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Ideas of Blaise Pascal, by Text

[French, 1623 - 1662, Scientist and mathematician, and then Christian mystic. A Jansenist. Poor health.]

1660 works
p.164 Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, nor lack of contradiction a sign of truth
1662 Pensées
44 (82) p.41 Imagination creates beauty, justice and happiness, which is the supreme good
47 (172) p.43 We live for the past or future, and so are never happy in the present
57 (379) p.45 It is not good to be too free
60 (294) p.46 It is a funny sort of justice whose limits are marked by a river
77 (152) p.50 We only want to know things so that we can talk about them
85 (878) p.52 Majority opinion is visible and authoritative, although not very clever
110 p.58 p.91 The first principles of truth are not rational, but are known by the heart
40 (134) p.38 Painting makes us admire things of which we do not admire the originals
418 (233) p.66 Pascal knows you can't force belief, but you can make it much more probable [Hacking]
418 (233) p.68 Pascal is right, but relies on the unsupported claim of a half as the chance of God's existence [Hacking]
418 (233) p.68 The libertine would lose a life of enjoyable sin if he chose the cloisters [Hacking]
418 (233) p.150 If you win the wager on God's existence you win everything, if you lose you lose nothing
423 (277) p.154 The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing
p.199 p.-9 If man considers himself as lost and imprisoned in the universe, he will be terrified