more from Pamela Foa

Single Idea 20888

[catalogued under 25. Social Practice / F. Life Issues / 5. Sexual Morality]

Full Idea

Rape of children is at least as heinous as rape of adults, though few believe that children have or ought to have the same large domain of consent adults (male and female) ought to have.

Gist of Idea

Rape of children is dreadful, but no one thinks children should have a right of consent


Pamela Foa (What's Wrong with Rape? [1977], 1)

Book Reference

'Ethics in Practice (2nd Ed)', ed/tr. LaFollette,Hugh [Blackwell 2002], p.213

A Reaction

A powerful point. She is not quite spelling out the crux, which is that no one thinks children should have a right to consent to sexual intercourse, which means that consent is irrelevant in such a case of rape. So it can't be the key to adult rape?