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6. Mathematics / A. Nature of Mathematics / 5. The Infinite / d. Actual infinite

[treating an infinite collection as a complete thing]

11 ideas
If there were real infinities, you could add two together, which is ridiculous [Locke]
     Full Idea: If a man had a positive idea of infinite, either duration or space, he could add two infinities together; nay, make one Infinite infinity bigger than another, absurdities too gross to be confuted.
     From: John Locke (Essay Conc Human Understanding (2nd Ed) [1694], 2.17.20)
     A reaction: A beautifully heartfelt objection to everything Cantor stood for, two hundred years before Cantor got round to it.
I strongly believe in the actual infinite, which indicates the perfections of its author [Leibniz]
     Full Idea: I am so much for the actual infinite that instead of admitting that nature abhors it, as is commonly said, I hold that it affects nature everywhere in order to indicate the perfections of its author.
     From: Gottfried Leibniz (Reply to Foucher [1693], p.99)
     A reaction: I would have thought that, for Leibniz, while infinities indicate the perfections of their author, that is not the reason why they exist. God wasn't, presumably, showing off. Leibniz does not think we can actually know these infinities.
I don't admit infinite numbers, and consider infinitesimals to be useful fictions [Leibniz]
     Full Idea: Notwithstanding my infinitesimal calculus, I do not admit any real infinite numbers, even though I confess that the multitude of things surpasses any finite number, or rather any number. ..I consider infinitesimal quantities to be useful fictions.
     From: Gottfried Leibniz (Letters to Samuel Masson [1716], 1716)
     A reaction: With the phrase 'useful fictions' we seem to have jumped straight into Harty Field. I'm with Leibniz on this one. The history of mathematics is a series of ingenious inventions, whenever they seem to make further exciting proofs possible.
Actual infinities are not allowed in mathematics - only limits which may increase without bound [Gauss]
     Full Idea: I protest against the use of an infinite quantity as an actual entity; this is never allowed in mathematics. The infinite is only a manner of speaking, in which one properly speaks of limits ...which are permitted to increase without bound.
     From: Carl Friedrich Gauss (Letter to Shumacher [1831]), quoted by Brian Clegg - Infinity: Quest to Think the Unthinkable Ch.7
Cantor proposes that there won't be a potential infinity if there is no actual infinity [Cantor, by Hart,WD]
     Full Idea: What we might call 'Cantor's Thesis' is that there won't be a potential infinity of any sort unless there is an actual infinity of some sort.
     From: report of George Cantor (works [1880]) by William D. Hart - The Evolution of Logic 1
     A reaction: This idea is nicely calculated to stop Aristotle in his tracks.
Poincaré rejected the actual infinite, claiming definitions gave apparent infinity to finite objects [Poincaré, by Lavine]
     Full Idea: Poincaré rejected the actual infinite. He viewed mathematics that is apparently concerned with the actual infinite as actually concerning the finite linguistic definitions the putatively describe actually infinite objects.
     From: report of Henri Poincaré (On the Nature of Mathematical Reasoning [1894]) by Shaughan Lavine - Understanding the Infinite
The idea of an infinite totality is an illusion [Hilbert]
     Full Idea: Just as in the limit processes of the infinitesimal calculus, the infinitely large and small proved to be a mere figure of speech, so too we must realise that the infinite in the sense of an infinite totality, used in deductive methods, is an illusion.
     From: David Hilbert (On the Infinite [1925], p.184)
     A reaction: This is a very authoritative rearguard action. I no longer think the dispute matters much, it being just a dispute over a proposed new meaning for the word 'number'.
Cantor and Dedekind brought completed infinities into mathematics [Maddy]
     Full Idea: Both Cantor's real number (Cauchy sequences of rationals) and Dedekind's cuts involved regarding infinite items (sequences or sets) as completed and subject to further manipulation, bringing the completed infinite into mathematics unambiguously.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Naturalism in Mathematics [1997], I.1 n39)
     A reaction: So it is the arrival of the real numbers which is the culprit for lumbering us with weird completed infinites, which can then be the subject of addition, multiplication and exponentiation. Maybe this was a silly mistake?
Completed infinities resulted from giving foundations to calculus [Maddy]
     Full Idea: The line of development that finally led to a coherent foundation for the calculus also led to the explicit introduction of completed infinities: each real number is identified with an infinite collection of rationals.
     From: Penelope Maddy (Naturalism in Mathematics [1997], I.3)
     A reaction: Effectively, completed infinities just are the real numbers.
Infinite cuts and successors seems to suggest an actual infinity there waiting for us [Read]
     Full Idea: Every potential infinity seems to suggest an actual infinity - e.g. generating successors suggests they are really all there already; cutting the line suggests that the point where the cut is made is already in place.
     From: Stephen Read (Thinking About Logic [1995], Ch.8)
     A reaction: Finding a new gambit in chess suggests it was there waiting for us, but we obviously invented chess. Daft.
The classical mathematician believes the real numbers form an actual set [George/Velleman]
     Full Idea: Unlike the intuitionist, the classical mathematician believes in an actual set that contains all the real numbers.
     From: A.George / D.J.Velleman (Philosophies of Mathematics [2002], Ch.6)