more from A.J. Ayer

Single Idea 5185

[catalogued under 12. Knowledge Sources / D. Empiricism / 4. Pro-Empiricism]

Full Idea

It is further sense-experience which informs us of the mistakes that arise out of sense-experience.

Gist of Idea

It is further sense-experience which informs us of the mistakes that arise out of sense-experience


A.J. Ayer (Language,Truth and Logic [1936], Ch.1)

Book Reference

Ayer,A.J.: 'Language, Truth and Logic' [Penguin 1974], p.53

A Reaction

This is a wonderfull plain-spoken challenge to anyone who thinks they can demonstrate facts a priori about reality. 'I see this object in two places at once'? 'This object appears to be both red and green'?