more from Harré,R./Madden,E.H.

Single Idea 15263

[catalogued under 27. Natural Reality / F. Chemistry / 1. Chemistry]

Full Idea

Modern chemistry is not, as chemistry, purely structural. ...Thus CO2 is a different substance from SO2.

Gist of Idea

Chemistry is not purely structural; CO2 is not the same as SO2


Harré,R./Madden,E.H. (Causal Powers [1975], 6.II)

Book Reference

Harré,R/Madden,E.H.: 'Causal Powers: A Theory of Natural Necessity' [Blackwell 1975], p.103

A Reaction

I don't think I ever thought the chemistry was purely structural, but if you go in for the idea that reality is essentially geometrical (inspired by physics, presumably, like Ladyman) then you might make this mistake.

Related Idea

Idea 17482 Compounds can differ with the same collection of atoms, so structure matters too [Hendry]