more from David M. Armstrong

Single Idea 18378

[catalogued under 8. Modes of Existence / B. Properties / 3. Types of Properties]

Full Idea

Length is a 'determinable' property; being some particular length, such as a mile, is one of its 'determinates'.

Gist of Idea

Length is a 'determinable' property, and one mile is one its 'determinates'


David M. Armstrong (Truth and Truthmakers [2004], 05.2.1)

Book Reference

Armstrong,D.M.: 'Truth and Truthmakers' [CUP 2004], p.62

A Reaction

The seem to be 'type' and 'token' properties, except that this other vocabulary indicates the link between them.

Related Idea

Idea 18379 The determinates of a determinable must be incompatible with each other [Armstrong]