more from John Mayberry

Single Idea 17805

[catalogued under 6. Mathematics / B. Foundations for Mathematics / 6. Mathematics as Set Theory / a. Mathematics is set theory]

Full Idea

The fons et origo of all confusion is the view that set theory is just another axiomatic theory and the universe of sets just another mathematical structure. ...The universe of sets the world that all mathematical structures inhabit.


'Fons et origo' is the original source

Gist of Idea

Set theory is not just another axiomatised part of mathematics


John Mayberry (What Required for Foundation for Maths? [1994], p.416-1)

Book Reference

'Philosophy of Mathematics: anthology', ed/tr. Jacquette,Dale [Blackwell 2002], p.416

Related Idea

Idea 17802 We don't translate mathematics into set theory, because it comes embodied in that way [Mayberry]