more from Robin Le Poidevin

Single Idea 22941

[catalogued under 28. God / A. Divine Nature / 5. God and Time]

Full Idea

Could a timeless being now know what the time was? If so, does this show that there must be something wrong with the idea of God as both timeless and omniscient?

Gist of Idea

How could a timeless God know what time it is? So could God be both timeless and omniscient?


Robin Le Poidevin (Travels in Four Dimensions [2003], 09 'Questions')

Book Reference

Le Poidevin,Robin: 'Travels in Four Dimensions' [OUP 2003], p.147

A Reaction

This is a potential contradiction between the perfections of a supreme God which I had not noticed before. Leibniz tried to refute such objections, but not very successfully, I think.

Related Idea

Idea 21252 Perfections must have overlapping parts if their incompatibility is to be proved [Leibniz]