24042 | The older Diogenes said the soul is air, made of the smallest particles [Diogenes of Apollonia] |
23217 | All of our happiness and misery arises entirely from the brain [Hippocrates] |
20913 | Democritus says the soul is the body, and thinking is thus the mixture of the body [Democritus, by Theophrastus] |
24041 | Democritus says spherical atoms are fire, and constitute the soul [psuche] [Democritus, by Aristotle] |
13275 | The soul and the body are inseparable, like the imprint in some wax [Aristotle] |
20831 | The soul suffers when the body hurts, creates redness from shame, and pallor from fear [Cleanthes] |
5719 | The mind moves limbs, wakes the body up, changes facial expressions, which involve touch [Lucretius] |
5724 | Lions, foxes and deer have distinct characters because their minds share in their bodies [Lucretius] |
23220 | The brain contains memory and reason, and is the source of sensation and decision [Galen] |
16618 | Intellectual and moral states, and even the soul itself, depend on prime matter for their existence [Blasius, by Pasnau] |
2948 | Sensation is merely internal motion of the sentient being [Hobbes] |
6208 | Conceptions and apparitions are just motion in some internal substance of the head [Hobbes] |
23221 | The brain, and all the mental events within it, consists entirely of sensitive and rational matter [Cavendish] |
4834 | Mind and body are the same thing, sometimes seen as thought, and sometimes as extension [Spinoza] |
7652 | Man is a machine, and there exists only one substance, diversely modified [La Mettrie] |
19573 | The seat of the soul is where our inner and outer worlds interpenetrate [Novalis] |
5329 | Why shouldn't we say brain depends on mind? Better explanation! [Ayer] |
7431 | The identity of mental states with physical properties is contingent, because the laws of nature are contingent [Armstrong] |
5797 | The pattern of molecules in the sea is much more complex than the complexity of brain neurons [Searle] |
7430 | Kripke assumes that mind-brain identity designates rigidly, which it doesn't [Armstrong on Kripke] |
6976 | In physicalism, the psychological depends on the physical, not the other way around [Jackson] |
3374 | Token physicalism isn't reductive; it just says all mental events have some physical properties [Kim] |
7445 | The application of 'pain' to physical states is non-rigid and contingent [Lewis] |
3994 | Human pain might be one thing; Martian pain might be something else [Lewis] |
8579 | Psychophysical identity implies the possibility of idealism or panpsychism [Lewis] |
4879 | There is no more anger in adrenaline than silliness in a bottle of whiskey [Dennett] |
2468 | Type physicalism is a stronger claim than token physicalism [Fodor] |
2464 | Type physicalism equates mental kinds with physical kinds [Fodor] |
3515 | Knowing what it is like to be something only involves being (physically) that thing [Papineau] |
7892 | The completeness of physics is needed for mind-brain identity [Papineau] |
6544 | Identity theory is functionalism, but located at the lowest level of abstraction [Lycan] |
6503 | Physicalism cannot allow internal intentional objects, as brain states can't be 'about' anything [Robinson,H] |
4075 | Identity theory is either of particular events, or of properties, depending on your theory of causation [Crane] |
4085 | Physicalism may be the source of the mind-body problem, rather than its solution [Crane] |
6634 | Physicalists must believe in narrow content (because thoughts are merely the brain states) [Lowe] |
6380 | Identity theory says consciousness is an abstraction: a state, event, process or property [Polger] |
20656 | Traditional ideas of the mind were weakened in the 1950s by mind-influencing drugs [Watson] |
11142 | Body-type seems to affect a mind's cognition and conceptual scheme [Margolis/Laurence] |
17766 | Physicalism correlates brain and mind, explains causation by thought, and makes nature continuous [Bayne] |