more from K Marx / F Engels

Single Idea 5301

[catalogued under 25. Social Practice / E. Policies / 5. Education / d. Study of history]

Full Idea

The history of all existing society is the history of class struggles.

Gist of Idea

The history of all existing society is the history of class struggles


K Marx / F Engels (The Communist Manifesto [1848], §1)

Book Reference

Marx,K./Engels,F.: 'The Communist Manifesto', ed/tr. Taylor,A.J.P. [Penguin 1973], p.79

A Reaction

This seems to make, say, the English Peasants' Revolt of 1481 crucial, and the building of Lincoln Cathedral fairly minor. Where does the advent of the telephone figure? Etc. Still, we must concede his point. Most medieval history is about power.