Socrates by Theme     by Text
1     Thrasymachus by Theme     by Text
4     Prodicus by Theme     by Text
54     Democritus by Theme     by Text
1     Agathon by Theme     by Text
1     Eurytus by Theme     by Text
2     Eucleides by Theme     by Text
5     Antisthenes (Ath) by Theme     by Text
9     Anon (Diss) by Theme     by Text
1     Lycophron by Theme     by Text
6     Aristippus the elder by Theme     by Text
2     Xenophon by Theme     by Text
463     Plato by Theme     by Text
2     Speussipus by Theme     by Text
9     Diogenes (Sin) by Theme     by Text
1     Xenocrates by Theme     by Text
1     Amphis by Theme     by Text
1     Anaxarchus by Theme     by Text
3     Eubulides by Theme     by Text
1     Metrodorus (Chi) by Theme     by Text
8     Aristippus the younger by Theme     by Text
10     Mengzi (Mencius) by Theme     by Text
2     Theophrastus by Theme     by Text
1     Stilpo by Theme     by Text
1145     Aristotle by Theme     by Text
1     Anon (Plat) by Theme     by Text
15     Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu) by Theme     by Text
17     Pyrrho by Theme     by Text
2     Crates (Theb) by Theme     by Text
Mid classical (320-51BCE)
1     Dicaearchus by Theme     by Text
1     Menedemus by Theme     by Text
101     Epicurus by Theme     by Text
4     Diodorus Cronus by Theme     by Text
27     Zeno (Citium) by Theme     by Text
1     Metrodorus (Lamp) by Theme     by Text
12     Euclid by Theme     by Text
1     Timon by Theme     by Text
1     Arcesilaus by Theme     by Text
24     Democritus (attrib) by Theme     by Text
4     Cleanthes by Theme     by Text
1     Hermarchus by Theme     by Text
3     Ariston by Theme     by Text
8     Anon (Dham) by Theme     by Text
2     Xunzi (Xun Kuang) by Theme     by Text
1     Sphaerus by Theme     by Text
1     Archimedes by Theme     by Text
60     Chrysippus by Theme     by Text
5     Anon (Ecc) by Theme     by Text
91     Stoic school by Theme     by Text
3     Diogenes (Bab) by Theme     by Text
10     Carneades by Theme     by Text
1     Critolaus by Theme     by Text
1     Anon (Dan) by Theme     by Text
4     Panaetius by Theme     by Text
1     Mnesarchus by Theme     by Text
1     Theodosius by Theme     by Text
2     Posidonius by Theme     by Text
2     Philodemus by Theme     by Text
1     Hecato by Theme     by Text
1     Aenesidemus by Theme     by Text
42     Lucretius by Theme     by Text
Late classical (50BCE-599CE)
44     M. Tullius Cicero by Theme     by Text
1     Hillel the Elder by Theme     by Text
12     Jesus by Theme     by Text
6     Ashvaghosha by Theme     by Text
1     St Peter by Theme     by Text
6     St Paul by Theme     by Text
1     St Mark by Theme     by Text
6     Agrippa by Theme     by Text
48     Seneca the Younger by Theme     by Text
16     Plutarch by Theme     by Text
45     Epictetus by Theme     by Text
5     St John by Theme     by Text
1     [Roman law] by Theme     by Text
1     Anon (Titus) by Theme     by Text
2     Nagarjuna by Theme     by Text
1     Rahulabhadra by Theme     by Text
1     Numenius by Theme     by Text
12     Galen by Theme     by Text
6     Marcus Aurelius by Theme     by Text
2     Celsus by Theme     by Text
73     Sextus Empiricus by Theme     by Text
1     Irenaeus by Theme     by Text
1     Alexander by Theme     by Text
2     Tertullian by Theme     by Text
1     Mahavastu by Theme     by Text
16     Plotinus by Theme     by Text
7     Diogenes Laertius by Theme     by Text
22     Porphyry by Theme     by Text
1     Iamblichus by Theme     by Text
1     Buddhaghosa by Theme     by Text
33     Augustine by Theme     by Text
2     Proclus by Theme     by Text
24     Boethius by Theme     by Text
Early medieval (600-1299)
23     Mohammed by Theme     by Text
4     Avicenna (Abu Ibn Sina) by Theme     by Text
10     Anselm by Theme     by Text
8     Peter Abelard by Theme     by Text
1     Averroes (Ibn Rushd) by Theme     by Text
2     Moses Maimonides by Theme     by Text
1     Robert Grosseteste by Theme     by Text
1     Roger Bacon by Theme     by Text
4     Henry of Ghent by Theme     by Text
2     Bonaventura by Theme     by Text
2     Albertus Magnus by Theme     by Text
109     Thomas Aquinas by Theme     by Text
1     Giles of Orleans by Theme     by Text
2     Ramon by Theme     by Text
5     Anon (Par) by Theme     by Text
4     Peter John Olivi by Theme     by Text
Late medieval (1300-1449)
24     John Duns Scotus by Theme     by Text
3     Walter Burley by Theme     by Text
3     Peter Auriol by Theme     by Text
1     Francis of Marchia by Theme     by Text
1     Richard Fitzralph by Theme     by Text
1     William Crathorn by Theme     by Text
36     William of Ockham by Theme     by Text
1     Nicholas of Autrecourt by Theme     by Text
6     Jean Buridan by Theme     by Text
2     Nicole Oresme by Theme     by Text
1     Oxford Univ 1350 by Theme     by Text
4     Albert of Saxony by Theme     by Text
2     John Wycliff by Theme     by Text
1     Blasius of Parma by Theme     by Text
Renaissance (1450-1609)
1     Leon Battista Alberti by Theme     by Text
1     Desiderius Erasmus by Theme     by Text
2     Martin Luther by Theme     by Text
9     Niccolo Machiavelli by Theme     by Text
5     Thomas More by Theme     by Text
4     Francis de Vitoria by Theme     by Text
1     Isaac Beeckman by Theme     by Text
1     Andreas Osiander by Theme     by Text
1     Jean Calvin by Theme     by Text
1     Franciscus Toletus by Theme     by Text
2     Jacob Zabarella by Theme     by Text
1     Justus Lipsius by Theme     by Text
14     Michel de Montaigne by Theme     by Text
18     Francisco Suárez by Theme     by Text
1     Giordano Bruno by Theme     by Text
4     Richard Hooker by Theme     by Text
2     Collegium Conimbricense by Theme     by Text
4     William Shakespeare by Theme     by Text
1     Nicholas Hill by Theme     by Text
2     Eustachius a Sancto Paulo by Theme     by Text
Enlightenment (1610-1800)
20     Francis Bacon by Theme     by Text
5     Galileo Galilei by Theme     by Text
1     Julio Cesare Vanini by Theme     by Text
9     Hugo Grotius by Theme     by Text
1     Chistoph Scheibler by Theme     by Text
6     Pierre Gassendi by Theme     by Text
228     René Descartes by Theme     by Text
2     Kenelm Digby by Theme     by Text
1     Elizabeth, Princess of Bohemia by Theme     by Text
101     Thomas Hobbes by Theme     by Text
1     Antoine Arnauld by Theme     by Text
1     Henry More by Theme     by Text
9     Ralph Cudworth by Theme     by Text
1     Walter Charleton by Theme     by Text
15     Blaise Pascal by Theme     by Text
6     Arnauld / Nicole by Theme     by Text
1     Margaret Cavendish by Theme     by Text
8     La Rochefoucauld by Theme     by Text
13     Robert Boyle by Theme     by Text
6     Richard Cumberland by Theme     by Text
220     Baruch de Spinoza by Theme     by Text
3     Nicolas Malebranche by Theme     by Text
50     Isaac Newton by Theme     by Text
280     John Locke by Theme     by Text
1     Richard Bentley by Theme     by Text
1     Jacques Lenfant by Theme     by Text
1     Mary Astell by Theme     by Text
476     Gottfried Leibniz by Theme     by Text
8     3rd Earl of Shaftesbury by Theme     by Text
69     George Berkeley by Theme     by Text
1     Jonathan Swift by Theme     by Text
1     Francois-Marie Voltaire by Theme     by Text
7     Joseph Butler by Theme     by Text
20     Francis Hutcheson by Theme     by Text
2     Christian Wolff by Theme     by Text
56     Baron de Montesquieu by Theme     by Text
217     David Hume by Theme     by Text
9     Julien Offray de La Mettrie by Theme     by Text
3     Alexander Baumgarten by Theme     by Text
1     Thomas Bayes by Theme     by Text
1     Denis Diderot by Theme     by Text
2     Benjamin Franklin by Theme     by Text
3     Adam Smith by Theme     by Text
1     Johann Winckelmann by Theme     by Text
132     Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Theme     by Text
1     Leonhard Euler by Theme     by Text
1     Edmund Burke by Theme     by Text
1     Samuel Johnson by Theme     by Text
2     J.G. Hamann by Theme     by Text
1     Richard Price by Theme     by Text
1     Thomas Jefferson by Theme     by Text
1     Thomas Paine by Theme     by Text
2     Joseph Priestley by Theme     by Text
72     Thomas Reid by Theme     by Text
449     Immanuel Kant by Theme     by Text
4     Johann Gottfried Herder by Theme     by Text
1     Karl Leonhard Reinhold by Theme     by Text
8     Mirabeau and committee by Theme     by Text
5     William Paley by Theme     by Text
12     Jeremy Bentham by Theme     by Text
15     Joseph Joubert by Theme     by Text
1     Gottlob Schulze by Theme     by Text
1     Mary Wollstonecraft by Theme     by Text
7     Wolfgang von Goethe by Theme     by Text
2     Benjamin Constant by Theme     by Text
32     Novalis by Theme     by Text
6     Friedrich Schlegel by Theme     by Text
2     Pierre Simon de Laplace by Theme     by Text
2     Friedrich Jacobi by Theme     by Text
19th century (1801-1900)
2     Friedrich Schiller by Theme     by Text
48     Johann Fichte by Theme     by Text
3     Friedrich Schleiermacher by Theme     by Text
2     Benjamin Constant by Theme     by Text
207     Georg W.F.Hegel by Theme     by Text
11     Friedrich Schelling by Theme     by Text
1     Carl Friedrich Gauss by Theme     by Text
1     Johann Herbart by Theme     by Text
1     Robert Owen by Theme     by Text
2     Augustin-Louis Cauchy by Theme     by Text
1     John Austin by Theme     by Text
88     Arthur Schopenhauer by Theme     by Text
1     William Whewell by Theme     by Text
11     Bernard Bolzano by Theme     by Text
14     Auguste Comte by Theme     by Text
1     Pierre-Joseph Proudhon by Theme     by Text
1     J.R. Mayer by Theme     by Text
1     Ralph Waldo Emerson by Theme     by Text
41     Ludwig Feuerbach by Theme     by Text
1     Max Stirner by Theme     by Text
1     Michael Faraday by Theme     by Text
108     John Stuart Mill by Theme     by Text
32     K Marx / F Engels by Theme     by Text
47     Søren Kierkegaard by Theme     by Text
1     Eduard Hanslick by Theme     by Text
4     George Boole by Theme     by Text
2     Karl Weierstrass by Theme     by Text
15     Alexis de Tocqueville by Theme     by Text
1     Charles Darwin by Theme     by Text
3     Augustus De Morgan by Theme     by Text
2     James Joule by Theme     by Text
1     Friedrich Engels by Theme     by Text
2     Hermann von Helmholtz by Theme     by Text
2     T.H. Huxley by Theme     by Text
1     Lewis Carroll (C.Dodgson) by Theme     by Text
1     Mikhail Bakunin by Theme     by Text
31     Karl Marx by Theme     by Text
4     Dmitri Mendeleev by Theme     by Text
1     C.J. Thomae by Theme     by Text
7     Leo Tolstoy by Theme     by Text
2     Lord Kelvin (Wm Thomson) by Theme     by Text
2     Leopold Kronecker by Theme     by Text
1     Chauncey Wright by Theme     by Text
1     William K. Clifford by Theme     by Text
27     T.H. Green by Theme     by Text
2     Franz Brentano by Theme     by Text
1     Ernst Mach by Theme     by Text
117     Charles Sanders Peirce by Theme     by Text
1     William S. Jevons by Theme     by Text
28     Richard Dedekind by Theme     by Text
4     Henry Sidgwick by Theme     by Text
1     Peter (Pyotr) Kropotkin by Theme     by Text
2     Wilhelm Dilthey by Theme     by Text
49     George Cantor by Theme     by Text
358     Gottlob Frege by Theme     by Text
614     Friedrich Nietzsche by Theme     by Text
10     F.H. Bradley by Theme     by Text
6     Alexius Meinong by Theme     by Text
6     Henri Poincaré by Theme     by Text
3     Oscar Wilde by Theme     by Text
1     Arthur Conan Doyle by Theme     by Text
4     Sigmund Freud by Theme     by Text
5     Hastings Rashdall by Theme     by Text
7     Giuseppe Peano by Theme     by Text
19     John Dewey by Theme     by Text
44     Edmund Husserl by Theme     by Text
1     Harold Joachim by Theme     by Text
47     William James by Theme     by Text
29     David Hilbert by Theme     by Text
4     Henri Bergson by Theme     by Text
Early 20th century (1901-1955)
2     Pierre Duhem by Theme     by Text
6     Stephen S. Colvin by Theme     by Text
3     George Santayana by Theme     by Text
1     Ferdinand Tönnies by Theme     by Text
11     Max Weber by Theme     by Text
1     Hugh MacColl by Theme     by Text
11     J.M.E. McTaggart by Theme     by Text
2     Benedetto Croce by Theme     by Text
1     Hermann Minkowski by Theme     by Text
1     A.E. Taylor by Theme     by Text
5     Alfred North Whitehead by Theme     by Text
1     J.B. Watson by Theme     by Text
581     Bertrand Russell by Theme     by Text
26     B Russell/AN Whitehead by Theme     by Text
9     H.A. Prichard by Theme     by Text
11     Roger Fry by Theme     by Text
23     G.E. Moore by Theme     by Text
18     Clive Bell by Theme     by Text
10     Albert Einstein by Theme     by Text
1     Marcel Proust by Theme     by Text
1     Stanislaw Lesniewski by Theme     by Text
1     Jan Lukasiewicz by Theme     by Text
1     Oswald Spengler by Theme     by Text
5     Thoralf Skolem by Theme     by Text
21     Ernst Zermelo by Theme     by Text
1     G.F. Stout by Theme     by Text
8     Curt Ducasse by Theme     by Text
10     Luitzen E.J. Brouwer by Theme     by Text
11     Karl Jaspers by Theme     by Text
15     C.I. Lewis by Theme     by Text
2     José Ortega y Gassett by Theme     by Text
1     Lloyd Morgan by Theme     by Text
1     Moses Schönfinkel by Theme     by Text
1     Oswald Veblen by Theme     by Text
40     W. David Ross by Theme     by Text
3     Samuel Alexander by Theme     by Text
18     Werner Heisenberg by Theme     by Text
4     Benjamin Lee Whorf by Theme     by Text
2     Hermann Weyl by Theme     by Text
7     C.D. Broad by Theme     by Text
3     Paul Bernays by Theme     by Text
1     Hilbert,D/Ackermann,W by Theme     by Text
1     F.R. Tennant by Theme     by Text
1     Moritz Schlick by Theme     by Text
23     Frank P. Ramsey by Theme     by Text
47     Martin Heidegger by Theme     by Text
40     Kurt Gödel by Theme     by Text
3     R.G. Collingwood by Theme     by Text
3     Otto Neurath by Theme     by Text
4     Hans Reichenbach by Theme     by Text
20     Rudolph Carnap by Theme     by Text
2     Brand Blanshard by Theme     by Text
7     Antonio Gramsci by Theme     by Text
1     Max Horkheimer by Theme     by Text
79     Alfred Tarski by Theme     by Text
219     Ludwig Wittgenstein by Theme     by Text
6     Gerhard Gentzen by Theme     by Text
1     Einstein,A/Infeld,L by Theme     by Text
2     R.B. Braithwaite by Theme     by Text
110     Simone Weil by Theme     by Text
1     Ernest Nagel by Theme     by Text
1     Charles Leslie Stevenson by Theme     by Text
2     T Adorno / M Horkheimer by Theme     by Text
4     F.A. Hayek by Theme     by Text
13     H.L.A. Hart by Theme     by Text
1     Goodman,N/Quine,W by Theme     by Text
3     A.C. Ewing by Theme     by Text
1     Nicholas Bourbaki by Theme     by Text
1     Alonzo Church by Theme     by Text
57     Jean-Paul Sartre by Theme     by Text
10     John von Neumann by Theme     by Text
3     Maurice Merleau-Ponty by Theme     by Text
1     Saunders MacLane by Theme     by Text
26     Gilbert Ryle by Theme     by Text
64     E.M. Cioran by Theme     by Text
1     Roderick Firth by Theme     by Text
3     Antony Flew by Theme     by Text
30     Nelson Goodman by Theme     by Text
2     Simone de Beauvoir by Theme     by Text
85     A.J. Ayer by Theme     by Text
3     Alan Turing by Theme     by Text
7     G.H. von Wright by Theme     by Text
2     Norman Malcolm by Theme     by Text
1     C.S. Lewis by Theme     by Text
1     Morris Kline by Theme     by Text
13     H.H. Price by Theme     by Text
3     Donald C. Williams by Theme     by Text
326     Willard Quine by Theme     by Text
14     Albert Camus by Theme     by Text
14     H. Paul Grice by Theme     by Text
1     Stuart Hampshire by Theme     by Text
1     A.R. Hall by Theme     by Text
6     Irving M. Copi by Theme     by Text
4     Max Black by Theme     by Text
6     W Wimsatt/W Beardsley by Theme     by Text
1     J.O. Urmson by Theme     by Text
1     Rescher,N/Oppenheim,P by Theme     by Text
6     Arthur N. Prior by Theme     by Text
1     Monroe Beardsley by Theme     by Text
4     J.L. Austin by Theme     by Text
1     Paul J. Cohen by Theme     by Text
3     Haskell B. Curry by Theme     by Text
1     P Grice / P Strawson by Theme     by Text
1     Arend Heyting by Theme     by Text
2     Hans-Georg Gadamer by Theme     by Text
Late 20th century (1956-2000)
45     Roderick Chisholm by Theme     by Text
2     Emmanuel Levinas by Theme     by Text
6     Wilfrid Sellars by Theme     by Text
3     Georg Kreisel by Theme     by Text
1     E Nagel / JR Newman by Theme     by Text
1     H.Putnam/P.Oppenheim by Theme     by Text
11     G.E.M. Anscombe by Theme     by Text
2     Yale Kamisar by Theme     by Text
1     Erving Goffman by Theme     by Text
1     Edward Conze by Theme     by Text
20     Peter F. Strawson by Theme     by Text
1     N.L. Wilson by Theme     by Text
22     Iris Murdoch by Theme     by Text
52     E.J. Lemmon by Theme     by Text
2     Frances A. Yates by Theme     by Text
1     Gregory Vlastos by Theme     by Text
18     J.J.C. Smart by Theme     by Text
2     Hannah Arendt by Theme     by Text
2     Theodor W. Adorno by Theme     by Text
8     Isaiah Berlin by Theme     by Text
27     Peter Geach by Theme     by Text
94     Philippa Foot by Theme     by Text
20     Richard M. Hare by Theme     by Text
1     Henry E. Kyburg Jr by Theme     by Text
22     Ruth Barcan Marcus by Theme     by Text
9     Thomas S. Kuhn by Theme     by Text
1     W Kneale / M Kneale by Theme     by Text
1     Richard Montague by Theme     by Text
3     Pierre Hadot by Theme     by Text
3     John Hick by Theme     by Text
2     Nuel D. Belnap by Theme     by Text
10     Fred Sommers by Theme     by Text
2     Arthur C. Danto by Theme     by Text
22     Gilles Deleuze by Theme     by Text
5     Carl Hempel by Theme     by Text
4     Richard P. Feynman by Theme     by Text
29     Wesley Salmon by Theme     by Text
16     Karl Popper by Theme     by Text
1     Claude Lévi-Strauss by Theme     by Text
28     C.B. Martin by Theme     by Text
1     Samuel Scheffler by Theme     by Text
138     Hilary Putnam by Theme     by Text
31     Michel Foucault by Theme     by Text
5     G.A. Cohen by Theme     by Text
133     David M. Armstrong by Theme     by Text
1     Edmund L. Gettier by Theme     by Text
4     GE Hughes/M Cresswell by Theme     by Text
7     Max J. Cresswell by Theme     by Text
4     Noam Chomsky by Theme     by Text
3     Jeffrey H. Sicha by Theme     by Text
10     Judith (Jarvis) Thomson by Theme     by Text
14     Edmund O. Wilson by Theme     by Text
1     Lawrence Kohlberg by Theme     by Text
2     Vincent C. Punzo by Theme     by Text
2     Jaakko Hintikka by Theme     by Text
13     Jürgen Habermas by Theme     by Text
23     Harry G. Frankfurt by Theme     by Text
107     Brian Ellis by Theme     by Text
132     Michael Dummett by Theme     by Text
2     Paul Feyerabend by Theme     by Text
27     Rom Harré by Theme     by Text
38     Jacques Derrida by Theme     by Text
6     Peter Alexander by Theme     by Text
10     Jonathan Bennett by Theme     by Text
1     W Quine / J Ullian by Theme     by Text
6     Anthony Quinton by Theme     by Text
2     Ullin T. Place by Theme     by Text
1     Sidney Morgenbesser by Theme     by Text
8     D.J. O'Connor by Theme     by Text
12     J.L. Mackie by Theme     by Text
8     Richard Taylor by Theme     by Text
1     Kurt Vonnegut by Theme     by Text
1     Wallace, J by Theme     by Text
26     Robert C. Solomon by Theme     by Text
1     Paul Ricoeur by Theme     by Text
16     Richard Rorty by Theme     by Text
56     Sydney Shoemaker by Theme     by Text
17     Charles Taylor by Theme     by Text
159     Donald Davidson by Theme     by Text
1     James Cargile by Theme     by Text
18     Fred Dretske by Theme     by Text
38     Herbert B. Enderton by Theme     by Text
65     Bernard Williams by Theme     by Text
116     John Searle by Theme     by Text
19     John Rawls by Theme     by Text
137     Saul A. Kripke by Theme     by Text
44     Alvin Plantinga by Theme     by Text
2     Douglas Lackey by Theme     by Text
1     Mary Anne Warren by Theme     by Text
16     Richard Wollheim by Theme     by Text
70     Gilbert Harman by Theme     by Text
52     Frank Jackson by Theme     by Text
13     David E. Cooper by Theme     by Text
31     Paul Benacerraf by Theme     by Text
108     Jaegwon Kim by Theme     by Text
63     Thomas Nagel by Theme     by Text
22     John Perry by Theme     by Text
1     Bryan Magee by Theme     by Text
28     Michael Walzer by Theme     by Text
1     Godfrey Vesey by Theme     by Text
16     Leslie H. Tharp by Theme     by Text
5     Peter Unger by Theme     by Text
16     Peter Singer by Theme     by Text
16     Jean Baudrillard by Theme     by Text
15     M.R. Ayers by Theme     by Text
1     Roy Bhaskar by Theme     by Text
4     John Cottingham by Theme     by Text
19     Richard Cartwright by Theme     by Text
102     Harré,R./Madden,E.H. by Theme     by Text
8     Keith Donnellan by Theme     by Text
4     Ronald Dworkin by Theme     by Text
23     Gareth Evans by Theme     by Text
1     Carol Gilligan by Theme     by Text
19     Ian Hacking by Theme     by Text
5     Keith Lehrer by Theme     by Text
5     Joan Kung by Theme     by Text
3     Nicholas Rescher by Theme     by Text
1     Steven Weinberg by Theme     by Text
3     Pamela Foa by Theme     by Text
4     J.H. Fetzer by Theme     by Text
16     Alvin I. Goldman by Theme     by Text
9     Jerrold J. Katz by Theme     by Text
1     L. Jonathan Cohen by Theme     by Text
8     D.H. Mellor by Theme     by Text
22     Robert Nozick by Theme     by Text
1     Terence Parsons by Theme     by Text
40     Alasdair MacIntyre by Theme     by Text
2     James Van Cleve by Theme     by Text
13     Robert Merrihew Adams by Theme     by Text
13     David Kaplan by Theme     by Text
2     David Fair by Theme     by Text
2     Carl Ginet by Theme     by Text
11     Bas C. van Fraassen by Theme     by Text
10     Michael Frede by Theme     by Text
2     Richard Jeffrey by Theme     by Text
2     Susan Haack by Theme     by Text
31     George Boolos by Theme     by Text
121     David Bostock by Theme     by Text
30     Alain Badiou by Theme     by Text
1     Myles F. Burnyeat by Theme     by Text
13     Baruch Brody by Theme     by Text
3     A.R. Lacey by Theme     by Text
12     Kenneth Kunen by Theme     by Text
4     Peter Klein by Theme     by Text
8     Charles Parsons by Theme     by Text
7     William Poundstone by Theme     by Text
17     W.H. Newton-Smith by Theme     by Text
2     David Miller by Theme     by Text
83     David Wiggins by Theme     by Text
65     Robert C. Stalnaker by Theme     by Text
3     Michael Stanford by Theme     by Text
20     Ernest Sosa by Theme     by Text
4     Stephen P. Schwartz by Theme     by Text
5     Dag Prawitz by Theme     by Text
324     David Lewis by Theme     by Text
1     Peter A. Angeles by Theme     by Text
16     Wilfrid Hodges by Theme     by Text
41     Jonathan Glover by Theme     by Text
14     Allan Gibbard by Theme     by Text
1     Jackson/Pargetter/Prior by Theme     by Text
16     Ned Block by Theme     by Text
5     Paul M. Churchland by Theme     by Text
71     Daniel C. Dennett by Theme     by Text
5     John McDowell by Theme     by Text
1     Michael Novak by Theme     by Text
4     Edward N. Zalta by Theme     by Text
5     J. Alberto Coffa by Theme     by Text
3     Churchland / Churchland by Theme     by Text
18     Frank Close by Theme     by Text
18     Nancy Cartwright by Theme     by Text
1     P. Johnson-Laird by Theme     by Text
46     Peter van Inwagen by Theme     by Text
15     Michael Devitt by Theme     by Text
3     George Dickie by Theme     by Text
13     Brian Davies by Theme     by Text
2     Robert Axelrod by Theme     by Text
44     Peter Smith by Theme     by Text
6     Mulligan/Simons/Smith by Theme     by Text
12     John L. Pollock by Theme     by Text
3     James Rachels by Theme     by Text
54     David Papineau by Theme     by Text
13     Derek Parfit by Theme     by Text
3     Ray Monk by Theme     by Text
2     A.W. Moore by Theme     by Text
1     Alfred R. Mele by Theme     by Text
2     Benjamin Libet by Theme     by Text
5     Palle Yourgrau by Theme     by Text
24     Kent Bach by Theme     by Text
3     Jonathan Barnes by Theme     by Text
41     Laurence Bonjour by Theme     by Text
10     Simon Blackburn by Theme     by Text
15     G Deleuze / F Guattari by Theme     by Text
57     Jonathan Dancy by Theme     by Text
4     R Feldman / E Conee by Theme     by Text
1     Robert Geroch by Theme     by Text
170     Jerry A. Fodor by Theme     by Text
14     Tyler Burge by Theme     by Text
4     Jenny Teichmann by Theme     by Text
12     Ian McFetridge by Theme     by Text
5     Alan McMichael by Theme     by Text
1     Lawrence B. Lombard by Theme     by Text
36     Philip Kitcher by Theme     by Text
22     Martha Nussbaum by Theme     by Text
17     Scott Soames by Theme     by Text
1     T.M. Robinson by Theme     by Text
4     Michael Bratman by Theme     by Text
23     Paul Horwich by Theme     by Text
16     Paul Johnson by Theme     by Text
6     Terence Horgan by Theme     by Text
4     John Etchemendy by Theme     by Text
1     James Baillie by Theme     by Text
2     Richard Sorabji by Theme     by Text
1     Roger Penrose by Theme     by Text
61     Will Kymlicka by Theme     by Text
9     Harold Noonan by Theme     by Text
1     Richard Tuck by Theme     by Text
34     Michael Williams by Theme     by Text
1     Iris Marion Young by Theme     by Text
6     Charlotte Witt by Theme     by Text
9     Andrew Dobson by Theme     by Text
3     Mary Louise Gill by Theme     by Text
5     Geoffrey Hellman by Theme     by Text
10     Harold Hodes by Theme     by Text
1     Nicholas Jolley by Theme     by Text
1     Ray Billington by Theme     by Text
2     Richard Boyd by Theme     by Text
12     Julia Annas by Theme     by Text
27     Robert Audi by Theme     by Text
14     Keith Campbell by Theme     by Text
3     Peter Carruthers by Theme     by Text
1     Edward Craig by Theme     by Text
38     Crispin Wright by Theme     by Text
11     Michael Tooley by Theme     by Text
6     E Sosa / M Tooley by Theme     by Text
1     Elliott Sober by Theme     by Text
16     David Roochnik by Theme     by Text
11     Mark Sainsbury by Theme     by Text
8     David-Hillel Ruben by Theme     by Text
5     Alexander Nehamas by Theme     by Text
38     George Molnar by Theme     by Text
21     Christopher Peacocke by Theme     by Text
15     Robert Kirk by Theme     by Text
24     Michael Lockwood by Theme     by Text
15     Steven Lukes by Theme     by Text
74     Colin McGinn by Theme     by Text
4     DH Mellor / T Crane by Theme     by Text
56     Peter Lipton by Theme     by Text
35     Nathan Salmon by Theme     by Text
69     Georges Rey by Theme     by Text
2     Nicholas P. White by Theme     by Text
7     Richard L. Kirkham by Theme     by Text
7     Albert Casullo by Theme     by Text
8     Michael Burke by Theme     by Text
5     Avineri,S/De-Shalit,A by Theme     by Text
26     José A. Benardete by Theme     by Text
52     Michael Jubien by Theme     by Text
14     Gordon Graham by Theme     by Text
2     Daniel Garber by Theme     by Text
30     Owen Flanagan by Theme     by Text
44     Hartry Field by Theme     by Text
1     J Fodor / E Lepore by Theme     by Text
17     John Dupré by Theme     by Text
3     John Greco by Theme     by Text
8     Robert van Gulick by Theme     by Text
16     Anil Gupta by Theme     by Text
65     John Kekes by Theme     by Text
1     Jennifer Hornsby by Theme     by Text
6     Karen Armstrong by Theme     by Text
43     William Lycan by Theme     by Text
2     Ruth Garrett Millikan by Theme     by Text
8     Alan Musgrave by Theme     by Text
33     Michael J. Sandel by Theme     by Text
107     Roger Scruton by Theme     by Text
7     Scott Shalkowski by Theme     by Text
2     Barry Smith by Theme     by Text
20     Michael Smith by Theme     by Text
26     Howard Robinson by Theme     by Text
1     David M. Rosenthal by Theme     by Text
31     John Mayberry by Theme     by Text
2     Robert B. Brandom by Theme     by Text
1     John Haldane by Theme     by Text
46     William D. Hart by Theme     by Text
23     B Hale / C Wright by Theme     by Text
6     Brad W. Hooker by Theme     by Text
1     Christopher Janaway by Theme     by Text
31     Dale Jacquette by Theme     by Text
32     Graeme Forbes by Theme     by Text
6     David O. Brink by Theme     by Text
6     Quassim Cassam by Theme     by Text
1     Helen Cartwright by Theme     by Text
45     Tim Crane by Theme     by Text
3     Chris Daly by Theme     by Text
6     William Lyons by Theme     by Text
2     David H. Sanford by Theme     by Text
1     Robin Waterfield by Theme     by Text
1     Michael Tye by Theme     by Text
34     Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski by Theme     by Text
33     Stephen Yablo by Theme     by Text
1     Timothy Smiley by Theme     by Text
2     Stephen P. Stich by Theme     by Text
1     Galen Strawson by Theme     by Text
9     William W. Tait by Theme     by Text
30     Thomas Mautner by Theme     by Text
9     Lawrence M. Krauss by Theme     by Text
11     Christine M. Korsgaard by Theme     by Text
48     Robin Le Poidevin by Theme     by Text
29     Alex Oliver by Theme     by Text
5     David Conway by Theme     by Text
57     David J.Chalmers by Theme     by Text
229     Kit Fine by Theme     by Text
6     Julia Driver by Theme     by Text
13     Keith Devlin by Theme     by Text
1     Carl Hoefer by Theme     by Text
31     Rosalind Hursthouse by Theme     by Text
4     Michael Hallett by Theme     by Text
141     John Heil by Theme     by Text
4     J Hoffman/G Rosenkrantz by Theme     by Text
17     R Keefe / P Smith by Theme     by Text
28     Dorothy Edgington by Theme     by Text
34     John P. Burgess by Theme     by Text
15     JP Burgess / G Rosen by Theme     by Text
24     Simon Critchley by Theme     by Text
4     John Bacon by Theme     by Text
2     Eric T. Olson by Theme     by Text
4     DH Mellor / A Oliver by Theme     by Text
57     Penelope Maddy by Theme     by Text
10     Daniel Statman by Theme     by Text
142     Stewart Shapiro by Theme     by Text
6     Lynne Rudder Baker by Theme     by Text
8     Michael D. Resnik by Theme     by Text
1     Thomas M. Scanlon by Theme     by Text
1     Quentin Smith by Theme     by Text
6     Scott Sturgeon by Theme     by Text
1     Naguib Mahfouz by Theme     by Text
6     Michael J. Loux by Theme     by Text
1     Seymour Lipschutz by Theme     by Text
9     Alexander Miller by Theme     by Text
10     Steven Pinker by Theme     by Text
2     John Bigelow by Theme     by Text
2     Roger Crisp by Theme     by Text
5     A Clark / D Chalmers by Theme     by Text
8     Stewart Cohen by Theme     by Text
22     Charles Chihara by Theme     by Text
19     Rita Carter by Theme     by Text
7     Melvin Fitting by Theme     by Text
44     M Fitting/R Mendelsohn by Theme     by Text
7     André Gallois by Theme     by Text
1     Stephen Houlgate by Theme     by Text
20     A.C. Grayling by Theme     by Text
33     James Robert Brown by Theme     by Text
1     Bill Brewer by Theme     by Text
12     Cover,J/O'Leary-Hawthorne,J by Theme     by Text
1     John M. Cooper by Theme     by Text
1     Antonio Damasio by Theme     by Text
6     Keith DeRose by Theme     by Text
22     J Pollock / J Cruz by Theme     by Text
2     Richard Polt by Theme     by Text
13     Bernard Linsky by Theme     by Text
198     E.J. Lowe by Theme     by Text
1     Joan Weiner by Theme     by Text
11     Lars Svendsen by Theme     by Text
23     Chris Swoyer by Theme     by Text
18     Gabriel M.A. Segal by Theme     by Text
18     E Reck / M Price by Theme     by Text
3     Michael V. Wedin by Theme     by Text
13     Paul Thagard by Theme     by Text
3     Victor Velarde-Mayol by Theme     by Text
18     José L. Zalabardo by Theme     by Text
96     Timothy Williamson by Theme     by Text
13     Machamer,P/Darden,L/Craver,C by Theme     by Text
37     Graham Priest by Theme     by Text
22     David S. Oderberg by Theme     by Text
2     Fabrice Correia by Theme     by Text
10     Bernecker / Dretske by Theme     by Text
14     Paul Boghossian by Theme     by Text
11     Richard G. Heck by Theme     by Text
10     Sebastian Gardner by Theme     by Text
34     Peter Goldie by Theme     by Text
3     Phil Dowe by Theme     by Text
21     G Edelman / G Tononi by Theme     by Text
New millenium (2001- )
5     Richard Foley by Theme     by Text
39     Katherine Hawley by Theme     by Text
1     Stephen Hetherington by Theme     by Text
60     Bob Hale by Theme     by Text
12     Marian David by Theme     by Text
1     Adam Dance by Theme     by Text
1     Jason Crease by Theme     by Text
24     J.P. Moreland by Theme     by Text
70     Stephen Mumford by Theme     by Text
10     Keith T. Maslin by Theme     by Text
27     Edwin D. Mares by Theme     by Text
3     Joseph Levine by Theme     by Text
1     Hilary Kornblith by Theme     by Text
5     Slavoj Zizek by Theme     by Text
49     Stephen Read by Theme     by Text
124     Theodore Sider by Theme     by Text
22     Alan Sidelle by Theme     by Text
20     Roy Sorensen by Theme     by Text
5     John Richardson by Theme     by Text
29     Gideon Rosen by Theme     by Text
1     Michael della Rocca by Theme     by Text
1     Rüdiger Safranski by Theme     by Text
28     Martin Kusch by Theme     by Text
6     Hugh LaFollette by Theme     by Text
3     Michael Martin by Theme     by Text
24     Paul O'Grady by Theme     by Text
1     Alexander R. Pruss by Theme     by Text
34     Stathis Psillos by Theme     by Text
5     Terry Pinkard by Theme     by Text
14     Alex Orenstein by Theme     by Text
1     Gregory Currie by Theme     by Text
5     George Bealer by Theme     by Text
1     Deborah Achtenberg by Theme     by Text
12     John Gray by Theme     by Text
7     Verity Harte by Theme     by Text
1     Lynn Holt by Theme     by Text
41     A.George / D.J.Velleman by Theme     by Text
16     Pascal Engel by Theme     by Text
1     Andy Douglas by Theme     by Text
32     Susan A. Gelman by Theme     by Text
15     Rod Girle by Theme     by Text
22     Robert Fogelin by Theme     by Text
6     R Kaplan / E Kaplan by Theme     by Text
8     Sally Haslanger by Theme     by Text
18     J Baggini / PS Fosl by Theme     by Text
8     Andrew Bowie by Theme     by Text
7     Thomas M. Crisp by Theme     by Text
1     Adam Cross by Theme     by Text
1     Tom Clark by Theme     by Text
20     Brian Clegg by Theme     by Text
1     Richard Posner by Theme     by Text
73     Trenton Merricks by Theme     by Text
4     R Martin / J Barresi by Theme     by Text
31     Tim Maudlin by Theme     by Text
8     Barry Maund by Theme     by Text
1     Tim Mawson by Theme     by Text
17     Joseph Melia by Theme     by Text
4     Lynch,MP/Glasgow,JM by Theme     by Text
1     M Loux / D Zimmerman by Theme     by Text
1     Michael Lavers by Theme     by Text
1     Wolfgang Künne by Theme     by Text
16     Mark Rowlands by Theme     by Text
4     Zoltán Gendler Szabó by Theme     by Text
76     Peter Simons by Theme     by Text
5     Dean W. Zimmerman by Theme     by Text
1     James Woodward by Theme     by Text
11     Achille Varzi by Theme     by Text
3     Lamargue,P/Olson,SH by Theme     by Text
25     Fraser MacBride by Theme     by Text
1     David Marshall by Theme     by Text
24     Gregory L. Murphy by Theme     by Text
31     Michael Potter by Theme     by Text
6     Thomas W. Polger by Theme     by Text
4     Vassilis Politis by Theme     by Text
6     Cardinal/Hayward/Jones by Theme     by Text
1     R Cook / P Ebert by Theme     by Text
9     Earl Conee by Theme     by Text
4     E Conee / R Feldman by Theme     by Text
98     Alexander Bird by Theme     by Text
12     Jody Azzouni by Theme     by Text
17     John Hawthorne by Theme     by Text
47     Thomas Hofweber by Theme     by Text
5     Crawford L. Elder by Theme     by Text
12     Feferman / Feferman by Theme     by Text
3     Catherine Z. Elgin by Theme     by Text
3     Trent Dougherty by Theme     by Text
6     Dougherty,T/Rysiew,P by Theme     by Text
3     James Gordon Finlayson by Theme     by Text
2     Gary Gutting by Theme     by Text
31     JC Beall / G Restall by Theme     by Text
1     Alex Betteridge by Theme     by Text
3     Juan Comesaña by Theme     by Text
2     Herman Cappelen by Theme     by Text
6     James Pryor by Theme     by Text
13     Duncan Pritchard by Theme     by Text
1     Paul M. Pietroski by Theme     by Text
6     Erik J. Olsson by Theme     by Text
3     Todd May by Theme     by Text
32     Cynthia Macdonald by Theme     by Text
10     Jonathan Kvanvig by Theme     by Text
1     Kretzmann/Stump by Theme     by Text
3     Luke Westaway by Theme     by Text
14     Jan Westerhoff by Theme     by Text
32     Peter Watson by Theme     by Text
2     Stephen Wolfram by Theme     by Text
19     Robert S. Wolf by Theme     by Text
34     Rowland Stout by Theme     by Text
54     Jonathan Schaffer by Theme     by Text
2     Stephen Schiffer by Theme     by Text
1     Jonathan Schofield by Theme     by Text
44     François Recanati by Theme     by Text
6     Rayo,A/Uzquiasno,G by Theme     by Text
32     Jonathan Wolff by Theme     by Text
1     Roger M. White by Theme     by Text
5     U Kriegel / K Williford by Theme     by Text
6     Peter Koellner by Theme     by Text
33     Shaughan Lavine by Theme     by Text
10     Henry Laycock by Theme     by Text
32     Øystein Linnebo by Theme     by Text
18     Penelope Mackie by Theme     by Text
25     Quentin Meillassoux by Theme     by Text
8     Vann McGee by Theme     by Text
10     Oliver,A/Smiley,T by Theme     by Text
1     Tom Milsted by Theme     by Text
1     Alistair Mitchell by Theme     by Text
9     L.A. Paul by Theme     by Text
9     Tim Button by Theme     by Text
1     Richard Breheny by Theme     by Text
1     Berit Brogaard by Theme     by Text
14     Craig Bourne by Theme     by Text
28     Robert Hanna by Theme     by Text
11     Robin F. Hendry by Theme     by Text
1     Jack Joslin by Theme     by Text
4     Eileen John by Theme     by Text
8     Daniel Jacobson by Theme     by Text
1     Harry Gildersleve by Theme     by Text
6     Berys Gaut by Theme     by Text
5     Roy Ellen by Theme     by Text
1     David Galloway by Theme     by Text
10     Jennifer Fisher by Theme     by Text
8     Miranda Fricker by Theme     by Text
41     Michèle Friend by Theme     by Text
50     Leon Horsten by Theme     by Text
29     Keith Hossack by Theme     by Text
6     Anjan Chakravarrty by Theme     by Text
1     Franklin Perkins by Theme     by Text
4     Danielle Macbeth by Theme     by Text
60     J Ladyman / D Ross by Theme     by Text
2     David Robb by Theme     by Text
28     Eric R. Scerri by Theme     by Text
3     Mark Steiner by Theme     by Text
1     Matthew Stewart by Theme     by Text
10     Marcus Rossberg by Theme     by Text
12     David Liggins by Theme     by Text
48     Kathrin Koslicki by Theme     by Text
1     Manjit Kumar by Theme     by Text
1     Paolo Mancosu by Theme     by Text
13     Ned Markosian by Theme     by Text
7     Demetris Portides by Theme     by Text
7     Michael Morris by Theme     by Text
11     Samir Okasha by Theme     by Text
31     Ross P. Cameron by Theme     by Text
1     David Hildebrand by Theme     by Text
7     Stuart Glennan by Theme     by Text
4     Hans-Johann Glock by Theme     by Text
3     Cian Dorr by Theme     by Text
3     Graham Farmelo by Theme     by Text
9     Geoffrey Gorham by Theme     by Text
2     Peter Forrest by Theme     by Text
3     Mark Fisher by Theme     by Text
8     Karen Bennett by Theme     by Text
13     Cheryl Misak by Theme     by Text
3     Huw Price by Theme     by Text
23     E Margolis/S Laurence by Theme     by Text
23     Jeff McMahan by Theme     by Text
51     Ofra Magidor by Theme     by Text
51     Edouard Machery by Theme     by Text
2     Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra by Theme     by Text
21     Adolph Rami by Theme     by Text
1     Marga Reimer by Theme     by Text
23     Amartya Sen by Theme     by Text
5     Ryan Wasserman by Theme     by Text
21     Amie L. Thomasson by Theme     by Text
1     Koen Vervloesem by Theme     by Text
1     Sara L. Uckelman by Theme     by Text
23     Neil E. Williams by Theme     by Text
19     Laura Schroeter by Theme     by Text
2     Beth Lord by Theme     by Text
11     Bert Leuridan by Theme     by Text
12     Joseph Almog by Theme     by Text
5     Richard Corry by Theme     by Text
1     Michael Esfeld by Theme     by Text
4     Antony Eagle by Theme     by Text
1     Bob Hale/ Aviv Hoffmann by Theme     by Text
57     Volker Halbach by Theme     by Text
17     Carrie Jenkins by Theme     by Text
1     Mark Jago by Theme     by Text
13     Jonathan D. Jacobs by Theme     by Text
9     Horsten,L/Pettigrew,R by Theme     by Text
7     Thomas Grundmann by Theme     by Text
3     Stephen R. Grimm by Theme     by Text
14     George Engelbretsen by Theme     by Text
8     Engelbretsen,G/Sayward,C by Theme     by Text
9     C. Anthony Anderson by Theme     by Text
10     G. Aldo Antonelli by Theme     by Text
2     Tim Black by Theme     by Text
10     Timothy McGrew by Theme     by Text
14     Brian R. Martin by Theme     by Text
53     Robert Pasnau by Theme     by Text
4     Daniel M. Mittag by Theme     by Text
47     S.Mumford/R.Lill Anjum by Theme     by Text
2     Ram Neta by Theme     by Text
3     Bryan van Norden by Theme     by Text
3     Michael Strevens by Theme     by Text
8     Jonathan Tallant by Theme     by Text
1     Dennis Whitcomb by Theme     by Text
11     Weisberg/Needham/Hendry by Theme     by Text
9     Hamid Vahid by Theme     by Text
19     Michal Walicki by Theme     by Text
15     Wilson,G/Schpall,S by Theme     by Text
4     Tuomas E. Tahko by Theme     by Text
3     Johanna Seibt by Theme     by Text
5     Sarah Sawyer by Theme     by Text
1     Benjamin Schnieder by Theme     by Text
2     Peter B. Lewis by Theme     by Text
4     Gary Kemp by Theme     by Text
8     Stephen Boulter by Theme     by Text
12     Paul Audi by Theme     by Text
21     Mark Colyvan by Theme     by Text
5     Correia,F/Schnieder,B by Theme     by Text
1     Jan-Erik Jones by Theme     by Text
2     Vittorio Hösle by Theme     by Text
1     John Hacker-Wright by Theme     by Text
10     Halbach,V/Leigh,G.E. by Theme     by Text
19     Cappelen,H/Dever,Josh by Theme     by Text
24     Adrian Bardon by Theme     by Text
6     Tim Bayne by Theme     by Text
7     Jim Baggott by Theme     by Text
67     New Scientist writers by Theme     by Text
5     Johanna Oksala by Theme     by Text
1     Dorion Sagan by Theme     by Text
10     David van Reybrouck by Theme     by Text
4     Ori Simchen by Theme     by Text
9     James O. Young by Theme     by Text
43     Barbara Vetter by Theme     by Text
24     Adam Swift by Theme     by Text
8     Reiss,J/Spreger,J by Theme     by Text
56     Ian Rumfitt by Theme     by Text
14     Carlo Rovelli by Theme     by Text
5     Micklethwait,J/Wooldridge,A by Theme     by Text
1     Armand Marie LeRoi by Theme     by Text
2     Richard T.W. Arthur by Theme     by Text
8     Kevin Aho by Theme     by Text
29     Yuval Noah Harari by Theme     by Text
4     Douglas Edwards by Theme     by Text
14     Francesco Orsi by Theme     by Text
211     PG by Theme     by Text
9     Anand Vaidya by Theme     by Text
6     Jens Zimmermann by Theme     by Text
17     Andrew Shorten by Theme     by Text
20     Gavin Hesketh by Theme     by Text
2     Sarah Bakewell by Theme     by Text
24     Stephen Davies by Theme     by Text
31     Tuckness,A/Wolf,C by Theme     by Text
1     Andrew Gibson by Theme     by Text
19     Adam Gopnik by Theme     by Text
27     John Charvet by Theme     by Text
36     Baron,S/Miller,K by Theme     by Text
8     Franco 'Bifo' Berardi by Theme     by Text
1     Peter E. Pormann by Theme     by Text
20     Will Sommers by Theme     by Text
2     Matthew Cobb by Theme     by Text
5     Ian Dunt by Theme     by Text
32     R.D. Ingthorsson by Theme     by Text
11     Tom Cochrane by Theme     by Text
7     Anil Seth by Theme     by Text
12     Peter Schulte by Theme     by Text
15     Friend/Kimpton-Nye by Theme     by Text
5     Will Hutton by Theme     by Text
5     William Davies by Theme     by Text