16376 | The possible can only be general, and the force of actuality is needed to produce a particular [Peirce] |
11003 | The best version of reductionist actualism around is Armstrong's combinatorial account [Armstrong, by Read] |
16472 | Plantinga's actualism is nominal, because he fills actuality with possibilia [Stalnaker on Plantinga] |
18383 | Plantinga says there is just this world, with possibilities expressed in propositions [Plantinga, by Armstrong] |
16433 | Given actualism, how can there be possible individuals, other than the actual ones? [Stalnaker] |
11869 | Possible worlds rest on the objects about which we have suppositions [Wiggins] |
18415 | The actual world is just the world you are in [Lewis, by Cappelen/Dever] |
16441 | Lewis rejects actualism because he identifies properties with sets [Lewis, by Stalnaker] |
16282 | Ersatzers say we have one world, and abstract representations of how it might have been [Lewis] |
15790 | Lewis can't know possible worlds without first knowing what is possible or impossible [Lycan on Lewis] |
15791 | What are the ontological grounds for grouping possibilia into worlds? [Lycan on Lewis] |
10996 | Actualism is reductionist (to parts of actuality), or moderate realist (accepting real abstractions) [Read] |
16188 | Serious Actualism says there are no facts at all about something which doesn't exist [Simchen] |