458 | Nothing could come out of nothing, and existence could never completely cease [Empedocles] |
1707 | Maybe necessity and non-necessity are the first principles of ontology [Aristotle] |
17179 | There must always be a reason or cause why some triangle does or does not exist [Spinoza] |
19400 | Possibles demand existence, so as many of them as possible must actually exist [Leibniz] |
19401 | God's sufficient reason for choosing reality is in the fitness or perfection of possibilities [Leibniz] |
5062 | First: there must be reasons; Second: why anything at all?; Third: why this? [Leibniz] |
7696 | Leibniz first asked 'why is there something rather than nothing?' [Leibniz, by Jacquette] |
19341 | There must be a straining towards existence in the essence of all possible things [Leibniz] |
19428 | Because something does exist, there must be a drive in possible things towards existence [Leibniz] |
3942 | I do not believe in the existence of anything, if I see no reason to believe it [Berkeley] |
5646 | Hegel gives an ontological proof of the existence of everything [Hegel, by Scruton] |
16007 | I assume existence, rather than reasoning towards it [Kierkegaard] |
7692 | Being is maximal consistency [Jacquette] |
7687 | Existence is completeness and consistency [Jacquette] |
19662 | It is necessarily contingent that there is one thing rather than another - so something must exist [Meillassoux] |
17320 | Either p is true or not-p is true, so something is true, so something exists [Liggins] |
19482 | Current physics says matter and antimatter should have reduced to light at the big bang [New Sci.] |
19483 | CP violation shows a decay imbalance in matter and antimatter, leading to matter's dominance [New Sci.] |