more from Gottfried Leibniz

Single Idea 19416

[catalogued under 26. Natural Theory / A. Speculations on Nature / 7. Later Matter Theories / a. Early Modern matter]

Full Idea

It must not be said that each portion of matter is animated, just as we do not say that a pond full of fishes is an animated body, although a fish is.

Gist of Idea

Not all of matter is animated, any more than a pond full of living fish is animated


Gottfried Leibniz (Principle of Life and Plastic Natures [1705], p.190)

Book Reference

Leibniz,Gottfried: 'Leibniz Selections', ed/tr. Wiener,Philip P. [Scribners 1951], p.190

A Reaction

This is a particularly clear picture of the role of monads in matter. Monads are attached to bodies, which are entirely inanimate, but monads suffuse matter and give it its properties, like particularly bubbly champagne. Cf Idea 19422.

Related Idea

Idea 19422 Every particle of matter contains organic bodies [Leibniz]