more from Alvin I. Goldman

Single Idea 6875

[catalogued under 13. Knowledge Criteria / C. External Justification / 3. Reliabilism / a. Reliable knowledge]

Full Idea

Reliability involves truth, and truth (on the usual assumption) is external.

Gist of Idea

Reliability involves truth, and truth is external


Alvin I. Goldman (Internalism Exposed [1999], §6)

Book Reference

Goldman,Alvin I.: 'Pathways to Knowledge' [OUP 2002], p.17

A Reaction

As an argument for externalism this seems bogus. I am not sure that truth is either 'internal' or 'external'. How could the truth of 3+2=5 be external? Facts are mostly external, but I take truth to be a relation between internal and external.