more from Rudolph Carnap

Single Idea 13934

[catalogued under 7. Existence / D. Theories of Reality / 3. Reality]

Full Idea

To be real in the scientific sense means to be an element of the system; hence this concept cannot be meaningfully applied to the system itself.

Gist of Idea

To be 'real' is to be an element of a system, so we cannot ask reality questions about the system itself


Rudolph Carnap (Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology [1950], 2)

Book Reference

Carnap,Rudolph: 'Meaning and Necessity (2nd ed)' [Chicago 1988], p.207

A Reaction

I'm not sure why there has to be a specifically 'scientific sense' to beig real. It is common sense, though, that the concepts within a system cannot be unthinkingly applied to the system itself. Chess sets don't make knight moves.