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You have chosen 'On Wisdom' by Gottfried Leibniz, 'Letters to Leibniz' by Jacques Lenfant and 'Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason' by Michael Bratman
Display all ideas for these texts, or choose an area below:
1053 | 1. | Philosophy |
626 | 2. | Reason |
628 | 3. | Truth |
784 | 4. | Formal Logic |
1242 | 5. | Theory of Logic |
1189 | 6. | Mathematics |
1042 | 7. | Existence |
886 | 8. | Modes of Existence |
1528 | 9. | Objects |
800 | 10. | Modality |
486 | 11. | Knowledge Aims |
714 | 12. | Knowledge Sources |
633 | 13. | Knowledge Criteria |
675 | 14. | Science |
550 | 15. | Nature of Minds |
494 | 16. | Persons |
495 | 17. | Mind and Body |
859 | 18. | Thought |
835 | 19. | Language |
313 | 20. | Action |
271 | 21. | Aesthetics |
978 | 22. | Metaethics |
991 | 23. | Ethics |
927 | 24. | Political Theory |
752 | 25. | Social Practice |
995 | 26. | Natural Theory |
725 | 27. | Natural Reality |
429 | 28. | God |
304 | 29. | Religion |