370 | Philosophy is a purification of the soul ready for the afterlife [Plato] |
14523 | We should come to philosophy free from any taint of culture [Epicurus] |
18450 | Philosophy has its own mode of death, by separating soul from body [Porphyry] |
19073 | True philosophy aims at absolute unity, while our understanding sees only separation [Hegel] |
21776 | Philosophy aims to reveal the necessity and rationality of the categories of nature and spirit [Hegel, by Houlgate] |
6928 | Only that which can be an object of religion is an object of philosophy [Feuerbach] |
15586 | When philosophy makes itself intelligible, it commits suicide [Heidegger] |
15585 | Later Heidegger sees philosophy as more like poetry than like science [Heidegger, by Polt] |
23885 | Philosophy aims to change the soul, not to accumulate knowledge [Weil] |
3241 | It seems mad, but the aim of philosophy is to climb outside of our own minds [Nagel] |
1595 | Philosophy aims to satisfy the chief human desire - the articulation of beauty itself [Roochnik] |
9779 | Philosophy is transcendental questioning (not supporting science or constructing ontology) [Zizek] |