6324 | To gain in goodness, treat as good those who are good, and those who are not [Laozi (Lao Tzu)] |
345 | A good man cannot be harmed, either in life or in death [Socrates] |
120 | Should we avoid evil because it will bring us bad consequences? [Plato] |
4332 | Virtue is a concord of reason and emotion, with pleasure and pain trained to correct ends [Plato] |
248 | A serious desire for moral excellence is very rare indeed [Plato] |
253 | Every crime is the result of excessive self-love [Plato] |
263 | The only worthwhile life is one devoted to physical and moral perfection [Plato] |
144 | Reason impels us towards excellence, which teaches us self-control [Plato] |
5944 | For Plato, virtue is its own reward [Lawson-Tancred on Plato] |
170 | The only slavery which is not dishonourable is slavery to excellence [Plato] |
182 | The first step on the right path is the contemplation of physical beauty when young [Plato] |
5225 | The end of virtue is what is right and honourable or fine [Aristotle] |
56 | A person is good if they act from choice, and for the sake of the actions in themselves [Aristotle] |
93 | Existence is desirable if one is conscious of one's own goodness [Aristotle] |
22557 | Virtuous people are like the citizens of the best city [Aristotle] |
2841 | People become good because of nature, habit and reason [Aristotle] |
1841 | We choose virtue because of pleasure, not for its own sake [Epicurus, by Diog. Laertius] |
497 | Be virtuous from duty, not from fear [Democritus (attr)] |
503 | Virtue doesn't just avoid evil, but also doesn't desire it [Democritus (attr)] |
518 | A bad life is just a drawn-out death [Democritus (attr)] |
2672 | Virtues must be very detached, to avoid being motivated by pleasure [Cicero] |
6290 | Except ye become as little children, ye shall not enter heaven [Jesus] |
13559 | I seek virtue, because it is its own reward [Seneca] |
23354 | If someone harms themselves in harming me, then I harm myself by returning the harm [Epictetus] |
18444 | Civil virtues make us behave benevolently, and thereby unite citizens [Porphyry] |
18445 | Civil virtues control the passions, and make us conform to our nature [Porphyry] |
18446 | Purificatory virtues detach the soul completely from the passions [Porphyry] |
20482 | Virtue inspires Stoics, but I want a good temperament [Montaigne] |
2383 | Virtues are a means to peaceful, sociable and comfortable living [Hobbes] |
7913 | Virtue doesn't go far without the support of vanity [Rochefoucauld] |
4580 | All virtues benefit either the public, or the individual who possesses them [Hume] |
21436 | We are obliged to show the social virtues, but at least they make a virtuous disposition fashionable [Kant] |
1456 | Moral law is holy, and the best we can do is achieve virtue through respect for the law [Kant] |
3771 | Virtues only have value because they achieve some further end [Mill] |
14817 | The 'good' man does the moral thing as if by nature, easily and gladly, after a long inheritance [Nietzsche] |
4511 | We would avoid a person who always needed reasons for remaining decent [Nietzsche] |
4512 | Virtue is pursued from self-interest and prudence, and reduces people to non-entities [Nietzsche] |
9251 | One can be virtuous through a whim [Camus] |
22468 | Virtues can have aims, but good states of affairs are not among them [Foot] |
4112 | A crucial feature of moral thought is second-order desire - the desire to have certain desires [Williams,B] |
3541 | Ancient ethics uses attractive notions, not imperatives [Annas] |
4349 | Virtuous people may not be fully clear about their reasons for action [Hursthouse] |
4352 | Performing an act simply because it is virtuous is sufficient to be 'morally motivated' or 'dutiful' [Hursthouse] |
4353 | If moral motivation is an all-or-nothing sense of duty, how can children act morally? [Hursthouse] |