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Single Idea 20555

[catalogued under 24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 7. Communitarianism / b. Against communitarianism]

Full Idea

Liberals are concerned to protect individuals from too much community - from practices that stifle the individual's freedom to choose for herself how she lives her life.

Gist of Idea

Liberals are concerned to protect individuals from too much community


Adam Swift (Political Philosophy (3rd ed) [2014], 4 'Liberalism')

Book Reference

Swift,Adam: 'Political Philosophy (3rd edn)' [Polity 2014], p.176

A Reaction

The phrase 'too much community' is an excellent warning to communitarians. I'm happy to be enmeshed in a community, as long as it is composed of highly liberal and easy-going individuals. Avoid too much bad community.