5713 | You needn't be made of laughing particles to laugh, so why not sensation from senseless seeds? [Lucretius] |
7550 | We could probably, in principle, infer minds from brains, and brains from minds [Russell] |
9317 | Searle argues that biology explains consciousness, but physics won't explain biology [Searle, by Kriegel/Williford] |
3474 | If mind is caused by brain, does this mean mind IS brain? [Searle] |
3500 | Can the homunculus fallacy be beaten by recursive decomposition? [Searle] |
6986 | Is the dependence of the psychological on the physical a priori or a posteriori? [Jackson] |
3433 | The core of the puzzle is the bridge laws between mind and brain [Kim] |
4900 | Prior to Kripke, the mind-brain identity theory usually claimed that the identity was contingent [Perry] |
3989 | I am a reductionist about mind because I am an a priori reductionist about everything [Lewis] |
7657 | Intelligent agents are composed of nested homunculi, of decreasing intelligence, ending in machines [Dennett] |
7879 | Mind-brain reduction is less explanatory, because phenomenal concepts lack causal roles [Papineau] |
20971 | Weak reduction of mind is to physical causes; strong reduction is also to physical laws [Papineau] |
21834 | Sensations may be identical to brain events, but complex mental events don't seem to be [Flanagan] |
10826 | 'Valence' and 'gene' had to be reduced to show their compatibility with physicalism [Field,H] |
6530 | We reduce the mind through homuncular groups, described abstractly by purpose [Lycan] |
6536 | Teleological functionalism helps us to understand psycho-biological laws [Lycan] |
7704 | Reduction of intentionality involving nonexistent objects is impossible, as reduction must be to what is actual [Jacquette] |
4597 | Early identity theory talked of mind and brain 'processes', but now the focus is properties [Heil] |
4903 | Scans of brains doing similar tasks produce very similar patterns of activation [Carter,R] |
4920 | Thinking takes place on the upper side of the prefrontal cortex [Carter,R] |
4688 | We imagine small and large objects scaled to the same size, suggesting a fixed capacity for imagination [Lavers] |
8685 | Studying biology presumes the laws of chemistry, and it could never contradict them [Friend] |