more from George Berkeley

Single Idea 3942

[catalogued under 7. Existence / A. Nature of Existence / 5. Reason for Existence]

Full Idea

It is to me a sufficient reason not to believe the existence of anything, if I see no reason for believing it.

Gist of Idea

I do not believe in the existence of anything, if I see no reason to believe it


George Berkeley (Three Dialogues of Hylas and Philonous [1713], II p.205)

Book Reference

Berkeley,George: 'The Principles of Human Knowledge etc.', ed/tr. Warnock,G.J. [Fontana 1962], p.205

A Reaction

This may just be a reasonable application of Ockham's Razor, but I fear that Berkeley painted himself into corner by demanding too many 'reasons' for everything.