7898 | The world is just the illusion of an appearance [Anon (Dham)] |
5958 | The sun is always bright; it doesn't become bright when it emerges [Plutarch] |
12742 | A whole is just its parts, but there are no smallest parts, so only minds and perceptions exist [Leibniz] |
5509 | Leibniz said dualism of mind and body is illusion, and there is only mind [Leibniz, by Martin/Barresi] |
7568 | Leibniz is an idealist insofar as the basic components of his universe are all mental [Leibniz, by Jolley] |
22003 | We have no sensual experience of time and space, so they must be 'ideal' [Kant, by Pinkard] |
21456 | Objects having to be experiencable is not the same as full idealism [Gardner on Kant] |
21446 | If we disappeared, then all relations of objects, and time and space themselves, disappear too [Kant] |
22062 | Mental presentation are not empirical, but concern the strivings of the self [Fichte] |
21361 | For Schopenhauer, material things would not exist without the mind [Schopenhauer, by Janaway] |
21923 | Schopenhauer can't use force/energy instead of 'will', because he is not a materialist [Lewis,PB on Schopenhauer] |
4162 | The world only exists in relation to something else, as an idea of the one who conceives it [Schopenhauer] |
21922 | We know reality because we know our own bodies and actions [Schopenhauer] |
5373 | 'Idealism' says that everything which exists is in some sense mental [Russell] |
5684 | Eliminative idealists say there are no objects; reductive idealists say objects exist as complex experiences [Dancy,J] |
4591 | Idealism explains appearances by identifying appearances with reality [Heil] |
8280 | While space may just be appearance, time and change can't be, because the appearances change [Lowe] |
22048 | Idealism is the link between reason and freedom [Pinkard] |
6159 | Strong idealism is the sort of mess produced by a Cartesian separation of mind and world [Rowlands] |