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16. Persons / E. Rejecting the Self / 3. Narrative Self

[Self mainly concerns our stories, history aqnd plans]

6 ideas
I can only be aware of myself as a person who changes by means of my personal history [Taylor,C]
     Full Idea: As a being who grows and becomes I can only know myself through the history of my maturations and regressions, overcomings and defeats.
     From: Charles Taylor (Sources of the Self [1989], §2.3)
     A reaction: An important insight. My immediate sense of self makes my personal history central, not an extra. But a history must be a history OF something.
I can only make decisions if I see myself as part of a story [MacIntyre]
     Full Idea: I can only answer the question 'What am I to do?' if I can answer the prior question 'Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?'.
     From: Alasdair MacIntyre (After Virtue: a Study in Moral Theory [1981], p.201), quoted by Michael J. Sandel - Justice: What's the right thing to do? 09
     A reaction: MacIntyre is a great champion of the narrative view of the Self. Does this mean that if you had total amnesia, but retained other faculties, you could make no decisions? Can you start a new story whenever you like?
We tell stories about ourselves, to protect, control and define who we are [Dennett]
     Full Idea: Our fundamental tactic of self-protection, self-control and self-definition is telling stories, and more particularly concocting and controlling the story we tell others - and ourselves - about who we are.
     From: Daniel C. Dennett (Consciousness Explained [1991], 13.1)
     A reaction: This seems to suggest that there is someone who wants to protect themselves, and who wants to tell the stories, and does tell the stories. No one can deny the existence of this autobiographical element in our own identity.
We spin narratives about ourselves, and the audience posits a centre of gravity for them [Dennett]
     Full Idea: The effect of our string of personal narratives is to encourage the audience to (try to) posit a unified agent whose words they are, about whom they are: in short, to posit a centre of narrative gravity.
     From: Daniel C. Dennett (Consciousness Explained [1991], 13.1)
     A reaction: What would be the evolutionary advantage of getting the audience to posit a non-existent self, instead of a complex brain? It might be simpler than that, since we say of a bird "it wants to do x". What is "it"? Some simple thing, like a will.
The self is an abstraction which magnifies important aspects of autobiography [Flanagan]
     Full Idea: The self is an abstraction from the story of a person's life that isolates and magnifies the experiences, traits and aspirations that are assigned importance.
     From: Owen Flanagan (The Problem of the Soul [2002], p.240)
     A reaction: Personally I am inclined to see personal identity as the central controller of brain activity, the aspect of the biological machine which keeps all the mental events focused on what matters, which is health, safety and happiness.
We are not born with a self; we develop a self through living [Flanagan]
     Full Idea: It is a bad mistake to think we are born with a self; the self develops, and acquiring it requires living in the world.
     From: Owen Flanagan (The Problem of the Soul [2002], p.260)
     A reaction: I think this is wrong. He is mistaking a complex cultural concept of the self as the subject for autobiography etc. for the basic biological self which even small animals must have if their brains are to serve any useful purpose in their lives.