6598 | We need our beliefs to be determined by some external inhuman permanency [Peirce] |
20140 | We shouldn't object to a false judgement, if it enhances and preserves life [Nietzsche] |
20122 | We have no organ for knowledge or truth; we only 'know' what is useful to the human herd [Nietzsche] |
2548 | If knowledge is merely justified belief, justification is social [Rorty] |
3247 | Epistemology is centrally about what we should believe, not the definition of knowledge [Nagel] |
3595 | What works always takes precedence over theories [Williams,M] |
12802 | We aren't directly pragmatic about belief, but pragmatic about the deliberation which precedes it [Foley] |
12803 | Justification comes from acceptable procedures, given practical constraints [Foley] |