16058 | Dion and Theon coexist, but Theon lacks a foot. If Dion loses a foot, he ousts Theon? [Chrysippus, by Philo of Alexandria] |
15537 | If cats are vague, we deny that the many cats are one, or deny that the one cat is many [Lewis] |
14751 | Tib goes out of existence when the tail is lost, because Tib was never the 'cat' [Burke,M, by Sider] |
13437 | A CAR and its major PART can become identical, yet seem to have different properties [Gallois] |
14740 | If Tib is all of Tibbles bar her tail, when Tibbles loses her tail, two different things become one [Sider] |
16200 | Are sortals spatially maximal - so no cat part is allowed to be a cat? [Hawley] |
12835 | Does Tibbles remain the same cat when it loses its tail? [Simons] |
12857 | Tibbles isn't Tib-plus-tail, because Tibbles can survive its loss, but the sum can't [Simons] |