18794 | Logic has precise boundaries, and is the formal rules for all thinking [Kant] |
7728 | Frege has a judgement stroke (vertical, asserting or judging) and a content stroke (horizontal, expressing) [Frege, by Weiner] |
16881 | The laws of logic are boundless, so we want the few whose power contains the others [Frege] |
6110 | Subject-predicate logic (and substance-attribute metaphysics) arise from Aryan languages [Russell] |
9358 | There are several logics, none of which will ever derive falsehoods from truth [Lewis,CI] |
18724 | In logic nothing is hidden [Wittgenstein] |
16908 | We can dispense with self-evidence, if language itself prevents logical mistakes [Jeshion on Wittgenstein] |
23502 | Logic fills the world, to its limits [Wittgenstein] |
23504 | Logic concerns everything that is subject to law; the rest is accident [Wittgenstein] |
13979 | Logic studies consequence, compatibility, contradiction, corroboration, necessitation, grounding.... [Ryle] |
13010 | In order to select the logic justified by experience, we would need to use a lot of logic [Boghossian on Quine] |
9020 | My logical grammar has sentences by predication, then negation, conjunction, and existential quantification [Quine] |
12666 | We can base logic on acceptability, and abandon the Fregean account by truth-preservation [Ellis] |
11066 | Deduction is justified by the semantics of its metalanguage [Dummett, by Hanna] |
9722 | Inference not from content, but from the fact that it was said, is 'conversational implicature' [Enderton] |
3809 | If complex logic requires rules, then so does basic logic [Searle] |
12595 | We have a theory of logic (implication and inconsistency), but not of inference or reasoning [Harman] |
3093 | Any two states are logically linked, by being entailed by their conjunction [Harman] |
10766 | Logic is either for demonstration, or for characterizing structures [Tharp] |
12342 | Topos theory explains the plurality of possible logics [Badiou] |
10282 | Logic is the study of sound argument, or of certain artificial languages (or applying the latter to the former) [Hodges,W] |
13831 | Logic is based on transitions between sentences [Prawitz] |
9457 | The two main views in philosophy of logic are extensionalism and intensionalism [Jacquette] |
7681 | Logic describes inferences between sentences expressing possible properties of objects [Jacquette] |
8091 | Situation theory is logic that takes account of context [Devlin] |
13627 | There is no 'correct' logic for natural languages [Shapiro] |
13642 | Logic is the ideal for learning new propositions on the basis of others [Shapiro] |
14980 | There is a real issue over what is the 'correct' logic [Sider] |
15000 | 'It is raining' and 'it is not raining' can't be legislated, so we can't legislate 'p or ¬p' [Sider] |
13235 | Logic studies consequence; logical truths are consequences of everything, or nothing [Beall/Restall] |
13238 | Syllogisms are only logic when they use variables, and not concrete terms [Beall/Restall] |
17741 | To determine the patterns in logic, one must identify its 'building blocks' [Walicki] |
11211 | If a sound conclusion comes from two errors that cancel out, the path of the argument must matter [Rumfitt] |
18815 | Logic is higher-order laws which can expand the range of any sort of deduction [Rumfitt] |