more from Johann Fichte

Single Idea 22064

[catalogued under 11. Knowledge Aims / C. Knowing Reality / 3. Idealism / b. Transcendental idealism]

Full Idea

Only Fichte's principles are deduced in his book, that is, the logical ones, and not even these completely. And what about the practical, the moral and ethical ones. Society, learning, wit, art, and so on are also entitled to be deduced here.

Gist of Idea

Fichte's logic is much too narrow, and doesn't deduce ethics, art, society or life


comment on Johann Fichte (The Science of Knowing (Wissenschaftslehre) [1st ed] [1794]) by Friedrich Schlegel - works Vol 18 p.34

Book Reference

'A Companion to Continental Philosophy', ed/tr. Critchley,S/Schroeder,W [Blackwell 1999], p.71

A Reaction

This is the beginnings of the romantic rebellion against a rather narrowly rationalist approach to philosophy. Schlegel also objects to the fact that Fichte only had one axiom (presumably the idea of the not-Self).