13784 | Mind is self-ruling, pure, ordering and ubiquitous [Anaxagoras, by Plato] |
1714 | Mind involves movement, perception, incorporeality [Aristotle] |
20809 | Eight parts of the soul: five senses, seeds, speech and reason [Stoic school, by Diog. Laertius] |
23266 | The spirit in the soul wants freedom, power and honour [Galen] |
18453 | Intelligence is aware of itself, so the intelligence is both the thinker and the thought [Porphyry] |
17196 | The will is not a desire, but the faculty of affirming what is true or false [Spinoza] |
17198 | Will and intellect are the same thing [Spinoza] |
17201 | The will is finite, but the intellect is infinite [Spinoza] |
23242 | Consciousness has two parts, passively receiving sensation, and actively causing productions [Fichte] |
8648 | Ideas are not spatial, and don't have distances between them [Frege] |
2550 | Pain lacks intentionality; beliefs lack qualia [Rorty] |
3368 | Mind is basically qualities and intentionality, but how do they connect? [Kim] |
12636 | Mental states have causal powers [Fodor] |
6152 | Minds are rational, conscious, subjective, self-knowing, free, meaningful and self-aware [Rowlands] |