Ideas from 'Go Figure: a Path through Fictionalism' by Stephen Yablo [2001], by Theme Structure
[found in 'Things: Philosophical Papers vol. 2' by Yablo,Stephen [OUP 2010,978-0-19-926649-0]].
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7. Existence / D. Theories of Reality / 7. Fictionalism
Fictionalism allows that simulated beliefs may be tracking real facts
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The fictionalist offers the option that your simulated beliefs and assertions may be tracking a realm of genuine facts, or a realm of what you take to be facts.
Stephen Yablo (Go Figure: a Path through Fictionalism [2001], 13)
A reaction:
This means that fictionalism does not have to be an error theory. That is, we aren't mistakenly believing something that we actually made up. Instead we are sensibly believing something we know to be not literally true. Love it.
10. Modality / E. Possible worlds / 2. Nature of Possible Worlds / b. Worlds as fictions
Governing possible worlds theory is the fiction that if something is possible, it happens in a world
Full Idea:
The governing fiction of possible worlds theory says that whenever something is possible, there is a world where it happens.
Stephen Yablo (Go Figure: a Path through Fictionalism [2001], 05)
A reaction:
This sounds like the only sensible attitude to possible worlds I can think of.