more from David M. Armstrong

Single Idea 4032

[catalogued under 8. Modes of Existence / D. Universals / 2. Need for Universals]

Full Idea

The problem of universals is the problem of how numerically different particulars can nevertheless be identical in nature, all be of the same 'type'.

Gist of Idea

The problem of universals is how many particulars can all be of the same 'type'


David M. Armstrong (Nominalism and Realism [1978], p.41), quoted by DH Mellor / A Oliver - Introduction to 'Properties' §7

Book Reference

'Properties', ed/tr. Mellor,D.H. /Oliver,A [OUP 1997], p.14

A Reaction

A nice statement of the problem. As usual, the question is whether the 'sameness' is a feature of nature, or a product of human thought