more from David M. Armstrong

Single Idea 18390

[catalogued under 1. Philosophy / E. Nature of Metaphysics / 5. Metaphysics beyond Science]

Full Idea

My plea, whatever conclusions are drawn, is to control the metaphysical discussion by continual reference to suggested truthmakers.

Gist of Idea

All metaphysical discussion should be guided by a quest for truthmakers


David M. Armstrong (Truth and Truthmakers [2004], 08.7)

Book Reference

Armstrong,D.M.: 'Truth and Truthmakers' [CUP 2004], p.107

A Reaction

...And my plea is to control metaethical discussion by continual reference to value-makers. In general, this is the approach which will deliver a unified account of the world. Truthmakers are the ideal restraint on extravagant metaphysics.