more from Neil E. Williams

Single Idea 23773

[catalogued under 7. Existence / D. Theories of Reality / 1. Ontologies]

Full Idea

The main components of neo-Humean metaphysics are that properties are inherently non-modal and passive, that what is possible is restricted only by imagination and coherence, that laws are non-governing descriptions, and causation is weak and extrinsic.

Gist of Idea

Humeans say properties are passive, possibility is vast, laws are descriptions, causation is weak


Neil E. Williams (The Powers Metaphysics [2019], 02.1)

Book Reference

Williams,Neil E.: 'The Powers Metaphysics' [OUP 2019], p.23

A Reaction

This is Williams identifying the enemy, prior to offering the much more active and restictive powers ontology. I'm with Williams.