more from Edwin D. Mares

Single Idea 17714

[catalogued under 12. Knowledge Sources / A. A Priori Knowledge / 6. A Priori from Reason]

Full Idea

Aristotelians tend to eschew talk about a special faculty of pure reason that is responsible for all of our a priori judgements.

Gist of Idea

Aristotelians dislike the idea of a priori judgements from pure reason


Edwin D. Mares (A Priori [2011], 08.9)

Book Reference

Mares,Edwin: 'A Priori' [Acumen 2011], p.135

A Reaction

He is invoking Carrie Jenkins's idea that the a priori is knowledge of relations between concepts which have been derived from experience. Nice idea. We thus have an empirical a priori, integrated into the natural world. Abstraction must be involved.