more from Aristotle

Single Idea 11245

[catalogued under 18. Thought / B. Mechanics of Thought / 5. Mental Files]

Full Idea

Many recollections of the same thing perform the function of a single experience.

Gist of Idea

Many memories make up a single experience


Aristotle (Metaphysics [c.324 BCE], 0980b28)

Book Reference

Aristotle: 'Metaphysics', ed/tr. Lawson-Tancred,Hugh [Penguin 1998], p.4

A Reaction

This beautifully simple remark seems to me to be extremely important if we are going to understand the nature of thought. Personally I think it endorses the 'database' view of how the mind works (as a set of labelled 'files'). See Fodor's 'LOT2'.