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Ideas of Francis Bacon, by Text

[English, 1561 - 1626, Born in London. Chancellor of England, but found guilty of corruption. Died in London after experimenting with refrigeration.]

1605 The Advancement of Learning
II.VII.1 p.106 Science moves up and down between inventions of causes, and experiments
II.VII.3 p.108 Physics studies transitory matter; metaphysics what is abstracted and necessary
II.VII.3 p.108 Essences are part of first philosophy, but as part of nature, not part of logic
II.VII.3 p.109 Physics is of material and efficient causes, metaphysics of formal and final causes
II.VII.5 p.110 We don't assume there is no land, because we can only see sea
II.VII.6 p.112 Metaphysics is the best knowledge, because it is the simplest
II.VII.6 p.112 Natural history supports physical knowledge, which supports metaphysical knowledge
II.VII.7 p.113 Teleological accounts are fine in metaphysics, but they stop us from searching for the causes
II.VIII.1 p.115 People love (unfortunately) extreme generality, rather than particular knowledge
II.VIII.5 p.121 Many different theories will fit the observed facts
1607 Cogitata et Visa
p.7 Empiricists are collecting ants; rationalists are spinning spiders; and bees do both
1617 Philosophical Studies 1611-19
p.206 p.123 In hylomorphism all the explanation of actions is in the form, and the matter doesn't do anything
p.206 p.123 Stripped and passive matter is just a human invention
1620 Preface to Great Instauration (Renewal)
p.32 p.492 The senses deceive, but also show their own errors
Vol.4.14 p.137 Philosophy is like a statue which is worshipped but never advances
Vol.4.95 p.138 Nature is revealed when we put it under pressure rather than observe it
1620 The New Organon
p.182 Only individual bodies exist
38 p.19 Science must clear away the idols of the mind if they are ever going to find the truth
p.103 p.8 There are only individual bodies containing law-based powers, and the Forms are these laws
1625 17: Of Superstition
p.52 p.52 Even without religion, there are many guides to morality