Ideas from 'On the True Doctrine (Against Christians)' by Celsus [178], by Theme Structure

[found in 'On the True Doctrine (Against the Christians)' by Celsus (ed/tr Hoffmann,R.Joseph) [OUP 1987,0-19-504151-8]].

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25. Social Practice / F. Life Issues / 6. Animal Rights
The world was made as much for animals as for man
                        Full Idea: The world was made as much for the irrational animals as for men.
                        From: Celsus (On the True Doctrine (Against Christians) [c.178], §V)
                        A reaction: A good remark. It seems to be a classic distortion of European Christianity that the world is made for us, and that animals only exist to fill our sandwiches.
29. Religion / B. Monotheistic Religion / 4. Christianity / a. Christianity
Christians presented Jesus as a new kind of logos to oppose that of the philosophers
                        Full Idea: Christians put forth this Jesus not only as the son of God, but as the very Logos - not the pure and holy Logos known to the philosophers, but a new kind of Logos.
                        From: Celsus (On the True Doctrine (Against Christians) [c.178], III)