more from Michael Walzer

Single Idea 20592

[catalogued under 25. Social Practice / B. Equalities / 2. Political equality]

Full Idea

Complex equality tries to keep advantages in one area (such as money) from translating into advantages in politics or before the law.

Gist of Idea

Complex equality restricts equalities from spilling over, like money influencing politics and law


report of Michael Walzer (Spheres of Justice [1983]) by Tuckness,A/Wolf,C - This is Political Philosophy 3 'Complex'

Book Reference

Tuckness,A / Wolf,C: 'This is Political Philosophy' [Wiley Blackwell 2017], p.74

A Reaction

Put like that, Walzer's complex equality becomes very interesting, and pinpoints a major problem of our age, where discrepancies of wealth have become staggeringly large at the top end.