24138 | Strongly believed a priori is not certain; it may just be a feature of our existence [Nietzsche] |
23485 | No pictures are true a priori [Wittgenstein] |
9338 | Quine's objections to a priori knowledge only work in the domain of science [Horwich on Quine] |
9337 | Science is empirical, simple and conservative; any belief can hence be abandoned; so no a priori [Quine, by Horwich] |
9340 | Logic, arithmetic and geometry are revisable and a posteriori; quantum logic could be right [Horwich on Quine] |
20961 | What is considered a priori changes as language changes [Habermas, by Bowie] |
18272 | Platonism defines the a priori in a way that makes it unknowable [Coffa] |
9356 | The idea of the a priori is so obscure that it won't explain anything [Devitt] |
19564 | Some knowledge must be empirical; naturalism implies that all knowledge is like that [Devitt] |
13476 | The failure of key assumptions in geometry, mereology and set theory throw doubt on the a priori [Hart,WD] |
9384 | We may have strong a priori beliefs which we pragmatically drop from our best theory [Boghossian] |