more from David M. Armstrong

Single Idea 4448

[catalogued under 8. Modes of Existence / D. Universals / 1. Universals]

Full Idea

Should we decide what universals exist a priori (probably on semantic grounds, identifying them with the meanings of general words), or a posteriori (looking to our best general theories about nature to give revisable conjectures about universals)?

Gist of Idea

Should we decide which universals exist a priori (through words), or a posteriori (through science)?


David M. Armstrong (Universals [1995], p.505)

Book Reference

'A Companion to Metaphysics', ed/tr. Kim,Jaegwon/Sosa,Ernest [Blackwell 1995], p.505

A Reaction

Nice question for a realist. Although the problem is first perceived in the use of language, if we think universals are a real feature of nature, we should pursue them scientifically, say I.