more from K Marx / F Engels

Single Idea 5277

[catalogued under 15. Nature of Minds / B. Features of Minds / 1. Consciousness / a. Consciousness]

Full Idea

Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life.

Gist of Idea

Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life


K Marx / F Engels (The German Ideology [1846], §1.A)

Book Reference

Marx,K./Engels,F.: 'The German Ideology', ed/tr. Arthur,C.J. [Lawrence and Wishart 1985], p.47

A Reaction

This slogan is the heart of Marxism. It begs the obvious question of what determines (social) life? Aristotle is at least partly right - that some activities and social organisation are 'unnatural', going against the grain of the human 'given'.

Related Ideas

Idea 22792 Individuals attain their right by discovering their self-consciousness in institutions [Hegel]

Idea 23872 'Society determines consciousness' is contradictory; society only exists in minds [Weil on Marx/Engels]