more from Paul O'Grady

Single Idea 4715

[catalogued under 9. Objects / A. Existence of Objects / 5. Individuation / a. Individuation]

Full Idea

Those defending the claim that objects exist with identity conditions not imposed by us, do not have to say that there is just one account of those objects possible.

Gist of Idea

We may say that objects have intrinsic identity conditions, but still allow multiple accounts of them


Paul O'Grady (Relativism [2002], Ch.3)

Book Reference

O'Grady,Paul: 'Relativism' [Acumen 2002], p.74

A Reaction

This seems right, but the test question is whether the mind of God contains a single unified theory/account. Are multiple accounts the result of human inadequacy? Yes, I surmise.