more from Craig Bourne

Single Idea 14009

[catalogued under 8. Modes of Existence / A. Relations / 1. Nature of Relations]

Full Idea

It is widely held, and I think correctly so, that a necessary condition for the existence of relations is that both of the relata exist.

Gist of Idea

It is a necessary condition for the existence of relations that both of the relata exist


Craig Bourne (A Future for Presentism [2006], 3.III Pr4)

Book Reference

Bourne,Craig: 'A Future for Presentism' [OUP 2006], p.95

A Reaction

This is either trivial or false. Relations in the actual world self-evidently relate components of it. But I seem able to revere Sherlock Holmes, and speculate about relations between possible entities.

Related Idea

Idea 14010 All relations between spatio-temporal objects are either spatio-temporal, or causal [Bourne]