Combining Texts

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You have chosen 'On Wisdom' by Gottfried Leibniz, 'Letter to Pythocles' by Epicurus and 'Thought: a very short introduction' by Tim Bayne

Display all ideas for these texts, or choose an area below:

1053 1. Philosophy
626 2. Reason
628 3. Truth
784 4. Formal Logic
1242 5. Theory of Logic
1189 6. Mathematics
1042 7. Existence
886 8. Modes of Existence
1528 9. Objects
800 10. Modality
486 11. Knowledge Aims
714 12. Knowledge Sources
633 13. Knowledge Criteria
675 14. Science
550 15. Nature of Minds
494 16. Persons
495 17. Mind and Body
859 18. Thought
835 19. Language
313 20. Action
271 21. Aesthetics
978 22. Metaethics
991 23. Ethics
927 24. Political Theory
752 25. Social Practice
995 26. Natural Theory
725 27. Natural Reality
429 28. God
304 29. Religion